I Can Crit In Martial Arts

Chapter 128: Match each other


Senior Sister Wu and Senior Brother Cui were poisoned, and the two fellows, who had no energy, swept all the way towards the dock.

"Junior Brother, how did you know that there was a problem with the Xu family?" Wu Qingqiu asked.

Lin Fan said, "I don't know."

Cui Zhen said: "Fortunately, Junior Brother Lin reminded me, otherwise I would also plant here. I didn't expect the Xu family to kill even his grandson in order not to offend Wei Zhong."

Thinking that Cui Zhen hadn't entered the gate of the mountain, he was also a good player in the world, with rich experience, but even so, he almost started talking, so he should be careful when going out.

People's hearts are unpredictable, and even close relatives don't let it go.

It feels terrible to think about it.

at this time.

Lin Fan saw a group of people running fast on the left and right eaves, and then saw these people release hidden weapons, trying to block their way.

Brother Cui handed a man in his hand and waved his sword in the other. All the hidden weapons that struck were beaten back. Those who threw the hidden weapons also fell from the eaves to the street with their hidden weapons, and some fell directly into the houses. The screams of the couple soon came.

Three figures appeared in front.

They waited for a long time before they saw Lin Fan and the others who had fled. They sneered and killed them quickly.

"Leave it to me." Lin Fan said calmly.

His eyes fell on the three roadblockers. Those guys may be good, but in Lin Fan's eyes, these people's weaknesses are obvious.

Three Wonders of the Sun-Shattered Fingers!

Lin Fan quickly passed in front of the three roadblockers, very fast, the three guys only felt a flower in front of them, and they came over without a reaction, and then they didn't feel any problems.

Turned to look at Lin Fan.

Then, as if feeling something, he raised his hand and touched his forehead.

At some point, their foreheads broke through the finger hole, and red lines gradually appeared near the finger hole, and then spread towards the face, gradually turning into black, and the facial skin seemed to be dry and cracked, directly cracking, turning into fragments and falling on the ground.

Solve three with one move.

The Sunjue Sanjue is indeed domineering, that is, its lethality is too strong, and it is easy to kill people, and there is no chance to keep it.

When Wu Qingqiu passed these three, he glanced at them and found the condition of their foreheads with a look of surprise on their faces.

The younger brother is so strong.

I actually realized the Three Jues of the Sun, if I remember correctly, it didn't take long for the junior to practice the Three Jues of the Sun.

The chase is getting louder and louder.

Many houses with lights on heard these sounds and hurriedly extinguished the oil lamps in fright. Not to mention that ordinary people didn't know what was good or bad. There was absolutely nothing good about this kind of movement in the middle of the night.

Turn off the lights to go to bed and wake up tomorrow morning is another beautiful day.

It didn't take long.

Already arrived at the dock.

Cui Zhen and Wu Qingqiu led people to jump onto the deck, awakened the crew, and made them ready to sail.

"Junior sister, I'm going to untie the rope, you are optimistic about them."

He jumped to the shore, swung a sword, and untied the rope tied to the iron pillar. Then, thinking that the anchor was still in the sea, he hurried back to the ship and began to pull the anchor up.

"The more I think about it, the more angry."

Lin Fan thought about what had just happened, and escorted Xu Zhizhi back. The internal disputes in your family are your business. Saying that we don't care about leaving directly, I didn't expect that the other party would not give face.

The Xu family didn't catch up, and they just killed a large area, which is a small revenge.

Just now.

A figure appeared.

Just as Lin Fan was about to do it, he found that the other party was carrying a few familiar people.

Xu Zhizhi's family of three.

And the person who carried the person also knew Xu Zhiwen.

"Brother Lin, I hope you can take my brother, sister-in-law, and nephew to leave." Xu Zhiwen put the person down and said with a sweaty face.

"What conspiracy and tricks are your Xu family playing?"

Lin Fan squinted his eyes and wondered whether he should slap Xu Zhiwen to death.

Xu Zhiwen was so guilty that he clasped his fists and said sorry, then turned and left without saying a word.

Just when Xu Zhiwen entered the darkness, a scream came, and the sound seemed to be Xu Zhiwen's voice.

"The Xu family has a lot of hard bones."

