I Can Collect Unlimited Monsters

Chapter 233: Surrounded by demon wolf

At the moment, there is also a remedy, but with the power of Moyu Qilin, it is still difficult to remedy it.

Mo Yu Qilin was already in a deep sleep at this time, and he couldn't do it.

"You can't do it, so let me help you."

Lin Chuan opened his mouth and said, a huge spiritual force ran through the front, and inside it was the power of the original blood of ten thousand beasts.

In an instant, a Tianshui mark appeared on the Tianshui Qilin in front, which was taken away by Lin Chuan.

"Didn't you just say that you wouldn't make a move? Why do you regret it now?"

Tianshui Qilin said, after losing his mark, he has no spiritual power to speak of.

This mark of heavenly water was originally his last resort.

As long as there is a mark, he might be able to come back.

And the golden unicorn unicorn condensed in front of this imprint, just couldn't absorb it.

"When his level was Moyu Qilin, you couldn't do anything to him, let alone now?"

"It doesn't matter if I can make a move. No matter what, you have no chance of winning."

Lin Chuan said, saving him a life.

The vitality of his body needs to be absorbed when the golden armoured unicorn recovers, which is the best.

Tianshui Qilin gave a wry smile, his face embarrassed.

"I knew that Moyu Qilin should be eliminated from the beginning, so it won't lead to the current situation."

Tianshui Qilin said, sighing, there is no more thought of living.

He doesn't have any spiritual power, and Lin Chuan has been staring at him. There was Xia Ruoxue beside him.

It is impossible for them to step out of Lin Chuan's surveillance range now.

It was just that suddenly, Tianshui Qilin laughed cheerfully as if thinking of something, and muttered a spell silently.

Lin Chuan watched his movements, but didn't make any moves. He felt that this guy could not cause anything.

But the next moment, behind Tianshui Qilin, three identical Tianshui Qilin appeared inexplicably, and they were killed directly ahead, trying to get rid of the sleeping golden unicorn.

Lin Chuan frowned and rushed out, the blood energy in his palm penetrated out, breaking the opponent's attack.

Three Tianshui unicorns surrounded Lin Chuan in the center, staring at Lin Chuan desperately.

"Boy, you dare to target our companions. It seems that you are living impatiently!"

The Tianshui Qilin in front of him roared as he attacked.

The three Tianshui Qilins stood together, and the rich life aura spread out instantly, and the three completely different powers blended together instantly, forming a spiritual shield in front of Lin Chuan.

It turned out that they were a Tianshui Qilin, each of them was guarding one position, and they could not walk between each other.

It's just that they don't care so much now, and they all gathered together, wanting to help their companions get revenge.

Lying on the ground dying, Tianshui Qilin had a look of excitement. He didn't expect that his companion would really come out to rescue him.

When he chanted the spell just now, he was calling his companion.

The three Tianshui unicorns seemed a bit tricky, but Lin Chuan was not afraid of them either.

In Lin Chuan's palm, the Azure Dragon Sword had been taken out.

Inside the Azure Dragon Sword, a huge force was controlled, hiding a trace of the aura of Ten Thousand Beast Chaozong, attacking to the front.

Originally, three Tianshui Qilin stood together, but at this moment they left because of Lin Chuan's sword energy.

The three of them did not fight together.

Two Tianshui unicorns came forward, but the other one hid in secret.

He felt that he could not deal with the danger before him.

Not only Lin Chuan was working ahead, but Xia Ruoxue was standing beside them.

Even the Huayuan Beast was watching, as long as Lin Chuan was in danger, the Huayuan Beast would immediately rush out.

"Where are you going, come back quickly!"

"As long as the three of us work together, we will definitely be able to deal with them. There is no need to worry about the existence of Huayuan Beasts."

"Don't you see that the Huayuan Beast is just hiding from the side, so you don't dare to kill it at all?"

The Tianshui Qilin in front had been persuading, but the guy hiding in the dark did not dare to come out.

"It's fine for you to fight. I will go back to the palace first. The four directions must be suppressed. Now you are all out to fight. If I haven't secretly observed any movement around me, in case there is danger in the palace, Who is responsible for this matter?"

The Tianshui Qilin said with a serious face, and then disappeared without a trace, and did not appear in front.

"There are only two Tianshui unicorns. It seems that you still can't beat me."

Lin Chuan smiled slightly and said, the huge spiritual power in his palm penetrated out and turned into a state of imprint in the air, suppressing both of them.

The two Tianshui Qilin laughed bitterly. They wanted to come out to help their companions, but they couldn't deal with Lin Chuan, and they ruined their lives.

"I am still worried that the power of a Tianshui unicorn will not be able to make the golden armour unicorn fuse more marks. Now that there are two of you, it is not a problem.

Lin Chuan whispered, the golden armored unicorns in the distance had awakened, and one of their strides rushed forward, fusing the imprints on the three Tianshui unicorns completely, and then fell back into a deep sleep.

His deep sleep this time is more than just a few hours, it will take at least ten and a half days to recover.

Lin Chuan retracted him into his body, allowing him to recover well in his body.

"The tricolor mosquitoes have not come back yet?"

Lin Chuan said, he looked around, but still didn't find the tricolor mosquitoes, he always felt something was wrong.

"Could it be that they are also in danger?"

While talking, Lin Chuan checked the strength in his body.

"It's weird, no one sent me ideas, but why do I always feel uneasy?"

When Lin Chuan went to other places, Xia Ruoxue didn't speak aside, and he always felt that something was wrong?

"Have you noticed the breath of Ice and Snow Sirius? There seems to be a pack of wolves around."

"Why are there hordes of wolves in this palace? The aura of the demon wolves around has been particularly obvious, and the situation is very wrong."

Xia Ruoxue said, he finally understood why so many strange auras were released around him.

As soon as his voice fell, the spiritual power of the entire space had already changed.

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