Chapter 300 Sigh

“Oni Stamboul really doesn’t want to live anymore, why should he die in vain.

“Are you saying that this Oni Stambul has lost his mind? Because he is still a planet, he is so ignorant of praise, and he doesn’t know how to protect himself.”

“The reason why Olot did this was not to protect Oni Stamboul, but it was all in vain. Since Oni Stable said this, I believe that Mr. Ye will not spare him.”

After Xiang Yu said these words, he sighed deeply, his eyes were very helpless, but he also knew that he had more than enough strength, and there was no way to prevent this from happening.

If Marven Ye really wants to kill Onistambull in front of him, then no one can stop this from happening.

Xiang Yu also has self-knowledge. With his own ability, he doesn’t even have the ability to speak. Ye Chen came here to absorb the planet.

Xiang Yu has also seen Ye Chen kill countless enemies with his own eyes, not to mention the one in front of Onistambull, if Ye Chen wanted to kill him, he would not blink at all.

So now you know what you should do, what you shouldn’t do, and what you shouldn’t say, Xiang Yu will definitely say it.

Because he didn’t want to die in vain, it was not easy for him to do things under Ye Chen’s body.

If he touches Ye Chen, I am afraid that he will never go back to where he should go.

After Einstein heard what you said, he also felt a lot of emotion in his heart, and he also felt a little regretful, and felt that this Onisburg in front of him was indeed a pity.

He shouldn’t say such things, if he said something nice to Ye Chen, I’m afraid Ye Chen wouldn’t let him die like this, but now Einstein knows that he can’t change this fact.

With Ye Chen’s personality, it is impossible for Oni Stamboul to live. After all, Oni Stable has said such absurd words to Ye Chen just now, which is obviously to anger Ye Chen.

Since Onishtambul himself doesn’t want to live anymore, then Ye Chen will satisfy his wish.

Einstein now also understands more clearly in his heart that a person who wants to give up hope of survival will not be afraid of anything, and it is normal.

Otherwise, Oni Stamboul wouldn’t show such a righteous and awe-inspiring look at this moment, and he was not afraid of anything.

At this moment, Einstein was also full of regret, looking at Xiang Yu beside him, and said to him with a trembling voice.

“Although you’re right, this Oni Stamboul really doesn’t know whether to live or die, and he doesn’t know how high the sky is. He dares to say such a thing, he just doesn’t want to live.”

“Oni Stamboul’s brain is not flooded, because he doesn’t want to live anymore, he is not afraid of anything, and he can’t be afraid of anything, so he dares to say such things to Ye Chen.”

“What can we do? The two of us feel sorry, what’s the use of that, with Ye Chen’s personality, is it possible to let Oni Stamboul go? I don’t think it’s possible.

“You said what happened to the two of us today? I feel sorry for them here. He is our enemy, but if we talk about the enemy, it may be that we are their enemy.”

“After all, Onistanbul and the others are living well here. We are here to invade their territory and absorb the planet. We belong to the invaders.”

After Einstein said this, he sighed deeply, his eyes were full of helplessness, but so what.

All of this was arranged by Ye Chen. If Ye Chenbu absorbed a lot of planets, how could they have such powerful energy, wouldn’t they be in danger at any time when they followed Ye Chen?

Ye Chen is getting stronger and stronger, and he also feels that he will become more and more safe. This is the case. The strong are kings, and the losers are bandits. Just like these weak people will be eliminated sooner or later.

It’s also a normal rule. Although Einstein was a little pity, he also knew that Ye Chen had to do this, in order to strengthen their power, in order to strengthen their energy.

Ye Chen must be killed without any kindness, but sometimes Einstein knew that Ye Chen was not as cruel as he imagined.

He constantly absorbs the power of letting nature take its course, but rarely kills innocent people indiscriminately. Although there are times of mass killing, those people really deserve to be killed.

They all despised Ye Chen and looked down on Ye Chen at all. If Ye Chen didn’t kill them, they would probably be attacked by them, so now Einstein doesn’t think it’s Ye Chen’s fault for such a thing.

-0 for flowers…

As the master of time in the entire parallel world, Ye Chen has done a very good job. He has never killed innocent people indiscriminately. .

He really didn’t expect to look at Olot in his anger. Since he could make Olot become like this, if Ye Chen knew in advance that it was like this, he would never do it.

I also don’t want Olot to slowly melt the metal sheet and drop it a little bit. This is also something Ye Chen doesn’t want to see.

Because Ye Chen really wanted to keep Olot, and he still had important tasks to do in the future.


After Xiang Yu heard Einstein’s words, he also sighed, his eyes were also very helpless, so what?

All of these are facts that cannot be changed, because he also knows that Ye Chen didn’t want to kill Oni Stamboul.

But after this Oni Stamboul said these words, I am afraid that Ye Chen will change his mind. Although Einstein felt a little regretful at this moment, so what, Xiang Yu felt incredible, this young man had a chance to live, why should he die in vain? ?

Einstein “You’re right, this Oni Stable really doesn’t want to live, otherwise he wouldn’t do it, but I do feel a little pity, he didn’t need to die.

We “both have the idea that this Oni Stamboul can’t die, but he is going to die, and who can save his life.”

“I suddenly thought of what you said just now, we have indeed become invaders, constantly absorbing the power of the planet, in order to strengthen Ye Chen’s skills, but now we have no chance to choose.

“If you don’t absorb the energy of the planet, how can Ye Chen’s skill be improved? How can the system on him be upgraded? So now we can only do this.”

“Okay, there’s no need for the two to regret here anymore, what’s the use? Is it true that Oni Stamboul is going to die by himself? He obviously has a chance to survive, but he has to die, and who can save him. “again,

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