Then I saw a skinny old man with a giant Buddha bead necklace on his neck coming out.

Lin Fan stared, the other person holding a head in his hand, it turned out to be Xu Zhiwen just now, blood dripping down to the ground, the original handsome boy who was alive turned out to be like this...

to be frank.

It's a pity.

"Junior Brother, go." Cui Zhen came to Lin Fan, and when he saw the old man Toutuo walking out of the darkness, his brows were frowned, and then he was surprised: "It's him..."

Lin Fan said: "Brother, do you know him?"

"Well, the guardian of the Blood Buddha Temple Vajra Lutotu, Junior Brother, this is a very tricky master. Twenty years ago, he was already a master of triple marrow washing, and now his cultivation is unfathomable." Cui Zhen solemnly said.

Even if it was him, he was not the opponent of Lu Toutuo.

Lin Fan said: "Brother, you take these three people aboard, I will deal with this person, and I will come later."

"Junior brother, don't be careless."

"It's okay, even if I lose, I can protect myself."

"it is good."

Cui Zhen took the three of them and turned and left. He believed in Junior Brother Lin. From the past, Junior Brother Lin had shown all kinds of things that shocked him. Therefore, when the trust level increases, every word he said can be of great benefit to others. A sense of security.

"Want to go?"

How can Lu Toutuo let Cui Zhen take people away and rush over directly.

"Do you want to stop?"

Lin Fan stood in front of Lu Toutuo, his palms touched each other, his vigorous vigor erupted, and the resulting vigorous impact spread towards the surroundings.

Lu Toutuo was surprised. He didn't expect that the kid who stopped him would have such a strong spirit, but he looked down upon him a little.

"Vajra Palm."

At this moment, Lu Toutuo uttered a furious rage, and his palms turned bronze, his power was even more fierce than before. Lin Fan did not flinch, but directly touched him again with his palm.

The volatility caused by the collision of strength is amazing.

In a moment.

Lin Fan's palms turned into afterimages, and he kept falling towards the opponent, hitting his throat and eyes, hitting all kinds of life gates, but Lu Toutuo reacted extremely quickly and kept breaking his moves. He wanted to use his strength to crush Lin Fan, and found that The strength of this kid in front of him is not inferior to him.



The arms of both sides are stretched forward, their fingers clasped tightly, and both eyes can spray out flames to compete for strength.



"Good boy, you're better than me in the flesh. It's time to see if you can block the Asura Vajrayana of Bodhidharma." Lu Toutuo grinned cruelly, his thin body seemed to be inflated, and his muscles kept unceasing. Swell up.

Lin Fan didn't bother to talk nonsense with each other.

On the day of the sun, the three strong roads broke out.

A scorching enthusiasm passed away.

Lu Toutuo realized that the situation was not right, and a scorching energy passed down his palm to his arm, and he even felt a burning sensation in the muscles and veins of his arm.

Damn it!


Lu Toutuo pulled his arms out and slammed his chest toward Lin Fan. He obviously wanted to knock Lin Fan into the air. Lin Fan instantly reacted, with a little toe, and kicked Lu Toutuo's chest with force.

Cang Dang!

A dull voice came.

This is the sound of strength collision.

"Hey!" Lu Toutuo sneered, "That's it..."

Now, the two sides are in a stalemate, Lin Fan admits that the other's strength is a bit strong, the other's cultivation is very likely to reach the fourth or fifth level of marrow washing, maybe the dragon bones are not high, but it is since he has cultivated to this point. After ~www.readwn.com~ the only time I met a master who could compete with him to this level.


Lu Toutuo's pupils zoomed, and Lin Fan's eyes were spitting saliva. The saliva was wrapped in vigor. The speed was extremely fast and the penetrating ability was extremely strong.


A scream came.

Lu Toutuo's left eye was wounded, but it was not penetrated, so he protected his eyes with strength.

"Damn fellow, he has cultivated to this level and he still plays such a despicable way."

He yelled and cursed.

But soon.

He heard the sound of breaking through the air.

Surprised, he constantly turned his head to avoid, the drop of saliva hit the ground, and it instantly sank into a pothole. The destructive force was stronger than that of arrows. Because of the intense bombardment, the ground was full of thick white smoke.

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