Mortals on the earth look up one after another, and their eyes are full of horror.

Although they live in the world of practitioners, they do not have much or no contact with them.

Often see a fairy from the top of the head over the miracle, are amazing.

All the way thousands of miles, a large amount of blood poured out, but the green dragon was still alive, which surprised Lin Xuan at the tenacity of its vitality!

As a last resort, Lin Xuan took out the black gold sword, broke the scales of the green dragon, and inserted it into its head!

They made a lot of noise, which shocked many monks. You know, this green dragon is the peak of Lingshi. I don't know that it collapsed several mountains, but it's still hard to get rid of Lin Xuan!

This green dragon is a demon alien. Although it is nothing in Lin Xuan's eyes, many friars have turned their eyes on it. They can see it more clearly and know the horror of that green dragon!

"What's the matter with the beast? Are you crazy?"

"No, look, there's a man on the head of this green dragon!"

"The green dragon is wailing. Its abdomen is broken and its head is pierced. It is about to fall from the sky!"


Like a hill falling, the earth is smashed out of a huge pit, heavy tremor, arouse endless dust!

The huge green dragon is lying on the earth at the moment. Lin Xuan seems to be a demon without any expression. He waves a black gold sword to strip the skin and cramp. As he says, he wants to make meat out of the green dragon!

How fierce is this?

Even the monks who came after him in the distance didn't dare to get close to him. They were scared by Lin Xuan's action!

"Which son is this? It's cruel!"

Some friars exclaimed that it was inconceivable that such a powerful qingjiao should be killed so easily by Lin Xuan, which made them shudder like a myth.

"Too young!"

In this world, except that the Holy Son of each major sect can have such fighting power at such an age, other people can't do it at all!

Lin Xuan did not pay any attention to these monks. This Qing Jiao was practicing for hundreds of years in the eyes of Ling Quan, and its meat was delicious. It contained so much essence of life that it was a great supplement.

On the spot, he skinned the green dragon and divided it into several large pieces. Then he sacrificed the white jade heaven and earth tripod. The tripod contained heaven and earth, which was so big that it was boundless. Lin Xuan used it as a furnace and practiced it with divine fire!

It is also put into a lot of best medicine, to boil this furnace of medicine!

Yes, this green meat itself is a big medicine. This creature evolves towards the real dragon. This is also a large Jiao near to the horn. The dragon's blood has already been condensed in the blood of the body. Though it is not pure, it is also the essence.

If we take it one step further, it will turn into a dragon, and then earth shaking changes will take place!

If you are infected with a dragon character, it's a terrible existence!

Lin Xuan sat in front of the white jade heaven and earth cauldron and urged the boundless divine fire.

After a stick of incense, the white jade heaven and earth cauldron boils inside. The broth is white and looks excellent. The smell of meat spreads for several miles, making the monks in the distance swallow their saliva secretly!

These days, Lin Xuan lived in seclusion in the valley. On weekdays, he could only catch a few grass carp. He couldn't even find a decent monster. He was really a little dull.

At the moment, I couldn't help smelling the meat, so I ate it on the spot.

"I don't know which son is here..."

Soon, a brave monk came to talk with Lin xuanpan.

However, Lin Xuan glanced at them casually, and they were scared to death. They wanted to run away!

That kind of eyes is too fierce, let them shiver, for fear that the murderer will also kill them!

However, Lin Xuan didn't do anything to them. Instead, he vibrated the cauldron, and several large pieces of pure white and crystal clear Jiaorou flew out in the heat and fell into their hands!

He didn't speak, but these friars already understood that this was Lin Xuan's gift to them, and they bowed to each other to express their gratitude.

"Thank you son, thank you son!"

They also don't care about Lin Xuan's identity, they have regarded him as the saint son of a holy land.

All the monks here just broke into the realm of Lingshi. The meat of qingjiao, the peak of Lingshi, is a great tonic to them. They all eat with greasy mouth and thin breath!

