I Can Crit In Martial Arts

Chapter 127: Your Xu family has no professional ethics at all


Mr. Xu came out to greet him in person, which is enough to show that he values ​​Lin Fan and others, and it is a family dinner, well prepared. Mr. Xu let Cui Zhen sit in the lead to show his respect for Cui Zhen and the others.

Lin Fan likes this feeling.

Not being taken seriously is a kind of safety.

His identity is the little brother. In the eyes of anyone, the little brother is the weakest existence. Without the help of the brothers and sisters, the little brothers and sisters are very difficult to mix.

"Everyone is escorting the old grandson back, and the old is grateful. I would like to offer a cup to you. It is incumbent on Xu's place to be useful in the future."

Mr. Xu got up, even though he was old, but full of energy, he raised his glass and drank it in one fell swoop, then looked at the people sincerely, waiting for them to drink the glass.

Cui Zhen, Kang Huai, Liang Xuan toast.

"Junior Brother, what's wrong with you?" Wu Qingqiu asked suspiciously when seeing Lin Fan not raising his glass.

Lin Fan smiled and said, "Sister, I never drink outside."


Wu Qingqiu didn't ask much, but as if they understood something, even Cui Zhen and the others felt that when they heard what Lin Fan said, but they had already raised their glasses. It would definitely be impossible not to drink, but there were many ways to do it.

Seeing that Lin Fan didn't drink, Mr. Xu was quite curious and asked, "Is this wine unappetizing?"

Lin Fan smiled and said, "Master Xu misunderstood. I never drink when I go out. I hope that Master Xu can understand."

"Oh, that's the case, since it is a principle, the old man will not force his little friends." Old man Xu said with a smile.

"Thank you, Master Xu, for your understanding."

Lin Fan never drank the wine given by those unfamiliar people outside, especially when some dangerous things were involved, when he didn't figure out the specifics.

Steady, vigilant, and low-key are the fundamental reasons for being alive.

It's not that he doubts the Xu family, but avoids it, just like this drinking, knowing that you are grateful to us, and that there may not be contact in the future, I am not afraid to offend you.

Besides, anyone who knows something can understand the meaning of his words.

Vigilance is indispensable.

After three rounds of wine, the banquet gradually came to an end.

"Everyone is very grateful for sending my grandson here. Originally, this matter had nothing to do with you, but it is a pity that Duke Wei wants you to die, so you can only stay here."

Father Xu got up, his smile disappeared, replaced by gloomy, and then quickly retreated into the courtyard.

Even Xu Xiao, who was very polite to them, blew the signal.


Constant movement.

in a blink.

There were archers on the fence, and at the same time some masters appeared, looking at Lin Fan and others in the hall indifferently.

"Grandpa, what are you..." Xu Zhizhi was shocked, because he was in a good mood when he got home, so he had a few more glasses, but when he just thought about getting up, he found that his body became weak and he couldn't stand up. Immediately, he understood the situation, he was poisoned.

But this is my home.

Who can poison me.

He was puzzled and looked at his grandfather in shock. He didn't expect that someone in the family had poisoned him.

"Zhizhi, don't blame Grandpa. If you want to blame, blame your father. He is the stone in the latrine. It is smelly and hard. You can't offend anyone. You have to fight against Wei Gong."

"The Xu family started as a fisherman and experienced countless difficulties. The efforts of several generations have achieved the status it is now. How can the Xu family be buried with your father just because of your father?"

Old man Xu's expression was not as kind as before.

Xu Zhizhi said, "Grandpa, I am your grandson."

"If you want to push the Xu family into the abyss, let alone grandchildren, even your own sons have to be killed." Father Xu said angrily.

The old man's words made Xu Zhizhi's heart cold, and there was a kind of unspeakable sadness.

He thought about many possibilities.

Only did not think about this situation.

"Master Xu." Lin Fan got up, his eyes fell on the other party, and said calmly: "Our task is to send your grandson back. We are not interested in your housework. Now you kill your grandson, we leave, well water It should be okay if you don’t commit the river."

This kind of divergence in family philosophy is normal.

All have their own reasons.

A mother and father were killed.

A family that doesn't want to be passed down easily is implicated.

Who makes sense?

He is really hard to say.

"Originally, this matter has nothing to do with you. It is indeed possible to let you go, but not now. You killed Wei Gong's people, and you have to give Wei Gong an explanation." Old Master Xu said slowly.

"Brother, how are you?" Lin Fan asked softly.

Cui Zhen said, "I'm fine."

"I have something."

"I have something too."

Heard this.

Lin Fan and Cui Zhen turned their eyes on Liang Xuan and Kang Huai, their faces were shocked and they couldn't believe them.

How could this happen.

When I said not to drink, you all cast the same look at me, how come to the end, Brother Cui was fine.

Liang Xuan and Kang Huai were extremely ashamed.

The body has no strength at all.

Feeling weak.

Even if you want to use Jindao to force the poisonous wine out, this poison seems to be able to avoid Jindao.

It makes them feel bad.

Lin Fan took a deep breath. Now this matter is not easy to solve.

He took a violent step, and his vigorous vigor erupted, his long hair wafted, his robes trembling, the floor tiles under his feet cracked, the dining table was overturned, and the food was all over the floor.

"Master Xu, your thinking is too simple. If you want to keep us today, it depends on whether your Xu family is capable. Even if we can keep us, Lin Fan can guarantee that we will kill one of your Xu family. Stay, if you don't believe it, you can try it."

At this time, Lin Fan was like a tiger, domineering and aggressive.

Cui Zhen looked at Junior Brother Lin in shock. Standing behind him, he could feel the vigorous energy emanating from Junior Brother Lin.

"If it's a crazy word, I really think that Xu's family is a soft persimmon and let go of arrows." Old man Xu waved.

call out!

call out!

Suddenly, dense arrows burst into the air, and each arrow contained strength.

Lin Fan pushed forward with both fists, and his vigorous strength rolled away, forming an invisible wall of strength, keeping all the arrows out.

"Senior Brother, Senior Sister, you take them, I will break a **** road and gather at the dock."

The voice just fell.

Lin Fan pierced through the ground, and the floor tiles burst into pieces, and then he saw his palms slap forward, the broken bricks pierced through the air and hit the archer.

"Junior brother~www.readwn.com~ can you do it?" Wu Qingqiu asked.

Lin Fan smiled and said, "Sister, a man can't say he can't do it."

Earlier, he had indeed doubted whether this Xu family would have a problem, but that suspicion was just a habitual suspicion, but who would have thought that this kind of thing would actually happen.


When Lin Fan took the initiative to open the way, he forced a **** path from here.

As for Xu Zhizhi.

He didn't want to care at all.

No longer has anything to do with them, they are now going to kill to find a way for themselves.

The Xu family is too bad.

There is no professional ethics at all.

Who would dare to pick up your order in the future?

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