Even though there had been an earth shaking war earlier, the monks in front of the imperial pass soon recovered and regained some of their glory.

Unfortunately, before he was able to calm down for a long time, someone called out: "no, Lin Xuan is crazy again!"


All the friars were running away for fear that they would be affected, which was fatal.

At the same time, Lin Xuan was bathed in blood, which was very frightening. No one dared to gamble, and he was flying away.

"Stop, come back to me!"

"I'm only looking for one person. Anyone who saw the young man in Xuanyi who just bought Taiyin xuanjing told me that I gave him half of the ancient Sutra of holy steps!"

Lin Xuan roared. At this moment, he had already thrown other things out of the sky. There was only one idea in his mind, which was to find the boy in Xuanyi!

He still clearly remembers the intermittent murmur: "it's you. Have you... Failed? You're on my way..."

The boy in Xuanyi must have a problem, and maybe he can get the answer he wants.

However, no matter how Lin Xuan roared, no one stopped. They all hated that they still didn't run fast enough!

Seeing that such a way didn't seem to work, Lin Xuan changed his way again. He used his speed to catch a monk who was a little familiar. He drank and asked, "where did the boy who bought Taiyin xuanjing go just now? Tell me?"

"What Xuanyi boy... I... I don't know..."

Being watched by his terrible eyes, the friar was about to cry. He had been killed for eight generations. So many people didn't chase him. Why did they chase him!

"Tell me, where did the boy in Xuanyi go?" Lin Xuan stopped another man, and his eyes were gloomy.

"I don't know..."

This man was a middle-aged stall owner. He was not far away just now, and his cultivation had already reached the peak of his spiritual realm. But in Lin Xuan's hands, he was like a chicken. He couldn't give birth to the idea of fighting, so he directly recognized his advice.


Looking at Lin Xuan's look of killing people, he quickly changed his words and said, "Oh... I remember... I remember. It seems that he is going in that direction..."

"Wait for me here, remember, if you dare to cheat me..."

Lin Xuan didn't have time to think about it at the moment. He knew that the longer the delay, the less chance he had to find the boy. He could only choose to believe the middle-aged stall owner's words!

"Dare not..."

Trembling stall owner quickly waved his hand, his face full of fat showed the color of fear!

But then, he saw that Lin Xuan disappeared from the spot like a sword and ran after the stall owner's finger!


Shortly after he left, some of the surviving monks were still scared and said, "this man is really a madman. He just looked well. Why did he suddenly start to get sick again..."

"It's said that there's something wrong with the practice. I'm afraid it's a big problem now..."

"Hey, man, what are you doing..."

Just now, the middle-aged stall owner was quickly putting away some things that had fallen from his feet. Then he staggered and did not turn his head back. It was the opposite direction of Lin Xuan.

"How can I know where the boy in Xuanyi has gone? I just want to protect his life. Who knows if that crazy Lin will kill me as soon as he gets sick..."

"Damn, I'm not stupid. I can't stir up trouble. Can't I hide?"

The middle-aged stall owner swearing, voice intermittent, but the foot is more and more agile, the whole human into a god rainbow away!

"Bad, in case the crazy Lin comes back later and finds that he can't find the fat white man, what will he do with us?"

"The wind is pulling and whistling..."

"It's premature!"

Before the emperor's pass, he managed to recover his short-term peace with the intervention of the general. Now he is jumping up again

At the moment, a small figure in black mixed into the crowd, running against Lin Xuan, and taking his life

No one paid attention to him, because everyone was like him

"The evil doer is right. He is so fierce that he is looking for me. He must be coveting the Taiyin xuanjing I bought at a high price..."

"Fortunately, I'm witty and reserved my skills. I didn't show my true face to others. I changed my face with my family's secret method in the chaos, and I didn't get recognized..."

The little figure in black was running wildly while he couldn't help boasting about himself

"What a genius I am!"

However, he... Oh no, it should be said that she did not run in the direction of fengxu. Instead, she plunged into the imperial pass. It was not until she stepped into Yumen and left this realm that she was completely relieved

However, under the black cloak, the girl broke her fingers and said, "Oh, but I've been running out for so long. When I get back to the family, my mother will close me up again..."

"I hope my mother hasn't found me sneaking out yet... Well, I'm kind and fraternal, the great and noble Lord of the fox clan. Xiao Jiu sincerely prays..."


Soon after, Lin Xuan's face turned back coldly. There was no doubt that he let go of all his divine knowledge and chased him for thousands of miles, but he didn't find the boy in Xuanyi he was looking for!

At this point, Lin Xuan also calmed down. He knew that now that he was like this, what could be worse?

You're going to die!

Lin Xuan completely opened up.

It's just how he struggled in his heart. The monks before the imperial pass didn't know. They thought he was going to kill. They were scared to scream when they saw him return

However, it seems that they are relieved to see that Lin Xuan doesn't have any other actions. Although they are very noisy, they are just trying to make a noise and let the guards in the imperial pass subdue Lin Xuan again.

As a result, Lin Xuan didn't seem to be in the trap.

He looked very normal and walked calmly towards the imperial pass.

Where they had passed, the monks were as quick as a frightened bird to avoid. They did not dare to say anything. The aftereffects were still there!

I saw his power earlier, and the terrible fighting power made their scalp numb and their bodies tremble!

Lin Xuan looked up at the majestic city nearby, which was the only node leading to the road ahead. He wanted to find Shen MuQing and meet them first, so they didn't have to worry about themselves.

Then, find a quiet place to find out what this "he" in your body is!

Lin Xuan didn't want to make a wedding dress for someone else. At last, he was kicked away. He might even erase all traces of his existence

That's not what Lin Xuan wants. He either lives or dies. He doesn't want to die in the future!

"Let's go together. I may not be able to leave for the time being. I don't want to delay your practice..."

"You've missed a lot in order to wait for me, so you can't waste time here all the time!"

Lin Xuan found Shen MuQing in the imperial pass. His tone was resolute, never calm!

In front of him, Shen MuQing's red skirt stands up, and her beautiful eyes are full of puzzlement. I don't know why Lin Xuan, who was still well before, suddenly changed his temperament

Shen Qingfeng took Lin Xuan's Lei Lingdan, and their injuries had almost recovered. At least they were passable.

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