I Can Crit In Martial Arts

Chapter 161: Start with the secret method

Three months later.

[Hint: Advanced third bone! 】

[Hint: Trigger 300 times the critical strike! 】

[Get: Universal Points +300! 】

"It's complete."

The third bone was consummated and finally tempered to red, and a strong energy burst out in his body. He had always tempered the keel to red to give up, and after reaching the red, the benefits were amazing and terrifying.

At the same realm, the level of keel tempering is different, and there is a huge gap between the two.

He fights steadily, step by step, and will never take big steps. What he wants is to cultivate to the most complete stage at each stage.

Only in this way.

In the future, no matter what kind of opponent you encounter, you can face it calmly, have absolute certainty, and sweep everything.

The third bone has been completed.

The universal point is still hundreds of points.

The Xuanwu true power has been around for several months, and it's time to take it out and practice well.

"Guihui, play by yourself first, and come back when you are tired."

Lin Fan got up and left. To study the true arts of Xuanwu, he had to be calm. This was not a simple jerk, it was more complicated than any **** he had cultivated, and it might take a long time.

Huihui looked at the back of his master leaving, tilted his head, and then saw his master leave before he dared to dig out the long-cherished bellyband and continued to play.

Inside the house.

There are two booklets on the table.

Xuanwu true power.

Xuanwu Zhengong practice experience.

Lin Fan took a deep breath, and read the Xuanwu real power quietly. The time passed quickly, until dark, rubbing his eyes, feeling a kind of soreness, the content was too complicated, and the cultivation method involved was extremely profound.


It's not wrong, just as he thought, the true power of Xuanwu is all-encompassing.

The secret method of basalt can increase tenfold strength.

I don't know how much higher than the secret method he cultivated.

The mountain-leveling strength he is now practicing is unified with Baoyuan, and it is only a three-fold and four-fold increase. This ten-fold increase is really amazing.

At the same time, he discovered that the basaltic secret method is far from that simple. The combination of basaltic martial arts and the secret method can produce earth-shattering power.

There are various classifications of basalt martial arts. If you can cultivate to the peak of consummation, you can perform several mysterious ultimate moves in basal martial arts.

He didn't have any thoughts of sleeping at this moment.

Instead, I chose to see the experience of Xuanwu true power.

These are all seniors’ experiences.

Senior Brother Li started practicing Xuanwu True Kungfu a long time ago and encountered some problems. He is a pioneer and can only solve problems by himself. Although it may not be all right, it is at least experience.


He was completely addicted to it.

Its daybreak.

He watched it carefully, read it back and forth several times, keeping the contents of each place firmly in his mind, then closed his experience, and couldn't help but sigh, the big brother is indeed a genius, and he didn't feel anything when he read the Xuanwu real power.

He didn't realize that this was the case until some problems were pointed out in his experience.

Its central record is that the fundamentals of Xuanwu true kungfu are the five elements of the human body, with the five internal organs as the main body. Among them, martial arts interact and restrain each other. There are ten categories. The five elements are interlinked and the true power of Xuanwu works freely.

The mystery is endless.

As he continued to understand, he felt more and more that the state of mind of the big brother was no longer what he could reach.

It is a bit underestimated that Xuanwu real power is a magical power.

Really peerless magic.

Pushing open the door of the house, taking a few deep breaths of fresh air, and found that the ash hadn't come back, I didn't worry about it. In the mountain gate, it would not be in any danger.

Wash your face, full of energy.

A new effort has begun.

Continue to practice.

First practice the basaltic secret method, cultivate basaltic strength, strengthen your own strength, and wait for the completion of the training, then practice basaltic skills. This is a big project. According to preliminary estimates, it will take two years for the blessing of crit support. Cultivate to the point of perfection.

Carefully comprehend the secrets of Xuanwu.

The content is profound and needs to be realized slowly.


Senior sister brought lunch.

"Junior brother, I need to combine work and rest." Wu Qingqiu felt sorry for the younger brother, but he also admired his seriousness in cultivation, which was beyond her imagination.

Anyway, she felt that no one could work harder than Junior Brother.

Lin Fan ate the food, "Senior sister, don't worry, I know in my heart that Xuanwu's true skill is too profound and requires full dedication."

Wu Qingqiu said: "If you encounter someone you don’t understand, you can ask Senior Brother Li. He has been practicing Xuanwu true kungfu for decades and has a lot of experience. But I have heard from seniors that true Xuanwu kungfu not only requires hard practice, but also You need talent, you can't live without one."

"But I believe that Junior Brother will be able to cultivate successfully."

Wu Qingqiu's trust in Lin Fan has reached a peak.

Lin Fan smiled, "Well, thank you Sister for your trust."

During the meal, Hui Hui came back, and no one knew what it did. Anyway, Hui Hui was hidden very deeply, and it was totally invisible that it had just stolen the bellyband, but it was hidden very deep, hidden in various places in the mountain gate.

Only it knows this place.

"Junior Brother, practice hard, I'll leave first."

Wu Qingqiu wanted to stay with Junior Brother Lin for a while, but she knew that Junior Brother was going to practice. If she stayed, Junior Brother would definitely not say anything, but didn't it just interrupt the training of Junior Brother.

If the two loves last for a long time, how can they be in their turn.

It would be nice to see it every day.

No need to accompany for too long.

After sending off the senior sister, Lin Fan closed the door and continued to read the basaltic secrets. With his current talent, he could be regarded as okay, but now he feels that the basaltic secrets are still very profound.

Continue to specialize.

He believed that as long as he worked hard, he would be able to comprehend it, and as long as he succeeded in comprehending, then he could start real cultivation.

time flies.

Lin Fan was already fascinated, and then began to try to practice Xuanwu secrets.

[Reminder: The Secret Method of Xuanwu is first entered! 】

A weak force appeared in the body.

He knew that this was the strength of the Xuanwu secret method.


The eyes are shining brightly.

Happy in my heart.

Finally able to embark on the track of cultivation.

He left the house and hurried towards the cliff, where he felt the best state of cultivation.


When Lin Fan left, Chen Xu, who was looking around at the gate of the mountain, looked at Lin Fan's away back. He found that this disciple's mental state had been changing ~www.readwn.com~Well... the genius should be like this. "

Chen Xu always believed that Lin Fan was a genius. Although the senior sister did not agree with him, this did not affect how he felt about Lin Fan.

He deliberately inquired about the situation.

Don't say anything else.

In this mountain gate, when asking about Lin Fan's situation, all the disciples only knew that he had a deep relationship with Wu Qingqiu, as if they were a couple. As for other things, they didn't know anything.

It can be explained from here.


The low-key only knows about cultivation. Although it is very gratifying, the only regret is that cultivation is a long-term thing, but it is not that simple to achieve success in cultivation.

Hope time can.

As long as he persists in practicing for about 20 years, he will definitely achieve something.

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