The valley is quiet and peaceful. The clear spring water flows down from the top of the mountain, forming a gurgling stream and moistening everything in the mountain.

The water of the stream is clear and misty. It is like an immortal mist and contains dense aura. The weeds and wild flowers on both sides of the stream have been infected with a trace of spirituality for a long time. They sway with the wind and are vivid and natural.

The cool breeze came from the valley, and Lin Xuan sat on a huge stone. The infinite aura of heaven and earth around him turned into wisps of white rays, which made Lin Xuan look more sacred and extraordinary, just like a banished immortal.

Suddenly, it was more than half a month. During this time, Lin Xuan was like a mortal, working at sunrise and resting at sunset.

In the daytime, he would go into this quiet valley to keep company with nature. Sometimes he would sit on the rocks to arouse Xuangong, and he was still practicing.

It seemed that only when he was far away from the noise of the world and forgot everything, could Lin Xuan suppress the trance feeling in his mind, the sound of rushing in his ears, and the scarlet in his eyes!

At night, he sometimes dreams, and goes back to the fierce battlefield again and again, fighting with those terrible creatures. He can't get away from it. He has to fight to exhaustion every time!

This is absolutely abnormal for a monk. The dreams of ordinary people are out of control. However, as a monk, he has already condensed his spirit. Generally speaking, he can't dream at all.

Even more impossible to be immersed in a dream and unable to wake up, Lin Xuan knew that the sequelae of the mysterious and distant whisper still deeply affected him.

However, in the past half a month, Lin Xuan has not gained nothing. He has entered the depths of his platform several times with his spirit, and finally found a clue.

A mysterious spiritual mark

The mark is very hazy, in the deepest part of Lin Xuanling platform, like a human figure, seems to draw a dungeon, trapped himself in the small world.

Lin Xuan's spirit could not go any further, but was blocked by the mysterious power. He could only take a look at it from a distance.

Lin Xuan found that the mysterious mark seemed to be parasitized in his platform. Every spiritual power he gained from his practice would be separated from the platform and disappeared into the spiritual mark.

Lin Xuan didn't notice these things before, and he can't find them until now.

"If it wasn't for the inexplicable whisper, I would not have found such a mysterious mark in my own platform, even if I had condensed my soul!"

Lin Xuan got up from the boulder. He didn't enter the valley. Many mountain people didn't know that the valley was not so simple. Deep in the valley, the source of the spring water, there was a pool cold and bone deep.

This is Lin Xuan's discovery in recent days. The stream contains a faint aura, but the valley rarely feels this pure aura.

Curious for a moment, he traced back to the source of the spring and found the unusual aura fluctuation here.

In the cold water, there is a sleeping dragon!

After several explorations, Lin Xuan found that this big dragon was just transformed into a dragon, and its strength was at the peak of Lingshi realm, which was nothing to Lin Xuan.

He did not hide, directly sacrifice the white jade heaven and earth tripod, just like a holy mountain moving to fill the deep pool, stirring up thousands of waves!

This is not for the mortals at the foot of the mountain to kill demons, just to verify his guess.


A blue light rushed out of the pool, roared angrily, and surged in the sky, revealing a huge body.

"Who is disturbing the peace of the king and does not want to live?"

It was a green dragon, with terrible tusks growing in its mouth. There were two bumps on its sharp forehead, and its sharp eyes were cold and gloomy!

It is 100 meters long and as thick as a thousand year old wood. It is hard for two people to hold it together. The whole body is covered with a layer of hard scales, with a green luster. Under the scales, there is a stream of water!

Obviously, this object was not born to be a dragon, but was transformed into a python. With the help of a holy spring in the deep pool, it has been cultivated for a hundred years and finally became a climate!

Now has been born a mind, mouth spit people's words, quite powerful!

However, Lin Xuanyi was not afraid and looked at the green dragon calmly!

At the same time, qingjiao also looked at Lin Xuan.

In the past, there were still mountain people who intruded into its territory by mistake. Later, after it ate several stupid Terrans, no one dared to disturb his peace again!

Unexpectedly, someone came here today to challenge him, which made qingjiao very angry!

However, he was not stupid. He soon found that Lin Xuan's terrible power made him feel a little dangerous!

"King qingjiao?"

Lin Xuan sneered. There were no powerful creatures in this valley. How dare a demon clan at the peak of the spirit Master be king?

There is no tiger in the mountain, the monkey is king!

"Hum, damned Terran friar, why disturb my peace?"

The dragon's body was slightly shocked by the cold hum of the green dragon, which made the whole valley tremble and show its power!

Now it can't be transformed into shape, and its noumenon is huge. At the moment, looking down at Lin Xuan, his cold eyes make people like falling into an ice cave!

It's a pity that all this doesn't work for Lin Xuan. He looks calm and says, "I haven't had meat for a long time. Since I met you, I'll take your present food and wine tonight!"


With a roar, qingjiao was furious. No one dared to challenge him like this, which made qingjiao almost mad.

"Stupid Terran friar, you have to pay for your arrogance!"

Its huge body is like a mountain. It seems that it wants to make Lin Xuan into meat sauce directly!

But unfortunately, it underestimated the power of Lin Xuan, otherwise it would not fight with Lin Xuan at all, but run away!

Lin Xuan's whole personality turned into a fierce divine light, like a sword flying out, and the next moment appeared in front of the green dragon!

To meet it is a way to create heaven and earth like magic fist, blooming Shenhui, the head of the green dragon hit a big bag, ferocious mess!

For a time, let green Jiao some doubt life.

It is the king of this valley. In the past, the weak Terran was just its blood food. Even if some friars broke in occasionally, it was not its opponent at all. How did you ever see such a powerful Terran friar as Lin Xuan?

If its scales were not hard enough, I'm afraid it would be torn alive by Lin Xuan!

Immortal fist!

This is a boxing technique created by Lin Xuan. It was born out of the immortal Sutra, so it was named after it.

Lin Xuan's face was cold, and his body was strong. The immortal fist raised his fighting power to an incredible level, just like the God of war!

Although the body of the green jade is huge, it has no resistance at all. It is beaten by Lin Xuan. The two parts of its head contain all its essence. The meat bags used to turn the Dragon horn are also damaged, and the essence of it is all dispersed.

Lin Xuan's terrible fighting power made qingjiao shiver. There was no previous crazy state. He constantly begged: "immortal... Immortal, please forgive me..."

However, Lin Xuan turned a deaf ear and didn't pay any attention. He was bathed in blood and tore open the body of the green dragon. Such a brutal and terrible method seemed to be a myth!


Qingjiao took a breath of cold air and felt the pain of tearing his abdomen. He wanted to escape from Lin Xuan's clutches!

But Lin Xuan didn't give it a chance to escape. He turned it into a divine light and stood on top of his head!

One person and one jiao skim over Yunshan mountain in the sky, flying thousands of miles, just like a mount carrying Lin Xuan

Many mortals can see that the head of the dragon like big Jiao, waving four feet, tossing in the clouds, constantly issued a wailing sound!

"God, the dragon has come to life..."

"It's true, it's all true. It turns out that there is a green dragon in the deep pool in the valley, and he didn't cheat us!"

"God, do you see that there seems to be a man standing on the top of the dragon's head?"

"What? Isn't it a fairy? "

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