I Can Collect Unlimited Monsters

Chapter 963: Resurrection

After the strength that was constantly blasting out, the speed of improvement became faster and faster, the spiritual power aura they produced from each other's shots also appeared particularly intense.

Now, in their palms, they both have bred even stronger spiritual auras that can penetrate.

As Lin Chuan observed everything that appeared in the surrounding space, he was relatively relaxed.

Because he knows what he needs to worry about now, and don't care about anything.

In the direction in front of him, the spirit energy aura that exploded quickly, merged into the appearance of sword aura in Lin Chuan's own palm.

Lin Chuan and the others did not know what the falling leaves meant for the family members behind them.

"Cold Frost, you don't want to continue fighting anymore. We will leave the battle to us. You can feel well whether the person behind your Patriarch wants to convey some ideas to you."

"Otherwise, why would the people behind your Patriarch penetrate so much spiritual energy at this time? This is absolutely unusual."

Lin Chuan opened his mouth and said that he had subconsciously realized that there was bound to be danger, or something extraordinary had happened.

Otherwise, the people in the family behind Condensing Frost would not take action when they didn't seem to be in much danger.

Suddenly the frost also reacted.

His expression became dignified, and all the spiritual energy aura that had been fused in his palm was exuding.

Now they are constantly shooting each other.

One after another, the spiritual power auras merged rapidly, and then the more spiritual power auras they had on their hands had all exploded.

Lin Chuan tried to control, and broke out.

These fierce auras possessed in the entire surrounding space, one after another when they came out, formed a particularly violent influence on the surrounding.

They shot through each other as quickly as possible, and then all the more spiritual aura they possessed in their own palms were killed.

Suddenly, they tried to explode the spirit power on their hands, and they also exploded one after another at an extremely fast speed.

Now they have suddenly sensed something wrong. Although these stone people say they don't have much spiritual power, they seem to be exploring the spiritual power of these fallen leaves.

In their view, these fallen leaves are more attractive than Lin Chuan.

"What the **** is going on with these guys?"

As Lin Chuan spoke, he killed him.

The spiritual energy aura that madly condensed in Lin Chuan's hand, as well as the fast speed, directly exploded.

The spiritual power aura Lin Chuan had on hand was the most intense when he was ascending.

They madly shot each other, and all of the spiritual power aura that they conceived could penetrate through.

Lin Chuan relaxed a little. It was already this time. He also knew that the condensed frost would be able to judge something faster than these stone men.

The spiritual energy aura that they showed continuously one after another penetrated very quickly.

And in their palms, all the fierce aura that was conceived broke out.

Lin Chuan smiled. When the spirit energy aura that he had penetrated through his hand could possess a certain amount of kendo power and could kill it, Lin Chuan could also ensure the safety of the freezing frost.

Those stone people of them, as long as they want to get close to the frost, they will be destroyed directly by Lin Chuan.

Without any Dao spiritual power aura, what can penetrate around it is even more unlikely to affect Lin Chuan.

Lin Chuan smiled faintly. At this time, most of the spiritual power aura fused in the palm of his hand also had some changes.

They quickly shot each other, and after a clock of time passed, some strange changes had taken place in the aura of spiritual power condensed on their hands.

The speed at which they shot each other was getting faster and faster.

Condensation Frost frowned, constantly judging everything that appeared in the surrounding space.

But in the end, Condensation Frost still couldn't find anything, which made Condensation Frost himself especially nervous.

He tried every possible means to feel the breath of these fallen leaves in the space, what was inside.

How long in the past did the condensation suddenly realize something. Began to concentrate.

All these fallen leaves need to be collected, and use the specific spiritual power of their family to operate, and finally all the fallen leaves are inhaled into their own body, so that they can judge the spiritual energy contained in it. .

So this thing can only be done with frost.

These stone men tried their best, but in the end they couldn't absorb any leaves.

They just desperately wanted to attack Condensation Frost, so Condensation Frost also couldn't control so much spiritual power.

Lin Chuan laughed, and now the spiritual power bred in the palm of his hand, the speed at which it came up has become faster and faster.

The force that has continuously penetrated has already penetrated directly in the direction in front of him.

Now more and more spiritual power auras are also coming out in the direction in front of them.

The speed at which they shot each other was getting faster and faster.

Lin Chuan chuckled, and the spirit power aura condensed in the palm of his own hand, one after another, went up crazy.

"It's impossible for you to get close to the frost."

As Lin Chuan spoke, the Azure Dragon Sword controlled in his palm had already penetrated in the direction in front of him.

The guys who were constantly approaching in front, after feeling the power that came out of Lin Chuan's own hands, all fell to the ground.

Although they will not die immediately, Lin Chuan is targeting the soul power in their bodies, but it makes them worse than death. They can only maintain their current state and resist desperately, and there is nothing at all. Power can be resurrected.

But after that, some of their comrades were carrying their sword qi and directly followed their direction to kill them, wanting to kill their comrades.

Only by letting their companions die completely can their companions be able to get rid of this painful feeling and revive themselves.

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