I Can Crit In Martial Arts

Chapter 140: I will be worried

Lin Fan walked unrestrainedly and decisively, without the slightest thoughts, leaving only three naked men with broken teeth and no leaves.

"Senior Brother Mu, are you okay."

Even when Kang Xian and Qiu Jie encountered the catastrophe at this time, they still did not take their own safety in their hearts, but were concerned about the situation of Senior Brother Mu.

After this kind of thing.

In their view, the relationship between the two parties must have been sublimated.

Visited the brothel together.

Have a drink together.

I was violently beaten again, no one can have this kind of feeling.

Although they were also very atmosphere in their hearts, but for some reason, there was a sense of rejoicing, as if the other party helped them accomplish what they had always thought of.

Mu Que's head was so dizzy, and after a while, he slowly recovered, and then he was a kind of fortunate.

"Brother Mu..."

They continued to shout, hoping that Senior Brother Mu could pay attention to it.

"Stop shouting."

Mu Que reacted, his face was gloomy, but because his left and right faces were swollen, it was difficult to see how ugly his face was now.

"that guy……"

"Stop talking, I don't want to mention him."

Kang Xian and Qiu Jie looked at each other, and they heard a lot of resentment from Mu Que's words. This resentment was anger.

Mu Que touched his face, and when he touched it, he felt a sensation of pain sweeping over him, trembling all over, an indescribable pain.

"How is my face?"

Kang Xian and Qiu Jie looked at each other again and said in unison: "Brothers are always powerful in our eyes."

"Mad, **** fellow, I must have revenge, he dares to do this to me, I won't let him go."

Mu Que was full of anger, wishing to sack Lin Fan, um... the method of sacking was a bit cruel, and he would definitely return his behavior to me ten times, one hundred times, to him.

Kang Xian said, "Brother Mu, why don't we tell Senior Brother Wu."

"No, tell Brother Wu that he will be disappointed with me. I have to solve this matter myself."


Mu Que looked down and found that they were chilly, and saw the three of them naked and naked to each other. Mu Que looked gloomy in surprise, and his anger toward Lin Fan was much higher.


The three of them set their eyes on the groom.

The horrified grooms were nervous and uneasy. When they felt the aggressive gaze, they could not help but tighten their bodies. They looked at their own eyes with something wrong.

"Your clothes..." Mu Que raised his hand, trying to call the groom to his side, but the groom stood there in a daze, clutching his own clothes, "Masters, I don't have any clothes. Why don't you buy them for you." Some clothes come back."

He shouted in his heart.

I am just the groom.

Do you have to do this to me?



"Sister, give it to you." After Lin Fan returned, he returned to the carriage and took out the object. This thing is not a novelty, but it is still a novelty in this world.


A mirror that can show people clearly.

It's not like glass, it's more like a kind of crystal that can perfectly illuminate people after being polished by a special technique.

Wu Qingqiu saw this thing, obviously stunned, then looked at Lin Fan, "Junior Brother, you..."

Lin Fan smiled and said: "How could the younger brother make the younger sister be wronged? I saw that the younger sister liked it very much, so I asked you to come back. Does the younger sister like it?

"I like it." Wu Qingqiu was moved. This is the first time she has been protected. It feels very mysterious, and I like it hard to say.

Sister Sister likes it.

It was not in vain that he rushed over and gave the other party a severe lesson.

"Junior Brother, you didn't kill them, did you?"

"No, it's just a lesson."

"That's good. If the younger brother's hands are contaminated with their lives, the older sister will have to go to the scene to prevent hidden dangers. Now it is just a lesson, and naturally it will be fine, but the younger brother should not do these dangers for the younger sister in the future Thing."

"Senior sister, don't worry, Junior Brother is not that kind of reckless person."

The headwind is as steady as a dog, and the tailwind waves casually.

The time has not yet come to do whatever you want.

Moreover, even if it was true, he was not a person who would kill people at will. Instead, he would act according to the situation. He said that Lu Toutuo provoked him repeatedly and he did not wait to kill him.

But who would have thought that the other party took the initiative to send it in front of him, and there was nothing he could do about it.

Wu Qingqiu felt that Junior Brother had begun to accept her intentions slowly, but she was a little slow in accepting it, she was not in a hurry, and she felt very good now.

Enjoy it.

Lin Fan felt that the senior sister was not simple, and she spoke with a big boss's demeanor. To her, the dead seemed to be a commonplace meal, and even wanted to help him clean up the scene.

He likes this idea very much.

What he hates most is the kind of...Ah, how can you kill, do you know that they are disciples of the Baigangzong, you are a woman who will cause trouble to the mountain gate.

If the elder sister is such a person.

He will definitely find a good place to live and practice in seclusion, and will never let anyone find him, only show up when he wants to take up the mountain gate mission.


Lin Fan built a bonfire, and everyone was talking around the bonfire. On the way outside, the only disadvantage was that eating and drinking would be a problem, and he couldn't sleep too much.

"Senior Sister, can we use the big medicines that the big brother changed?" Zhao Xuekai asked.

Wu Qingqiu said: "Of course it can be used. Brother said, this is a benefit for the same family. Now that the senior has received 20 medicines for tempering the fourth bone, it should be able to go further."

Zheng Xianchao said: "Wan Huahua can take out so many big medicines by one person, and I always feel that Qingnangzong is not short of big medicines. It is obviously aimed at our authentic Taoism."

"Junior Brother Zheng, there is no need to complain about this kind of thing. It is the skill of others. We only hope that the mountain gate can refine our own medicine." Wu Qingqiu sighed.

Big medicine is really fate.

It feels really uncomfortable to be pinched. Some disciples are tempered with great medicine, otherwise the tempering speed would be too slow.

Lin Fan provokes the bonfire with the branches.

He has never needed big medicine for his cultivation, and a small crit assistant can solve everything.

"Senior Sister..."


"It’s not clear what kind of magical power is Xuanwu true art~www.readwn.com~, but I’ve heard from my seniors that the true power of Xuanwu is a martial art, and it’s a magical art that is one of the secret methods. It’s difficult to practice. , And even for those with outstanding talents, it is very difficult to cultivate Xuanwu true arts to a high level."


Lin Fan nodded, to be honest, he wanted to learn this magical skill, but he couldn't speak, he could only think about it, but he believed that as long as he lived long enough, he could encounter a magical skill in the future.

And just now.

There was a wolf cry.

One louder than one louder, continuous.

"Huh? How come there are wolves here?" Wu Qingqiu was puzzled.

Lin Fan's ears moved slightly, and when he heard the movement getting closer, he stood up abruptly and said:

"Senior Sister, come towards us."

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