The guard of this pass will be a strong middle-aged man, with a face like hell, a bear on the back of a tiger, and a silver armor full of immortal light. He looks very fierce!

His dignified eyes swept over Lin Xuan, with praise and surprise in his eyes.

What he said just now was from the bottom of his heart. He didn't mean to kill Lin Xuan.

You should know that he is not the so-called "friar" in fengxu. He has never experienced war and chaos. He has got up step by step from the dead. His own strength is very strong, especially the control of power!

When Lin Xuan was crazy earlier, he didn't know his identity. He just came here to solve the problem with a bloody face

Although it didn't use all its strength, it wasn't able to resist.

Even if he was a half step master, he would lose half his life if he took the palm of his hand. Although Lin Xuan seemed miserable, he just broke a few ribs and didn't really hurt the source!

This is the reason why Lin Xuan could get up from the sunken ground and walk over. Although he was injured in the blow just now, it was not fatal!

"I almost fell into the devil's way by accident. Thank you for waking me up in time. That's why I didn't make a disaster."

No matter the original intention of the general is simple to solve the trouble, but the damage to himself is not calculated in place, or he is deliberately lenient, now Lin Xuan is bound to choose the latter!

Because in this way, it can be said that he was invaded by evil for a while, and it was an unintentional fault. Even if he caused some casualties, there is still reason to explain.

In this way, because of his powerful fighting power and infinite potential, no matter who is angry, it will never break out and will choose to calm down.

"Needless to say, thank you. You're better than I expected. It's just that there's a big problem in practicing skills. If you can't solve it properly, you may waste your talent!"

Lin Xuan said that there was something wrong with his practice, and the general of silver armour didn't doubt it. This kind of thing is not uncommon.

Only a small number of holy places and immortal sects in the outside world have the highest and complete scriptures, except for these holy places.

If other practitioners want to practice higher quality skills, most of them are pieced together. Some of the powerful ancient scriptures are incompatible, so they are prone to problems!

"I have known the crux of the problem and will try to solve it in recent days. Thank you for your advice!"

Seeing that the silver armour guard really didn't mean any harm to himself, Lin Xuan got closer to him.

The silver armour guard nodded and his majestic voice rang out again: "your crux has been found, but how should you deal with those people who were hurt unintentionally? They are on fire at the gate of the city, bringing disaster to the fish in the pond. "

"The younger generation will naturally give corresponding compensation to calm down the situation!"

Lin Xuan's attitude is very correct, he is duty bound.

"Well, do as you say!"

Silver armour defends general this just satisfaction of nod, in the eyes peep out pleased of color.

However, he seemed to be looking at Lin Xuan's miserable situation. After all, he was the one who caused it, so he generously threw Lin Xuan a white jade bottle.

"I think you've also suffered a lot. You've lost some of your qi and blood. These pills will be my compensation to you."

After that, without waiting for Lin Xuan to thank him, his figure came out like a sword light, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

This is the real heaven and earth, the real extraordinary realm!

In the past, Lin Xuan would be more eager to practice hard. His previous life was too ordinary, and he didn't want to finish this life, so he was able to move forward all the way.

But now, all of a sudden, this belief has been shaken.

The distant whisper, even if only intermittently, made Lin Xuan cold from head to foot.

There's a ghost in his body!

If you say what's the biggest difference in himself, Lin Xuan's first thought is not his identity as a passer-by.

It's the sudden emergence of the system

All this reveals the secret!

Originally, Lin Xuan thought that he was the lucky one who was hit by heaven. He was born again and was destined to be invincible in the world!

But now Lin Xuan completely denied his naive and ridiculous idea.

In fact, all gifts that seem to be fate have already been secretly priced.

He began to recall, more details.

Lin Xuan was sure that before his rebirth, the owner of the body could not have the system, otherwise he would not die and be taken away by him!

All the fates begin to interweave from his arrival, like a cobweb, spreading to the whole world!

There is definitely a big problem with his system!

Even, a terrible idea poured into his mind, which made Lin Xuan feel a little out of breath

Maybe he exists only to support the so-called "system" in his body!

He remembered his poor experience when he first killed the monster and the enemy. Later, he gradually became numb and even actively blocked the experience in his mind at that moment

Gradually walking on the right road, fighting all the way

To be stronger!

And everything around him, all the time affect him, are promoting him, to become strong as soon as possible!

So, he went crazy to practice, just to let the experience value continue to grow, he also had the experience of hunting, will get more experience and reward

But now, Lin Xuan suddenly didn't know what the meaning of his practice was. What he got was a series of experience values? Or real cultivation?

Or, all he has is given to him by the system.

Invincible combat power?

But one day, when the "system" is strong enough to no longer need him, will it occupy his body, or will people go to the tea cooler, and everything will fall into the abyss again?

Lin Xuan didn't know. He looked confused in his eyes.

Lin Xuan had never doubted the rationality of the existence of this "system" before, but now he couldn't help thinking about it.

It all comes from that whisper

"Does my power belong to me, or does he lend it to me?"

Lin Xuan subconsciously regards "system" as a mysterious individual, not a tool, and calls it "he"!

"Or, this power never belongs to me..."

He came back to himself for a short time, holding his own fists, standing in ragged clothes with dull eyes, while the silver guard had already left.

Lin Xuan's heart suddenly became very confused, as if he had been exhausted after dealing with the general, and he was unwilling to cover it up

This kind of tiredness is far worse than his ten days and nights of fighting.

Lin Xuan was biting his teeth. He remembered the root of his change. His scarlet eyes were bloody. He looked around coldly, but he didn't find the figure of the boy in Xuanyi again!

"You go to the city to heal your wounds, and give these pills to the friars I accidentally hurt. Wait for me in the imperial pass, and I'll be back soon!"

Lin Xuan doesn't wait for Shen MuQing and others to respond. He runs away like crazy and scans the crowd. Many people tremble when they see him. They think he's mad again and is going to kill him!

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