I Can Crit In Martial Arts

Chapter 160: Experience

Huihui raised his head.

The little eyes looked very confused and innocent, and then he lowered his head and continued to hold the food.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough.

Otherwise, you will be killed by Huihui Pit. I really didn't expect Huihui to have such a hobby. This kind of hobby is very bad, and it must be given up.

But to be honest.

Senior sister's lips are so soft, they seem to melt.

And there is a kind of fragrance.

"No, now is not the time to think about these things."

His gaze fell on Huihui again, and he didn't act on Huihui for the time being. Instead, he waited for it to fill his stomach first, let you eat first, and then slowly chat with him.

After a long time.

With a smile on his face, Lin Fan gently waved towards Huihui.

"Guihui, how much do you have these things, find out and show me, I will praise you well."

Smiling on your face means more than just happiness.

There is also a smile called a penetrating smile.

Huihui didn't understand, it only knew that the owner's smile, and then diligently went to dig the holes, planing here, and then planing again, and then found out the belly pockets from the dirt one by one.

Place these belly pockets in front of Lin Fan, then sit up straight, with his head high, accepting the master's praise.


Electric light flint room.

Lin Fan pressed Huihui to the ground, and the shocked Huihui straightened his limbs, staring at the wolf, motionless.

"This stuff, if you dare to steal it back from me, I will cut off your stuff."

Lin Fan's ferocious appearance frightened Huihui.

It seems to understand what Lin Fan is referring to.

The tail curled up, blocking the thing, whimpering a few times, and sobbing, as if he was greatly wronged.

Lin Fan threw all the bellybands that Huihui had stolen into the abyss.

Huihui looked at the bellyband floating in the air, with a few drops of painful wolf tears in his eyes, quite reluctant to give up, these are the trophies it has collected so hard during this period of time.


"Gray, don't collect these things."

Lin Fan didn't know whether Huihui could understand it, but these were no longer important. Anyway, it would be fine to destroy the things that Huihui brought back.

He continued to practice.

I don't want to worry about anything else.

Huihui saw that while his master was practicing, he slowly came to a place where there was no excavation, he dug out his apron, and then played happily, but this time he was playing very cautiously, so he was afraid of being discovered again.

Time passed quickly, and one month passed in the blink of an eye.

The thief who stole the underwear was not found.

But a group of lesbians still didn't give up searching, but unfortunately they didn't find the target for the time being.

at this time.

The practice meeting led by Li Daoduan was opened. Those who were able to participate in this meeting were the inner sect disciples of the Orthodox School, and all the conversations were related to practice.

There were men and women present.

Li Dao took the seat, "Dear brothers and sisters, the authentic Taoism is thriving today. Although the contradiction with the outer sect is deepening, all this is to strengthen the mountain gate, and everyone is the mainstay of the inner gate. The symbolic nature is self-evident. Whether the orthodox school can continue to prosper is up to us."

"You can talk about the problems encountered by the younger brothers and sisters in cultivation, and we can discuss them together."

Li Dao-duan, as a master of the orthodox school, wanted to be able to thrive. Only in this way can the mountain gates become strong. Today's orthodox school is not too powerful, and each major mountain gate has its own territory.

Don't say far.

Just talk about recent events.

What happened between Zhengdaozong and Qingnangzong in Diyuan.

It cannot be said that the suppression of Qing Nangzong, once a conflict occurs, both sides will suffer heavy losses.


"Junior Brother You, what's the problem?" Li Daoduan asked.

Junior Brother You is a relatively good disciple in the inner sect. He is very talented in cultivation. He is very optimistic. If he can continue to develop, he will become a true top master of the Shanmen in the future.

"Two months ago, I exchanged the true Xuanwu technique that my senior brother had cultivated, and found that this genius is extremely difficult to practice, and it contains too many things. How should I start."

Li Daoduan said: "Xuanwu true skills are diverse, mainly martial arts and secret methods. You can start with martial arts first, but remember not to be greedy, and practice one of the martial arts first."

"Thank you brother."

"It's okay, the same people should help each other. I have all my experience in practicing Xuanwu true kung fu over the years. You can take it back and have a look. If you have a need, you can share it with each other, but you must not pass it out to prevent it In the hands of Qing Nangzong."

