I Can Crit In Martial Arts

Chapter 139: How can this matter?

Inside another house.

"Senior brother, Li Daoduan really took out the Xuanwu true power to exchange it with Wanhuahua for great medicine?"

Mu Que stared, if it wasn't for the senior brother to tell him, he couldn't believe it was true.

It would be too willing.

Wu Fen said: "Well, I am really willing to have courage, and I have to admire it."

"Can you get the true Xuanwu skill from Wanhuahua?" Mu Que had heard about the extraordinary power of Xuanwu true skill very early. If it could be cultivated, it would be great.

"Junior brother, what you need to cultivate is exquisiteness. The secrets of your current practice have been cultivated to Consummation. If you give up halfway, it is a taboo to practice. Don't think that Xuanwu true art is a magical skill and you want to change your own path. Otherwise, for you, this is not one thing. Opportunity, but a disaster." Wu Fen said solemnly.

"Yes, what the brother taught is." Mu Que lowered his head. Although the brother still said that, he still had some thoughts in his heart.

The next day!

Yuxuan Building.

"Senior Sister, Brother Li, are they gone?" Lin Fan asked.

Wu Qingqiu said: "Well, let's go, take the big medicine with those seniors in advance and go back first. After all, they are all important things, just in case you get into trouble."

Zhao Xuekai smiled and said, "Blessed we are in the same family."

"Yes." Zheng Xianchao also smiled.

at this time.

Mu Que also came out of Yuxuan Tower. When he saw Wu Qingqiu, he couldn't help but smile and said, "Sister Wu, you are going back here. The journey is far away, but you have to be careful all the way."

"Get in the car." Wu Qingqiu didn't even look at the other party, and went straight into the carriage. For her, if she had only met for the first time, then there is no need to know each other now. She felt a headache when she saw it, and she didn't want to tell her at all. A word of nonsense.

Lin Fan glanced at each other, got into the carriage, and left directly with the carriage.

The same is true for Zhao Xuekai and Zheng Xianchao. They followed Sister Wu, and Sister Wu’s attitude is theirs.


Mu Que frowned quite displeased, and took the initiative to say hello to you, and didn't even look at it. It really made people angry.


Official way.

Mu Que did not return to the mountain gate, nor did he leave with his senior. Instead, he took Kang Xian and Qiu Jie to leave. They were going to Anzhou where banditry was serious, and there was a special kind of ore in Anzhou.

"Senior Brother Mu, don't worry, I've been familiar with the trade routes there a long time ago, and I promise that there will be no problems." Kang Xian said.

He also wanted to be like Ning Jia and Ning Cheng, and get to know the three powerhouses, but his situation is difficult to get into the eyes of the other party, so he can only win Mu Que well first.

Use Muque as a springboard to get acquainted with the strong above.

If Mu Que knew it, he would definitely blow his head, Mad, do you have this idea when you are my little brother?


The carriage stopped.

"what happened?"

Mu Que didn't know what was going on, and then he heard the voice of the groom outside, and someone stopped in the middle of the road and refused to give it.

"Brother Mu, I'll go and see what's going on." Kang Xian opened the curtains, went out to see what was going on, and came back soon afterwards, "Brother, Wu Qingqiu's little white face blocked the way."

"Wu Qingqiu is there."

"Let me see."

Kang Xian put down the curtains, looked around carefully, then raised the curtains and said, "No, he's alone."

Mu Que frowned, wondering what the other party was up to. After thinking about it, I didn't figure it out. It's okay to see what the other party wants to do.

Get out of the carriage.

"It turned out to be Junior Brother Lin, what's the point?" Mu Que raised his eyes, and didn't take Lin Fan to heart. Without Wu Qingqiu's light, it would be difficult for this kind of disciple to get into his eyes.

In terms of age, when he entered the Hundred Gang Sect, maybe this kid was still wearing crotch pants and playing with mud.

Lin Fan stopped in the middle of the official road and watched carefully, um, it was safe, there was no expert.

As a elder sister, the younger brother saw that the younger sister was wronged. As the younger brother, he thought he was responsible. If he didn't stop him, the younger sister would definitely use silver to educate each other on what is a rich woman.

But...who knows what will happen in the future, maybe it's really with the senior sister.

If really together.

He will be very distressed by those silver coins.

Therefore, he persuaded the senior sister to be calm, don't be impulsive, and don't have trouble with Yinliang.

Because it was him who persuaded her, the senior sister naturally endured her anger and agreed.

I just wronged my senior sister.

In an instant, Lin Fan moved, with lightning fast, appeared directly in front of Mu Que, raised his hand, with vigor, and slapped it down.

With a snap.

There was a crisp sound.

Mu Que wanted to hide, but found that the big hand was like a big net, covering him, and then he felt a fierce pain in his face, his neck curled, his mouth opened, and a few teeth flew out with bloodshot eyes.

"Your special mother is looking for death."

Mu Que roared, his heart bursting with anger.

Just as he straightened his head, he slapped his face again with a slap, bowed left and right, kept flowing, with constant voices, making Mu Que dizzy and staring in his eyes.

Kang Xian and Qiu Jiesese tremblingly hugged each other to keep warm.

I was completely shocked by the scene in front of me.

Mu Que is their high-level existence, but now they are being slapped face to face. If they remember correctly, they know that Mu Que's cultivation base is not weak.

How could it be drawn without any backhand force?

Beat him.

But where did they know that Mu Que really wanted to resist, he had already gathered his strength, but was broken by Lin Fan's violent slap, and it was difficult to gather his strength.

Now, Kang Xian has red eyes, bloodshot eyes glaring at Lin Fan.

"Asshole thing, do you know he is..."

Lin Fan spread his five fingers and grabbed Kang Xian's mouth, and pulled it in front of him. With his big mouth pulled back and forth, Kang Xian's eyes were dull and rolled, as if he was irritated. Maybe it was cool. But it is absolutely painful.

Let go.

He looked at Qiu Jie again.

"I didn't do anything." Qiu Jie knelt down with a puff, begging for mercy in fear.

Lin Fan stared at the other person, after thinking about it, he pulled him in front of him.

The big mouth twitched.

He didn't kill these three guys. There was no need. Beating and killing are two different things. Even if he went back crying, he might be scolded by the top of the mountain gate.

Lost your ancestor's face~www.readwn.com~ and still have the face to come back crying.

But if it is killed.

It may cause trouble.

In order to put an end to trouble, he can actually ignore it, but the grievances of the senior sister can be ignored or not asked?

Needless to say, I know the answer.


Lin Fan stripped everything from them, mainly taking things that he competed with the senior sister.

"Give me a little eye later."

He looked at Mu Que, who was indistinguishable from the north, south, east and west. After leaving this sentence, he turned and left. The only person present who was unscathed in Lin Fan's hands was the only one who was trembling with the whip in his hand. The groom is out.

He witnessed the terrible scene before him.

It always feels dangerous.

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