Not far away, many friars saw that these forward players were OK, and they were given Jiaorou as gifts. They rushed over one after another and bowed to them. Their faces were full of flattery!

"The son is so powerful that we admire him. We've come to see him!"

"See you son!"

Hearing the words, Lin Xuan laughs. He doesn't mean anything. Although he doesn't speak, he shakes the cauldron again. More than ten pieces of white meat fly out and fall in front of these people.

As if they saw the elixir, they ignored their appearance and ate the Jiaorou that Lin Xuan had given them. Their eyes were red, their heads were steaming, and their bodies were about to burst!

At last, Lin Xuan smiled and said, "this green meat is a great supplement. The essence of life is infinite. Every mouthful is not inferior to the best medicine. I have added dozens of panacea to it. If you are too humble, you can not digest the essence of life. I am afraid it will really burst the flesh!"

Sure enough, be frightened and change color, many people suddenly become frightened, they stop the action of the mouth in succession, sit up and work each other's function, refining the magnificent essence of life.

Not long ago, there was a monk screaming repeatedly. The essence of life's burning essence helped them to break through the realm, all of them were ecstatic!

This great tonic is available to all the disciples in the holy land, and even less to them. They all regard Lin Xuan as their ancestor and respect him from the bottom of their heart!

Two hours later, even the sky was dark, and the sunset was as red as fire. Lin Xuan finally had enough to eat and drink.

Lin Xuan's huge body, which looks like a small hill, is nothing to him. He ate most of the meat today, and he still has a small half of it in his storage ring, which he will keep for another day.

For him, these tonics can be refined, moistened and baptized at the moment they enter the body!

Later, he gave the rest of the broth to the monks. Then he got up and put away the white jade cauldron, turned his back to the people and planned to leave.

During this period, many monks broke through the realm. They were grateful to Lin Xuan and hoped to follow him, even if they were just the most common servants!

"Your son, are you leaving?"

"If you don't dislike him, can you take us with you? He's very kind to us. We'd like to follow him around and take care of him..."

Lin Xuan naturally refused these people without hesitation. He shook his head and said, "I've always been used to being alone. I don't need anyone to follow me. Today I send you a good fortune. I hope you can live and practice well in the future..."

Many friars got up and looked disappointed.

"I don't know the origin of the son, or let us know the name of the benefactor..."

Lin Xuan chuckled and shook his head again. "I'm not a holy Son, but I'm just like you

"As for the taboo, ha ha, a dying man, don't say it!"

As soon as the words came out, these friars were shocked and asked with trembling: "what, benefactor, do you mean..."

"The benefactor is a young and prosperous year, just like the sun and the moon in the sky. How can it be so?"

Suddenly, someone was shocked again and had a guess. Looking at Lin Xuan, he trembled and said, "can't the benefactor be Lin Xuan who swept all the saints in Tianjian mountain?"

Lin Xuan laughs. Although he is isolated from the world these days, it's not that he doesn't know the rumors about him.

"Yes, it's me!"


These people can't sit still any longer. They run away one after another. They are afraid that they will run slowly and be killed by Lin madman!

Only a few friars were brave enough not to run away. They trembled and said: "benefactor... We have admired you for a long time and have been looking forward to seeing you. I didn't expect to see you in such a way today..."

"They all say that you have problems in your practice. Sometimes you are normal and sometimes you are crazy. We don't believe it all the time. It's rare for a benefactor to have such a natural attitude in ancient times. He must be able to turn the bad into the good and survive this disaster safely..."

"Yes, they are afraid of benefactor, but we are not afraid. We are willing to follow benefactor around and be in front of and behind..."

This time, even Lin Xuan was slightly moved. After a long time, he said slowly, "I'd like to borrow your lucky words."

He didn't say anything more, but turned into a rainbow and went away completely.

On this day, the news of Lin Xuan's life shocked everyone!

"What, isn't crazy Lin dead?"

"Lin Xuan appeared alive again and killed a green dragon. He shared food with others in public, but he didn't go crazy..."

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