"Master, you haven't come to see me for such a long time. I thought you didn't want me anymore..."

Stone baby crying, but not half of the face of sadness, he is crying with joy!

When Lin Xuan saw Shi wa like this, he was also a little emotional. He touched the boy's head with his warm hand, and his eyes were soft. He said, "if you don't cry, you are the only disciple of master. How can you not come?"

It's strange to say that Lin Xuan is not much older than Shi WA, and his appearance is still that of a young man!

They look more like elder brother and younger brother. They are both very young.

However, Yao Shiyi doesn't feel strange. A strong practitioner can turn Yin and Yang and rejuvenate himself. Although Lin Xuan is younger, it is also the result of his physical transformation.

Even if you are not a practitioner, standing beside him, you can feel the exuberant vitality and the heavy and powerful heartbeat of him!

Every inch of his skin was as white as a treasure.

Day after day, Lin Xuan is on the way to becoming a saint!

The master and the apprentice haven't seen each other for a long time. Shi wa seems to have endless words. He said to Lin Xuan, "master, according to the method you taught me, I have broken through 98 orifices and acupoints in my body. It's not far from penetrating 108 orifices and leading Lingqi to run for a week!"

"Shifu, Shiwa is about to become a practitioner!"

The youth's face is full of vigor and vitality, and his eyes are full of hope, which is his greatest desire!

"Shifu, are you going to take Shiwa away?"

Lin Xuan takes Shi Wa's hand and takes him down Yunfeng. All the way, the teenagers are very happy and chirp.

"Do you want to get out of here?"

Lin Xuan did not answer, but asked in reverse.

"If you want to, Shiwa will go wherever Shifu goes!" Shiwa did not hesitate, nodded heavily.

Although no one bullied him here, Shi wa always felt out of place when he was practicing with those children. He had been looking forward to Lin Xuan's coming to pick him up for a long time.

All the children are innocent. Every day, apart from playing, they are inspired by the teacher's instruction to practice spirituality, which is very pure.

In contrast, Shiwa will appear to be preoccupied, he has already lost that innocence, unable to integrate into these children's world.

Smell speech, Lin Xuan suddenly stopped a footstep, he is silent down, in the brain continuously ponder.

Yao Shiyi on one side said, "brother Lin, if you want to leave fengxu, it's always inconvenient to take Shiwa with you. You'd better let him stay in Tianjian mountain."

"The road ahead is dangerous. I don't know how many strong enemies are waiting for you. Shiwa is too weak. He will drag you down if he follows you!"

Lin Xuan naturally understood what this meant.

He is regarded highly by the caretakers, who say that he is Tianjiao with the "king of God" posture. Sooner or later, such news will spread to the road ahead, and many people will be interested in him.

After a long silence, Lin Xuan also knew that Yao Xi was right. The road ahead was changeable. He didn't know what would happen. It was really inconvenient to take Shi wa with him and take care of him.

But Lin Xuan didn't know how to tell Shi wa that he couldn't just meet him. He told him that he was leaving again?

Will he be sad?

Unexpectedly, Shi Wa is very smart. He seems to see Lin Xuan's dilemma. He stares at Lin Xuan with small eyes and says like a little adult: "brother 11 is right. I'm too weak. Following master will only drag master's hind legs. I don't want to be a burden to master..."

"If Shifu wants Shiwa to stay, Shiwa will listen to Shifu."

"When Shiwa grows up and is as powerful as Shifu, he will look for Shifu again..."

Lin Xuan felt a little relieved in his eyes. He touched his head again and said with a smile, "it's rare that you are so sensible when you are young. But don't worry. Before you leave, master will help you to break through all the closed orifices in your body and watch you step on the road of practice with his own eyes before you leave."


The stone baby gently eh a, he hangs a head, know Lin Xuan words of meaning, although in the heart understand, still have some loss.


Lin Xuan takes Shi wa to see Shen Qingfeng and others. He and situ Xianer are also present. Knowing that the boy is Lin xuanshou's disciple, they all show a kind smile to Shi wa.

