I Can Collect Unlimited Monsters

Chapter 234: Shangguan Wuhen

The original golden palace walls began to disappear, all the golden holy breaths were gone, and the sky returned to the original state of beings.

Dense green eyes appeared in the air, and in front of Lin Chuan was an ice and snow wolf that had lost most of its life force, dying.

After Frozen Sirius accepted the inheritance, he was rejected to the outside world.

He has been guarding around the palace, but he did not expect that groups of monster wolves would appear to take his bloodline power.

These demon wolves are the most common demon wolves, without any blood.

By virtue of their brutal living habits, they have lived in this canyon until now.

Lin Chuan frowned as he watched the crowds of demon wolves appear in the air.

"These demon wolves look a bit tricky, even more difficult to deal with than those Tianshui unicorns just now."

Lin Chuan said that the Qilin in Tianshui just now was able to control them so quickly that he unexpectedly used a deadly force to kill them.

Now what appeared in front of them were groups of demon wolves, some of them were still hidden in the dark, and Lin Chuan had already been crushed in number.

The tricolor mosquitoes also don't know where they appeared. After they accepted the inheritance, they were all teleported to a distant place by the palace. Now they are flying from a distance, and it will take some time to return to Lin Chuan.

Lin Chuan and Xia Ruoxue were back to back to each other, and he had already hidden the Snow Wolf inside his body.

The figure of the Huayuan Beast had run away without a trace. According to him, he had to find something before he could return to Lin Chuan.

"Human kid, call out the ice and snow wolf, we can guarantee you not to die, and let you leave."

"Almost no one who comes to this canyon can leave alive. It is best for you two to think carefully, don't wait for a while to die unclear."

The demon wolf said that when he saw Lin Chuan appear, his heart was very unhappy.

They all had to absorb the power in the body of the ice and snow Sirius, and did not want to fight Lin Chuan.

"Needless to say, Frost and Snow Sirius is my subordinate, you will kill me if you have the ability, otherwise you can only fight with me honestly today, or leave here."

"If you don't believe me, you can try to do it. As long as you do, don't blame me for being rude."

Lin Chuan said, staring at them, ready to use force at any time.

Xia Ruoxue, who was next to him, had already controlled the power of the ice, and it condensed into an ice thorn.

"Are you trying to threaten me?"

"Our demon wolf clan has never been afraid!"

The demon wolf in front of him said, hordes of guys were killed, and even those hidden in the darkness attacked.

Lin Chuan frowned. The Azure Dragon Sword in his hand was killed indiscriminately, and it circled around. The monster in front fell to the ground. The monster behind him saw Lin Chuan's power and involuntarily backed away. In the past, I was worried about being affected by Lin Chuan's power at this time.

They felt that Lin Chuan had entered a violent state, so they could kill with one blow, killing many of their companions in front of them.

Facing Lin Chuan, who would kill with one blow, they were just cannon fodder when they came forward. No monster was willing to rush forward at this time.

Lin Chuan stepped forward and shot together with Xia Ruoxue. A strong sword aura pierced out. The demon wolf face was solemn and was about to dodge, but Lin Chuan and Xia Ruoxue had disappeared without a trace.

"Damn, we were deceived by humans, so hurry after me and don't believe where they can go!"

"Now as long as you chase them up, you will definitely be able to find them back. I will definitely break them into pieces by then!"

"There is also that Frozen Sky Wolf, I want to raise him, and slowly extract the blood power from him!"

The demon wolf roared, and the group of subordinates immediately followed up.

Lin Chuan and Xia Ruoxue hid in the dark, watching their wolves leave before they jumped down from the tree again.

These demon wolves are quick to attack, but their fighting consciousness is not strong, and they don't know that Lin Chuan has actually not left.

"Hurry up and leave this ghost place, and continue to stay here, I'm afraid we can't withstand their endless attacks from monsters."

Xia Ruoxue said, dashing away.

After a quarter of an hour, they had left their original position and arrived at Wan Beast Mountain.

Huayuan Beast still didn't come out in the canyon, Lin Chuan glanced into the distance, and kept a breath of his own here.

He was worried that the distance was too far, and the Huayuan Beast could not sense his location. When the Huayuan Beast found what he wanted but got lost, it would be a bit embarrassing.

There is a guiding breath remaining in the canyon, and it will be easier for Huayuan Beast to find him.

"Why didn't these two boys solve all the demon-level characters in them and then come out again? Isn't this too unjust?"

Sect Master smiled happily, the spiritual barrier in front of them also disappeared at this moment.

"Sect Master, you are too unkind. They can eliminate several demon-level characters, they are already very good, and now you still think they have not done enough?"

"Know that the two of them are just ordinary disciples, those demon-level characters, now that even our old bones go in, they may not be able to deal with them, but they will draw their strength. "

The elder Taishang said, several people laughed, and after drinking a few glasses of wine, he also left the Sect Master’s Dong Mansion, ready to go out to deal with the Shangguan family.

They didn't know that someone in Shangguan's family had secretly entered the Wan Beast Mountain.

"These Shangguan family members are so afraid of death that they even want to break in at the border of Wan Beast Mountain?"

Lin Chuan said, staring at a man in front of him.

The man in front, holding a shield in his hand, kept walking forward.

As he walked, he was worried about the danger that might appear around him.

This shield can block most of the dangerous breath in the air, and it is like a life-saving treasure to him, so he will always carry this thing with him.

Walking in such a strange place in Wan Beast Mountain, this man did not dare to drag him.

Lin Chuan stared at the direction the man was moving, and knew the identity of this man.

The man in front of him was named Shangguan Wuhen, and he was already an elder-level figure. Lin Chuan was not sure to kill him.

Because the opponent's cultivation strength is much higher than him.

Lin Chuan didn't intend to challenge him, but now Lin Chuan can hide in the dark completely, feeling sick, Shangguan Wuhen.

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