I Can Collect Unlimited Monsters

Chapter 235: Despair without trace

Shangguan Wuhen is a cruel person. He has killed many people before. This time he came to Wan Beast Mountain. He has also targeted the people around him countless times. Many people who were not related to him were inexplicably caught by Shangguan Wuhen. killed.

It is said that Shangguan Wuhen also likes to drink human blood and uses the power of human blood to improve his cultivation.

The Shangguan family did not pay attention to this. After all, Shangguan Wuhen also made a lot of contributions to their family. As for whether Shangguan Wuhen practiced Yinxie exercises, it did not matter to the Shangguan family.

A spirit power emerged from Lin Chuan's hand, and attacked along the front position.

Of course, Lin Chuan's taboo didn't burst out against him. Lin Chuan wanted to use this sword aura to stimulate the nearby monsters and let those monsters rush out.

Sure enough, the monster beast in front had already been killed in the first time, controlling the huge aura in his palm.

"I'm very curious, as a human being, why you have the courage to come here, not to mention that you are not a member of our Ten Thousand Beast Sect."

"If you are a member of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect, be kind to you, teach you a little lesson, and then let you go."

"But I heard that you are the one who made trouble in the Ten Thousand Beast Sect recently, so now we have no reason to let you go."

The monster beasts that appeared around all laughed.

Monster beasts hate humans, but when facing external humans, they will still prefer people close to the ten thousand beast sect.

They just spoke, and countless huge soul attacks have exploded, following the directions around them, forming a force covering Shangguan Wuhen's body.

The treasure in Shangguan Wuhen's hand was also completely broken by their power and lost its effect.

Shangguan Wuhen's face changed drastically. He remembered that there was no flaw in any place just now, but now it seems that he has exposed his position.

"You demon beasts, if you are familiar, leave quickly, don't hinder me here."

"While I am in a good mood and don't want to do it, I will give you three minutes to think about it. If you still don't know how to do it, and want to do it to me, then I will fulfill you and let you understand what the Shangguan family means to kill people! "

Shangguan Wuhen said, his face extremely cold.

He wants to take a shot and teach the monsters around him, but if he can avoid fighting, he still doesn't want to do it.

Zhou's monsters really made him afraid to take the initiative.

One or two monster beasts is nothing, but the monster beasts here suddenly surrounded them, which really made him difficult to resist.

"We don't need three minutes, just do it."

"It's just a human being. We can kill you with one spit!"

The monster in front of him said as he rushed forward.

"Play well, kill them all quickly, don't look upset here."

Lin Chuan said with a smile, looking at Shangguan Wuhen, facing the battle hastily, feeling extremely happy.

This Shangguan Wuhen still doesn't know that it is because he hides in the dark to do his hands, that's why the situation now appears.

A huge sword aura was controlled in Shangguan Wuhen's palm. He took the long sword with several cracks that had already appeared, and killed it.

"You don't need any useful weapons at all when you do something against your monster beasts. As long as I use a broken weapon, I can end your lives at any time."

The other party said arrogantly, and immediately rushed to the front.

"Hehe, you have hidden secrets in this weapon, don't think we don't know."

The monster beasts reacted, they were all extremely smart, surrounded by twelve monsters, constantly consuming the power of Shangguan Wuhen.

But this Shangguan Wuhen is indeed not an ordinary person.

After several battles, a monster beast has been eliminated.

The other beasts realized the danger and became cautious.

Lin Chuan also hid further away, worried that there would be danger at this time.

Shangguan Wuhen has already realized something and has been observing the possible dangers around him.

"Human kid, I have seen you. If you don't want to die, you'd better come out and fight against these monsters with me now, otherwise as long as the surrounding monsters solve me, they will definitely continue to fight against you!"

"I believe you will lose your life then!"

Shangguan Wuhen said with a smile, confidently.

But Lin Chuan still ignored him, because Lin Chuan knew that Shangguan Wuhen was just lying to him.

Judging from Shangguan Wuhen's state, he had no idea that there were people hidden around him.

The monster beasts around heard what Shangguan Wuhen said, and were still detecting whether other human monks would actually appear in the surroundings.

The monsters living here are very cautious. They are worried that too many human monks will appear together, which will bring them a fatal threat.

Now the spiritual power on Lin Chuan's hand burst out and attacked in a distant direction.

Those monsters detected inexplicable spiritual power in the air, and they all looked in the direction of Lin Chuan.

Even Shangguan Wuhen was the same, they didn't know why spiritual power appeared there.

They all ran over, trying to detect what happened.

Shangguan Wuhen's heart was full of hope, and he felt that it must be a human being in the dark.

Maybe they are from the Shangguan family.

After all, only members of the Shangguan family would appear here recently, but when he passed, he was already desperate.

It turned out that what appeared in front was a monster, and it was of plant attributes.

When he walked over, the monster beast had already sealed off the entire surrounding area in an instant.

"People from the Shangguan family, you can't leave today anymore!"

"It's fine to provoke other monsters, you dare to provoke me here, I see where you can escape now!"

The plant-attributed monster said that he was covered with green hair, and standing in front of him made people feel particularly uncomfortable.

Now the entire space was wrapped in a green seal, which made him feel that something was wrong.

"Someone must be setting me up, otherwise why would there be so many beasts surrounding me inexplicably?"

Shangguan Wuhen thought in his heart, observing the flaws that appeared around him, he still wanted to leave.

"I don't know how long it will take you this time. If you can completely digest the spiritual power in your body, it will not be impossible to kill you."

Lin Chuan was calculating the fighting time of Shangguan Wuhen in his heart, and was preparing to attack him.

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