The grand meeting lasting for many days is finally coming to an end. On this day, the Lord of Tianjian mountain appears.

First, according to the old rules, he encouraged some of the most dazzling posterity of this grand gathering, including Lin Xuan.

Even though he came from the outside world, he still won the respect of all people by his own brilliant achievements. Even the guardian gave him praise, and no one dared to underestimate him!

After that, the Lord of Tianjian mountain said another amazing news!

"This is the end of Yandang Mountain. Some changes have taken place in it. The Taoist priest has sealed the mountain. Don't mention it any more in the future. Don't cause great trouble!"

The voice of the Lord is very low, containing some warning meaning, such as a basin of cold water poured on everyone's heart, let people hair cool!

This kind of news makes many monks feel disappointed. Many of them come here not to participate in the grand meeting, but to follow the back of Tianjian mountain and get a share of Yandang Mountain!

You know, such a large tomb is extremely rare. There must be many good things in it. If you can enter it, it's a great chance!

Unfortunately, now everything is empty!

In front of a majestic heavenly palace, Shen MuQing stands with her sword in her arms. Her green silk flies. She looks at Lin Xuan in front of her body and says: "you guessed it. The existence of Yandang Mountain is not simple. It has a great origin."

"Even the guardian was afraid. When he heard the news, he rushed over and sealed the tomb again in person."

Lin Xuan chuckled: "it's OK. I thought I'd go to Yandang Mountain before I left. I made preparations early, but now I'm relieved!"

"Now it seems that the crazy old man he met earlier may be true. There is an ancient demon God buried in it..."

In ancient times, there were many families and demons, and many powerful demons were born, including powerful demon gods and Demons saints!

Even, in some ancient records, the demon clan once gave birth to the emperor and the emperor. They were extremely brilliant. They were invincible in nine days and ten places, and respected all over the world. They once said that they respected an era!

But that is very far away, is not yet the rise of the era of the Terran!

"Crazy old man? Demon God

Yan Chixiao's eyes were bright and deep.

Lin Xuan nodded: "yes, Mu Qing and I had been to the outskirts of Yandang Mountain before. We met a crazy old man, sometimes confused and sometimes sober. We learned this secret from him!"

"At that time, I didn't know whether it was true or not. Now, I think that crazy old man should be an expert in the world!"

Shen Qingfeng's eyebrows slightly raised: "if it is the mausoleum of the demon God, it can really be regarded as the origin of the world."

In ancient times, the demon God could be as powerful as the human God King. In the age of saints, the world was invincible!

Even if the most powerful one dies and is buried in the earth, the back hand left by him is absolutely terrible. He won't let people disturb his peace after death.

At the beginning, although they entered the semi saint's cave in the mysterious place, it was not the semi saint's burial place. There was no crisis, otherwise they could not enter.

"When it comes to this, it's time for us to leave."

Since Yandang Mountain can't go, Lin Xuan naturally doesn't want to stay here. He greets Shen Qingfeng and others and asks them if they have anything to do.

"If we have anything to do, we'll stay and wait for you. Now that we meet again, we can leave at any time." Shen Qingfeng shook his head with a smile.

"Well, you wait for me for two days."

Lin Xuan is not as free and easy as Shen Qingfeng. He really has something to do.


Although Yao Shiyi is not very reliable, he still fulfilled his promise.

Shiwa is now in Tianjian mountain. Lin Xuan hasn't had time to see the boy. After all, this is the first disciple he personally accepted.

He found Yao Shiyi and asked him to take him to see Shiwa.

"Ha ha, to tell you the truth, a few months ago, I didn't think you really dare to come to Tianjian mountain!"

Yao Xi laughs.

"At that time, you killed the young master of the Teng nationality, which means that you have a grudge with the Teng nationality and Lingyun sect. If you come here to show up, you will inevitably have a fierce battle. I'm afraid many people will kill you."

"Even if you do come here, you will not show your true face."

"It's a pity that I underestimate you. You not only come here in a dignified manner, but also sweep over a number of saints and sons with your own strength, subduing your peers. The brilliant achievements are awe inspiring."

Before the body, Yao 11 complexion complex stare at Lin Xuan, some emotion way.

"I should be glad I'm not against you, otherwise I'm afraid I can't stand in front of you like this now."

Before Lin XuanZhen killed the young master of Teng nationality, Yao Shiyi just felt that Lin Xuan was extraordinary and surprised, but he didn't really care.

Later, it was just for Lin Xuan's sake that he was more polite to him.

But now it is different, Yao eleven that is from the heart of awe.

"What happened to Shiwa?"

Lin Xuan did not respond to Yao Xi, but asked in reverse.

"Oh, that child is also poor. He was born with blocked orifices and acupoints and blocked meridians."

"But fortunately I met you..."

"During this time, Shiwa has been using the medicine to rush the pulse according to the method you taught him, and has broken 96 orifices and acupoints!"

For others, as long as they practice the Scriptures, successfully lead the aura of heaven and earth into the body, and complete a week, they can be regarded as a practitioner.

But Shiwa is different. If he wants to run Zhoutian, he must first break the orifices and acupoints in his body and moisten the weak meridians.


Lin Xuan nodded, this speed is not slow.

He remembers that at the beginning of the separation, Shiwa only broke through more than 40 orifices, which had the effect of Lin Xuan and Shen MuQing's guidance, supplemented by precious elixir such as Lei Lingdan.

Lin Xuan followed Yao Shiyi and entered the back mountain of Tianjian mountain. On a straight cloud peak, there were many children sitting on stones, facing the East, and they were practicing seriously.

They look six or seven years old, full of vigor and clear eyes.

Lin Xuan followed his eyes and found a figure out of place.

That is a teenager, only a teenager, thin clothes, looks a little thin.

The children around him are much smaller than him, but their breath is as strong as a blazing fire.

Only that young man, if Lin Xuan didn't feel it carefully, he couldn't feel the drizzle like aura in his body.


Although the boy's breath was weak, he had a keen sense of mind. It seemed that he had heard his footsteps and turned his head subconsciously.

The young man's cheek was still very tender and white. He stretched his neck and looked at Lin Xuan as if he were stunned.

At the next moment, the boy came back to his senses and stood up from the ground in a hurry. First he was happy on his face, then he burst into tears for some reason!

"Shifu... Shiwa missed you so much..."

Stone baby tears rushed to Lin Xuan body, he tightly grasped Lin Xuan's sleeve, as if afraid of the next second Lin Xuan ran away from him.

At this moment, Lin Xuan's eyes are also very complex. The young man who met by chance can feel his feelings. Lin Xuan really regards him as a relative.

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