I Can Collect Unlimited Monsters

Chapter 962: Leaf sword

Lin Chuan knew that he had to recover as soon as possible now. Otherwise, he himself would also encounter unexpected spiritual attacks at any time.

The direction in front of him, the aura of spiritual power that penetrated directly, appeared directly.

In their palms, the ascending power has become more and more intense.

Now the spiritual power aura gathered in their palms of each other's hands also had a more dramatic improvement.

The spirit power aura that they have merged with each other has been continuously killed in the direction in front of them.

Now their respective hands are gestating aura of spiritual power one after another, which can penetrate directly in the direction in front of them.

It's just that at this time, the spiritual power aura that rose in each other's palms was not strong enough.

Therefore, Lin Chuan did not want them to bear such a big risk to each other.

Now the spiritual power aura that was directly condensed in their palms was exploding at the fastest speed.

After a clock of time passed, the rising power in each other's palms continued to penetrate.

Between them, the spiritual power aura they possess is even more intense.

It was already this time, and the spirit power aura they had merged with each other was directly killed at the fastest speed.

Then in their own palms, the condensed spirit power aura, one after another, penetrated in the direction in front of them.

Now Lin Chuan is very clear that it will have a particularly dramatic impact in front of his eyes.

They shot each other at a faster rate, and then they shot each other faster and faster.

Suddenly, in Lin Chuan's own hands, all the more spiritual power he possessed went through.

Now the spiritual power aura that has been raised in their palms now has more sword auras for fusion.

Lin Chuan's own body, due to the fusion of the power of the blood of the beasts, now he has recovered.

The spiritual power aura of the original blood of the beasts can help him recover at a faster speed.

Now in his own physical body, there is no power to threaten him.

After a short period of time, the power ascended in his own physical body had already undergone a more violent fusion.

The spiritual energy auras that they have upgraded to each other, one after another, have been rapidly recovering in this entire space.

After one hour passed, the ascending spiritual power aura conceived in their palms returned to normal.

They merged with each other, and then the sword aura that penetrated through their palms became stronger and stronger.

Lin Chuan chuckled. When Lin Chuan himself had also clearly felt some spiritual power, at this time Lin Chuan had also not worried about it.

Lin Chuan knew very well how strong the power of his original bloodline was.

When he used the spirit power breath of the original blood of the beasts, the spirit power breath that had penetrated from the entire space also exploded very quickly.

They constantly shot each other, and the spiritual power bred in their palms improved faster and faster.

Now Lin Chuan himself had most of the spiritual power aura he had on his hands, and he was directly killed.

The spiritual power aura that rose up in their palms exploded very quickly.

Now the sharp aura that has been elevated in their palms has all undergone some changes.

The spirit power breath that continuously penetrated has already formed violent fluctuations in their palms.

Up to now, they are constantly shooting each other, and they want to control more spiritual energy to kill them.

But it didn't take long for them to have the courage to continue to attack each other.

Because they all discovered that the power of the surrounding formations will continue to absorb their spiritual aura.

At the beginning, they didn't know what they should do, and they could only start to integrate as much as possible the spiritual power that appeared in the surrounding space.

Most of the forces that have been bred continuously are killed in the space.

The speed at which they work with each other is getting faster and faster.

After an hour, a more violent surge of sword energy appeared in their own palms.

This spirit energy breath penetrated directly in the direction in front of him.

The spiritual power aura that they have upgraded with each other is all merged.

"We don't want to explode too much spiritual power, just use the physical and soul spiritual power to penetrate it."

"These two forces are integrated, and there is no way for the formation to absorb, only the spiritual power that we usually merge."

Lin Chuan spoke while observing everything around him.

In the entire formation, in addition to the extremely sturdy stone, leaf after leaf fell in the sky.

Lin Chuan didn't know where these leaves came from.

In just an instant, all the leaves were transformed into the appearance of sword energy, and they began to wander around Lin Chuan.

The spirit power aura that burst out in it burst out suddenly one after another.

They worked continuously with each other, and they had recovered their current state as soon as possible.

The power conceived by the spirit energy aura one after another was too strong, and now all the power they possessed in their own palms was revealed.

The spiritual power aura that they can raise with each other has also become more and more.

"What exactly is going on?"

Lin Chuan frowned, these leaves looked too abnormal, and they didn't know why these leaves incorporated so much spiritual energy into their bodies.

"Hehe, it's possible that the leaves in this space are already somewhat unexpected."

"Maybe the whole space around now, the spiritual aura that has penetrated one after another has been transmitted from the outside world."

Lin Chuan said while his face relaxed a little.

Because Lin Chuan had already felt these spiritual energy auras, when they penetrated out, they contained the power of Condensation Frost's family.

In the entire space, one after another spirit power aura exploded very quickly.

They cooperated with each other as soon as possible.

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