The news of Lin Xuan's appearance surprised many people, especially when they heard that Lin Xuan was not crazy.

Originally thought that Lin Xuan wanted to sink, muddled down, did not expect that he was better.

Tianjian mountain.

Shi wa was very excited when he heard the news. He cried: "master, I knew you were OK!"

Yao Xi shook his head slightly, didn't say too much, didn't want to let Shiwa immersed in the previous sadness.

Now he has become a strong competitor for the new son of Tianjian mountain. He has a superior position in the clan, and the news is very well-informed.

The friars who had contact with Lin Xuan had already been found by them. What happened during that time and what Lin Xuan said were well known.

Although Lin Xuan is not mad or dead, the situation is still not optimistic.

He said that he was going to die. From these words, he could tell that Lin Xuan might be at the end of his life.


Yao Xi Xi sighed. It's a pity that such a hero has come to an end in this way. It's too sad and sad.

Tianyunzong, in front of a tianque.

"I don't agree with you to go to him. Maybe when you see him again, he will be in a muddle and don't know you any more!"

Situ Mingyue stops Lin Xuan's sister, who wants to find Lin Xuan after learning the news. During this period of time, situ Xianer is haggard.

She wants to break free from the ban set by situ Mingyue, but there is no way, only to watch her brother leave.

"Elder brother, please let me see him..."


Situ Mingyue didn't look back. She said in a heavy voice, "let me take care of you before my father closes the door. Xian'er, don't blame me..."

"Elder brother... You let me out..."

Situ xian'er's eyes were red and tears were in her eyes. She was powerless and sat down in the tianque. She was sealed here and could not leave.

"Lin Xuan... You are a bad person... A bad person... You say that bad people will bring disaster for thousands of years. You can't keep your word..."

"I will try my best to practice, I will catch up with you, I will!"

She staggered up and said stubbornly.

Situ xian'er's cultivation talent is not weak. It's just that she used to be too playful and abandoned her cultivation. Since then, situ xian'er has been devoting herself to cultivation

Before that, she did not want to think about the significance of doing so?

But now she can't cheat herself. She just wants to catch up with Lin Xuan, step by step... Catch up with the boy!


Lin Xuan returned to the barren land, as if in a flash in the pan. There was no news of him in the world.

The reason why he wanted to kill a green dragon was actually a guess in his mind for many days.

Every time he killed a living creature in the past, the "system" in his mind would bring Lin Xuan corresponding experience value.

In the past, Lin Xuan took it for granted that he was playing games, but now he knows that there is a lot of secret in it.

In fact, just as Lin Xuan conjectured, there is a kind of mysterious life substance in the birth of every living creature, which is contained in the body of the living creature.

After the death of the living beings, this kind of life material will slowly dissipate and return to heaven and earth.

The more powerful the creature is, the more mysterious life material it has. This is the most original material of life in the world.

This kind of material has always existed between heaven and earth. Maybe a ray of aura contains this kind of life material, but the weak friars can't feel it.

But this kind of life material, however, brings about the transformation of the living beings in silence, which is also the root of the monk's transcendence.

These mysterious living things have been floating in the sky and the earth, and may one day turn into a wild grass, a red flower, a small tree, or a new life.

This seems to be the reincarnation of the world. According to Lin Xuan's understanding, this is an alternative conservation of matter.

If you don't feel it carefully, even the monks in the spiritual realm will not feel it at all.

It's ridiculous to say that Lin Xuan knew the existence of this kind of material, but also thanks for the mysterious mark in the depth of his Lingtai.

He had noticed before that whenever he killed some powerful creatures and gained the experience value given by the system, some mysterious substances would enter his platform and disappear.

Lin Xuan didn't understand it before, but now he understands that all these mysterious life materials are absorbed by the marks in his platform.

Those experience values are just the mark's nourishment after absorbing life material.

Lin Xuan felt that he was just a tool in his anger before, but now he is more aware of his existence.


He is the medium of the mark deep in the Lingtai and the mysterious life material in the heaven and earth.

Some of the life materials absorbed by Lin Xuan's practice were integrated into his body, and some were absorbed by the mark.

The life material obtained by killing the living beings is absorbed by the mark deep in the platform.

Every time he thought about this place, Lin Xuan felt cold in his heart. He didn't know how many living things he had absorbed quietly.

"No wonder that kind of trance makes me stay in the fierce ancient battlefield every time..."

"If my real body is in such an environment, there are powerful dead creatures everywhere, and infinite life materials float away in the heaven and earth, and if they are absorbed by that mark, I'm afraid I really want to raise a demon king!"

But that kind of trance feeling, unconsciously is also affecting his spirit, this is the most serious, is also the most fundamental.

"That kind of picture will arouse the killing intention in my heart and make me lost. If I am really confused, I am afraid I will be completely reduced to a killing machine and grab infinite life materials for that mark..."

"In the end, I'm not me anymore, I'll be another person!"

"Or one day, that mark no longer needs me, it will grab all the life material on me, then break my platform and leave my dead body!"

"Ha ha!"

Lin Xuan gave a sneer. He thought of the ending he might turn into

However, one thing made Lin Xuan feel terrible. The mysterious mark probably read all his memories. Otherwise, how could he tailor an "upgrade system" for him?

This is a thing that only existed in his previous life. In his previous life, Lin Xuan practiced games on behalf of others and kept company with games all day. In this world, there is no concept of games at all!

However, at this moment, Lin Xuan's mind once again sounded a distant whisper, so that his whole person suddenly stunned!

"I will not... Harm you, because I am... You..."

The murmur seemed to cross the river of time, and also seemed to cross the universe. It was a murmur with the mark in his platform as the medium.


Like thunder, Lin Xuan's spirit suddenly began to be in a trance, and the mysterious force seemed to pull him into an ancient battlefield.

Once again, the sound of fighting in my ear!

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