"Lin Xuan, what happened? You tell us, maybe we can help you! "

Shen MuQing's beautiful face was full of shock, and her voice trembled.

"Don't ask... In the future, I mean if I have a chance, I will go to you..."

Lin Xuan's voice was a little hoarse, and it became more and more low.

However, his eyes suddenly brightened, a touch of tenacity flashed in his eyes: "no, as long as I'm still alive, I will go to you."

"Wait for me!"

When Lin Xuan said goodbye to them, tears flashed in his eyes. These close friends walked with him for a long time and had a lot of laughter. They were his few friends in the world.

But the next road, Lin Xuan can't walk with them, only he can go alone.

No one can help him, he can only help himself!

"Lin Xuan..."

The tears in her eyes burst the bank, and Shen MuQing's posture was a lot of dejected. She was inexplicably sad.

"I didn't expect to be separated so suddenly, but I have a reason to leave. I can't drag you down. I hope you can go to the ultimate place and become saints and ancestors."

Suddenly, in a trance, Lin Xuan heard the endless rushing sound in his ear, and his eyes became hazy. Terrible creatures poured in all over the world

In his eyes, scarlet was even more!

It's just that the trance was soon suppressed by Lin xuanqiang. He left not only because he wanted to find out what was in his body, but also because he found that

Since the distant and strange murmur came, it was like opening a magic box. He gradually had some difficulty in restraining the trance. The killing will make him lose his mind

If we encounter today's situation on the road ahead, maybe it will not only hurt them so easily!

No one knows better than Lin Xuan himself how strong his body is!

"My short life is nothing to be nostalgic about. If there is, I just hope that you can all live. No matter the future is torrential flood or earth shaking, you should live as much as possible!"

Hearing this, even Shen Qingfeng's nose is sour. Lin Xuan is giving them his last words!

In fact, Lin Xuan really has no bottom in his heart. He doesn't know whether he will become a monster or die out one day if he can't suppress the trance feeling

That sadness comes from the fear of the unknown.

He is really afraid of himself. This is the last time to meet them!

What kind of system, the son of destiny, is a joke from the beginning to the end!

"Ha ha ha..."

"Blame me, blame me... Why are you so sad? It's not necessary. Ha ha, maybe there will be different results..."

"You can send me. I want to go everywhere first. I want to go to a place where there are no people. If I walk around at will, I may return to my hometown..."

"No... it shouldn't be like this. It shouldn't be you who send me. It should be me who send you. Yes, I watch you step on the road ahead!"

Lin Xuan seems to be out of his mind, and he doesn't know if it's the sequela of trance.

However, at this moment, no one disobeyed Shen MuQing's request. The sudden madness seemed to show Lin Xuan's great changes.

The reason why Lin Xuan didn't tell them was that they naturally understood that maybe it was to protect them.

He also understood why he wanted to be apart from them, because Lin Xuan's eyes were no longer as bright and clear as before, but were occupied by scarlet!

In front of the gate, all the monks seem to recognize Lin Xuan and avoid him. Someone even whispers: "crazy Lin is on his way. It's a headache. I don't want to see him again."

"You'll get it!"

The man did not expect that Lin Xuan's sense of God was so sharp that he heard what he said.

This person is also a young Tianjiao, but in the face of killing them this kind of Tianjiao son of Lin madman, he is still very cold, subconsciously swallow saliva, want to run away.

However, Lin Xuan didn't even look at him. He walked right in front of him and didn't start.

Lin Xuan poured a large amount of spirit stone into them, and the domain door opened.

Then he threw most of the storage rings on his body to Shen MuQing, in which there were many sacred things he had accumulated.

Even the lotus jade platform brought out from the secret place is in it, as well as several drug kings, which are invaluable.

"These things may be useless to me. I'll leave them to you. If we meet in the future, we can return them to me again..."

These are the majority of his family that he saved with his life. He is really reluctant to give up.

Lin Xuan grinned. He didn't know what to say.

"Lin Xuan, I'll see you at the top of the mountain after this disaster!"

Shen Qingfeng roared, he thought of once he was also high spirited, self-respect!

"Well, I'll wait to see the day when you come to the world!" Lin Xuan waved his hand. The three people in front of him were covered by the storm and thunder, and stepped into the void!

At the last moment, Shen MuQing was suddenly very sad and wanted to rush out regardless of everything. He didn't want to see Lin Xuan bear alone and die silently, even if he was accompanied by him

But unfortunately, at the moment when the gate was closed, the void turned upside down and the thunder and lightning grew thick. She could only cry in silence and felt powerless.

Lin Xuan covered his smile. He was completely indifferent, and the scarlet in his eyes was even worse.

However, Lin Xuan was not willing to go down like this.

"It's not so easy for me to die."

Yes, before the last moment, Lin Xuan would fight against that kind of trance!

He left the imperial pass and did not enter. It was useless for Lin Xuan whether he went or not!

If he can survive, he will come back.

But if he can't survive, Lin Xuan doesn't want to die here. No one knows. He is too lonely. He wants to return to his hometown.

The former mercury cannot go back, and star city is his hometown.

What's the point of being with Lin Yu!

"Wait for me, if one day, our graves must be next to each other!"

Lin Xuan grinned. He turned into a rainbow and left dazezhou. The climate here was too humid for him to like.

Silent, Lin Xuan is still a bloody line in the vast mountains, all the way did not rely on the domain door, all by their own feet.

Thirsty then drink morning dew, hungry then hunt a monster to roast to eat, as if there is no purpose.

Seven days later, Lin Xuan came to a grave.

That is the tomb of the descendants of Jianchi.

On one side, there is a small grave, burying the infatuated woman named yunniang.

Not far away, a desolate house stands alone, no one smokes for a long time, no one cleans, covered with dust and cobwebs.

Here is quiet and peaceful, flowers, birds, fish and insects, a school of nature.

When he first came here, Lin Xuan was impetuous and couldn't feel the beauty here.

But looking back on his memory, he wanted to find a secluded place where there was no smoke.

The simple villagers live at the foot of the mountain, but the barren house is built on the hillside, and there is no one to disturb it on weekdays.

Lin Xuan took it as his foothold, as if it had disappeared from the world.


He didn't know that the news about him from the outside world spread all over the fengxu world.

Tianjiao, which had attracted worldwide attention, was going to wither in an instant!

"There was a big problem in Lin Xuan's practice. He entered the countdown. He left his old friends in the imperial pass and didn't go on his way."

"Sometimes he is normal, sometimes he is mad. It is said that there are two kinds of irreconcilable skills in his practice..."

"He was crazy before the imperial pass and almost killed his three old friends... He finally disappeared. I don't know where he went?"

"Ha ha, how about sweeping all the saints? In the end, we can only stop here..."

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