"OK, you even have disciples this time!" Shen Qingfeng looked at Lin Xuan and said with a smile.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect brother Lin to be a teacher. It seems that Yan still stayed in yesterday. He is also very emotional."

Yan Chixiao also comes to congratulate him. He stares at Shiwa. His eyes, like fire eyes, show golden light. He looks at Shiwa's muscles and bones carefully.

However, to his regret, the young man's qualifications are mediocre, or even poor.

But after all, it was Lin Xuan's disciple, and Yan Chixiao didn't say much.

"In fact, it's nothing. Brother Lin is the best. He's not even a rival to an ordinary spiritual master. In some small sects, brother Lin is absolutely qualified to be an elder!"

Situ Mingyue didn't think it was incredible, but he felt the same as Yan Chixiao. The boy in front of him was very ordinary, and didn't make him feel special. I don't know why Lin Xuan chose such a disciple.

"Little guy, your name is Shiwa, isn't it? Hehe, I'm from the same school as your master. I'm half of your uncle..."

Shen Qingfeng took the boy's hand and said happily.

He entered the qixuezong practice earlier than Lin Xuan. Although he was of the same generation, there was no mistake in claiming to be a martial uncle.

"Here, it's a gift from my uncle. Don't refuse. Keep it!"

He didn't know where to find a black jade ring. The black light overflowed and looked very extraordinary. He put it in Shiwa's hand.

There's no doubt that it's a storage ring, and it's still a very good one, with a lot of internal space.

Since you have given a high-class storage ring, it will not be empty. I'm afraid there will be a lot of cultivation resources.

Everyone smiles and sighs that Shen Qingfeng is really generous. It's a big gift for a young man who meets for the first time, which makes them all envy.

"Thank you, master!"

Originally, Shi wa didn't want to accept it, but he saw Lin Xuan's acquiescent eyes and nodded and called respectfully.

On one side, Shen MuQing also came over, but there was no need to introduce him. Shi wa took the initiative to throw herself into Shen MuQing's arms and said happily: "sister Shen..."

Shi wa knows who is good to him and is very close to Shen MuQing.

"Ha ha, your uncle Qingfeng is so generous. How can I be stingy..."

Shen MuQing glances at Shen Qingfeng, and a simple ruby ring appears in her hand. It's as bright as rouge, and it's shining.

Obviously, it's also an extraordinary storage ring. There are also a lot of cultivation resources in it, as well as some incomplete and secret skills that are not very important to her.

The youth is too weak, even if she wants to give some real magic, she is afraid that the youth can't keep it. After all, everyone is innocent.

"Thank you, sister Shen!" With the acquiescence of Lin Xuan, Shi wa accepted another gift.

Although he and Shen MuQing are familiar.

As for Shen MuQing, she nodded slightly with a smile, but she didn't correct the juvenile's name. Strictly speaking, she should also be called uncle, but it's obvious that Shen MuQing likes Shi Wa's name of sister Shen more.

On one side, Yan Chixiao is also a little embarrassed. People give him presents. He has a good relationship with Lin Xuan. He used to be a student of Tianxing University. He's half an elder. He can't be empty handed.

Thinking about this, Yan Chixiao also turns out a brown bag of heaven and earth. He is not as generous as Shen MuQing. He gives a first-class storage ring directly. After all, it is useful for him for the time being.

However, there are many gifts. In the bag of heaven and earth, there are some insights of his practice, some pills and spirit stones, which are also a big gift for Shiwa.

"If brother Shen hadn't reminded me, I would have forgotten. Take it, little fellow. It's a gift from Uncle Yan..."

In terms of age, he is a few years older than Lin Xuan. It's nothing to boast of his uncle.

There are Shen Qingfeng and Zhu Yu in front, and some Saint son level people who have just known each other are unwilling to fall behind. With a smile on their face, they come forward to make friends with the little guy, ask him to be called martial uncle, and give him a rich meeting gift.

Now, Shi Wa is a little dizzy. It seems that he has become the sweet cake of the people present. No matter what he knows or not, he has to come up and give him a gift.

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