Chapter 299 Xiang Yu’s Feelings

But now Ye Chen looked at Oni Stamboul in front of him, and he had a lot of thoughts and questions in his heart, so he unknowingly lit a cigarette.

At this moment, Ye Chen’s dashing action was seen by Einstein and Xiang Yu in the distance, and they felt strange.

Einstein and the others have never seen Ye Chen smoking, and today is the first time they have seen it. They don’t know what is smoking in Ye Chen’s mouth.

Because cigarettes and lighters are also very rare for them, after all, they are all human beings living in ancient times.

Ye Chen is a new generation from the current earth, and he is a person who came out of the era of top technology. Ye Chen has seen everything.

This is the first time that Einstein and Xiang Yu have seen the throat lighter, and the expressions on their faces at this moment are also particularly terrified.

Glancing at each other and looking at Ye Chen sitting behind the Void Swallowing Dragon, they were a little different and a little confused.

I don’t know what Marven Ye dropped in his mouth, he is still smoking, is he on fire?

In fact, there were smokers in ancient times, but in today’s episode, Einstein and the others have never met.

The reason why Ye Chen smoked here was that he was suddenly a little depressed, so he thought about lighting a cigarette. He didn’t expect that everyone here didn’t know what they were smoking.

Ye Chen felt strange at this moment, what kind of 780 expressions do these guys have? Haven’t they met?

He suddenly thought that he used to watch those ancient movies when he was watching TV. Don’t these ancient people also smoke?

But people on the planet have never seen smoke, which is normal, but people like Xiang Yu and Einstein, how could they have never seen smoke.

Maybe the cigarettes they smoked in ancient times were not the same as the exquisite cigarettes in their hands now, so they thought it was strange.

I have never seen it before, and Ye Chen now thinks that everything here is normal and logical.

Einstein looked at Ye Chen curiously at this moment, and turned his head again.

Looking at Xiang Yu next to him, he whispered to him.

“I said this, you have seen it, Mr. Ye, what’s wrong? Just now he suddenly took out a small thing, and the fire burst out all of a sudden, just looking at the thing he was holding Smoke.”

“I think what happened today is quite strange. Whether it’s Olot or O’Neill Stable, they are both special characters, and Ye Chen is also quite different today.”

“After hearing Oni Stamball suddenly say this just now, I also think that this young man has a lot of backbone. If he can treat a gentleman so lightly, he has nothing to fear.”

“Since the two of us are working behind Mr. Ye, we have never seen anyone who has the courage to speak to Mr. Ye like this. This is the first one in Oni Stamboul.”

After Einstein finished saying this, he glanced at Oni Stambul with an admiring look on his face.

At this moment, he still thought it was quite strange, and he didn’t expect that this Oni Stamboul had no ability, and no ability at all.

To be so courageous and dare to say such words to Ye Chen, they really admired a few of them, and they had never admired anyone before.

Especially when conquering the planet, Einstein felt that there must be casualties to conquer the other side, which is normal.

But when faced with Oni Stamboul, I felt that this young man was really otherworldly, and I had never seen such a bold person as Oni Stable.

On the contrary, Einstein now has some admiration for Oni Stable. He feels that even if this young man has no ability or ability, he has a heart that is not afraid of death, and is particularly courageous.

There are really not many people from planets like Oni Stamboul, because every time Einstein and Ye Chen absorbed planets, they met those planetary people, one by one, they were as timid as mice.

Seeing Ye Chen, he was already frightened, and he was so frightened that he didn’t even dare to say a word.

I don’t even dare to look at Ye Chen, let alone (bacd) can do things like Onistambull.

After Xiang Yu heard Einstein’s words, he also felt strange, what is this Mr. Ye doing?

Xiang Yu didn’t know what was going on. After all, Xiang Yu had never seen this thing in Ye Chen’s hands. In ancient times, he lived there, but he didn’t smoke. He knew nothing about cigarettes. learn.

So looking at Ye Chen holding this thing in his hand at this moment, Xiang Yu also felt strange, after hearing what Einstein said.

Xiang Yu was also full of doubts, looked at Einstein in front of him, and said in a low voice.

“You ask me first, I don’t know either. It’s really interesting that Mr. Yi holds this thing in his hand. It’s been smoking all the time, and he occasionally takes two puffs in his mouth.”

“But did you notice just now that Mr. Li is holding this thing in his hand, and he is constantly circling, and this circle is still shining.”

“It’s really strange, I don’t know what it is anyway.”

After Einstein heard what Xiang Yu said, he also knew that he was asking in vain just now, and he didn’t even know himself. How could Xiang Yu know what Ye Chen was holding in his hand?

After Xiang Yu said those words, he looked at Onistambull standing at the feet of Ye Chen, and felt that this young man was indeed as strong as Einstein said.

At this moment, he still felt admiration. Looking at Onistambull, Xiang Yu felt a lot of emotion in his heart. It would be a pity for this young man to die like this.

Although he was disrespectful to Ye Chen, he still had a backbone after all, and he was still very admirable. On the whole planet, Xiang Yu had never admired anyone.

But the sight of Onistambull in front of him is truly impressive, even though Xiang Yu knew at this moment that he would not be able to stand up and speak for Onistanbull.

It was impossible to save his life, but Xiang Yu still had some good impressions of Onistambour in his heart.

At this moment, Xiang Yu looked at Oni Stamboul, and after thinking about what Oni Stable said just now, he also felt that this young man was indeed a pity.

If he died like this, it would indeed make people look very sorry, but he had no way to stop Ye Chen from all this.

If Ye Chen wanted to kill Onistambull in front of him, no one would be able to speak.

Xiang Yu thought of this now, looked at Einstein beside him, and said to him.

“This One Stamboul is also considered a strange person, a commander, who dares to speak to Ye Chen like this.”

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