Li Daoduan wasn't afraid of the leakage of his absolute knowledge, but his experience was very useful, and he played a great role in cultivation, which could reduce the number of detours in the practice of Xuanwu true arts.

at this time.

Wu Qingqiu sitting there slowly said, "Brother You, can I make a copy when the copying is over?"

In Wu Qingqiu's situation, she would not participate in such a meeting, but she has a special position in the mountain gate, and she has a lot of relationships with the seniors.

The meaning is clear.

She can participate in any event.

As Wu Qingqiu's voice just fell.

Everyone smiled at the corners of their mouths.

They all know what the situation is.

"Hey, Sister Wu also has the true basal martial arts of the elder brother?"


"Then who is this for?"

"My Junior Brother Lin."

Wu Qingqiu said bluntly and didn't feel there was any problem. He liked Brother Lin from the beginning. The brothers and sisters are not outsiders, and it is normal to tell them to know.

And let the brothers and sisters know.

The relationship between her and Junior Brother Lin.

In the future, she can also look at her face when she is out. They take good care of Junior Brother Lin.

"Okay, since it's the younger sister who spoke, then lend it to the younger sister to transcribe first, and then give it to me when the transcript is finished." Senior Brother You is not a stingy person, and smiled and handed the booklet to Wu Qingqiu.

The transcript is the same morning and evening.

As a senior, he is not in a hurry.

"Thank you Brother You."

Wu Qingqiu collected the booklet, and when the meeting was over, she went back to make a copy.

After we finish talking about cultivation matters.

Li Daoduan talked about the situation in Jiangzhou. It is reasonable to say that the state should handle the affairs of the state. If the state can go all out to fight against foreign enemies, and eventually loses and loses, it is natural that one of them should not stand idly by.

But the point is...

Nowadays, no matter who is going, whenever a Shanmen disciple goes, it will be cannon fodder. Maybe when he gets there, he is not killed by fighting the enemy, it is very likely that he will die in the hands of his own family.


To live well.

It's better to stay at the mountain gate and practice with peace of mind.

This country is not worthy of life. For them, it is true. The sense of belonging to Dayin is very low, but the sense of belonging to the orthodox school is outrageous.


Wu Qingqiu transcribed the experience of Xuanwu's true art under the oil lamp. The transcript was very careful, even after the transcript was over, he still went back and carefully repeated the right and wrong several times.

She copied many copies.

Several senior brothers and sisters all need the experience of Xuanwu true skills.

The brother and sister were willing to let her transcribe first. That was a liking for her, and she couldn't rely on this liking, just as it should be, but she had to be sensible.

The next day.

Wu Qingqiu handed over the transcribed Xuanwu real skills to a few senior brothers and senior sisters, and then began to prepare lunch for Junior Brother Lin, and when he was done, he went to the cliff.

Lin Fan looked at the experience sent by the senior sister.

I was very moved.

"Senior Sister, you are so kind to me." Lin Fan has calmly accepted that Senior Sister treated him well. There is no other way. This is not so much that you can hide if you want to hide. You can pay it back if you want. Anyway, he feels like it is right now. It's pretty good.

If the senior sister pulls him into the house, pushes him on the bed, and takes off his clothes, he will not resist, but will enjoy silently.

Because this relationship has reached a certain level.

There is no need to be evasive.

"Junior, as it should be." Wu Qingqiu said with a smile.

Earlier, I said that other people's kindness to her was not something that should be taken care of. I didn't expect to tell Lin Fan directly now that I should be good to you, so don't have any burden.

Lin Fan grabbed Wu Qingqiu's hand and said, "Senior Sister, give me a few more years, and my cultivation level will rise to a very high level. I will be confident that I can deal with all the troubles."

"Junior brother~www.readwn.com~ I believe you, but I hope we can be safe and peaceful, without causing too many things." Wu Qingqiu said.

Lin Fan smiled and nodded.

He just reassures the senior sister.

Such hard work is not just a matter of peace. He wants everyone to know that there is still a pinnacle in this world that none of you can climb.

For myself.

Also for people who believe in themselves.

If it is really only peace.

The island can be found to survive.

But he didn't want to be like that, he came here, and he didn't break out of the world, a bit sorry for his hard work.


I have to let the senior sister live better too.

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