I Can Crit In Martial Arts

Chapter 170: Do you have such a huge opinion on the whole person?


When he came back from Miancheng, he heard the sound of fighting when he was traveling through the canyon. He slowed down and fell silent, like a ghost, falling towards the distance.

Hiding behind a giant tree.

There are two figures fighting together in front of him. One of them is sturdy, holding a giant tree in his arms, and waving violently, forming a strong storm that makes it difficult to approach.

And the other is not tall, or even a little short, and he always feels like he's seen a similar guy somewhere.


There was a huge roar.

"Will you people from Da Yin hide in Tibet?" The big man smashed the giant tree in his hand to the ground, and the horror erupted, and the ground was directly smashed out of the pit.

And the short stature is good at burrowing, and the speed is very fast, making it difficult for people to react.

Hear what they said.

Lin Fan knew who the two were. The strong man was the master of the big guy, and the short one was the master of the big Yin.

The cultivation base is very good.

Depending on the situation of the two sides fighting, at least there is a realm of cleansing the marrow and the second level.

Lin Fan thought for a moment.

Thinking of the ones I saw earlier.

Those who can come forward to contend with the big masters are considered to be good guys. Although this short guy is extremely ugly, but being ugly does not mean he is a bad guy.

After figuring it out.

Lin Fan came forward directly, running vigorously, directly attacked, and slammed at the big man with a palm.

The big man waving the giant tree heard the movement behind him and roared.

"Who dares to attack."

Immediately afterwards, there was a furious counterattack, exploding the unstoppable power to the fullest, and the fierce aura made people feel like a stupid behavior to fight hard with him.

Lin Fan's face was normal, and his palm contained vigorous strength. Even if the opponent was waving a giant tree, he was not afraid at all, but a head-to-head confrontation.


The dull sound erupted.

A palm slapped the giant tree to pieces, and finally hit the opponent's chest with a heavy bombardment.


Broken breastbone.

The big man widened his eyes and looked at Lin Fan with a face full of disbelief, as if he hadn't expected the other party's strength to be so strong, grunting, and bleeding from his mouth.

"you you……"

Before he finished speaking, his body fell backward, planting all kinds of things on the ground.

The Demon Hall master on Dayin's side shuttled on the ground and heard the movement above. Although I don't know what the specific situation is, for him, as long as people appear nearby, no matter who they are, they are enemies.

Lin Fan looked at the ground.

What does that dwarf want to do.


As soon as Lin Fan's expression changed, he saw the ground under his feet explode suddenly, and a figure caught his hand.

"Squeeze your weakness."

The demon master's aura is fierce and fierce, with five fingers flickering, and he specializes in attacking the most vulnerable parts of the human body, no matter how good the opponent is.

Whenever the sneak attack succeeded.

Make sure to make him ecstatic and ecstatic.

Seeing this kind of damaging killer move, Lin Fan rose into the air, dropped his hands, grabbed the palm of the attacking hand, and turned his body vigorously, pulling out the demon hall master from the ground.

"You are so special..."

Lin Fan was furious. Seeing you confronting the big master, he respected you as a good guy and offered help. How could he have thought that the other party would sneak attack and grab his crotch directly.

He knew that the demon hall belonged to Wei Zhong's organization.

Just because Wei Zhong is an eunuch, does everyone in his hands like to destroy the stuff in other people's crotch?

Lin Fan grabbed the opponent, opened his bow left and right, snapped at the opponent's face, then threw it into the distance, shouting angrily:

"What the **** are you doing? Watching you fight against the masters, respecting you as a man, and helping you kill, is that what you do to me?"

"It's just sick, unreasonable."

The voice just fell.

Lin Fan turned and left.

He didn't bother to pay attention to the other party. Since he knew the purpose of coming here, he was not ready to kill the other party, but if he was in other places, he would have been smashed into pieces in this situation.

The demon hall master who was thrown by him in the distance looked at Lin Fan's back in a daze, touching his face with his hands, as if he was aggrieved, muttering.

"How can you slap me."

It seems that for him, he can hit other places, but he can't hit the face.



Lin Fan is not in a very good mood. He has thought before that people who come here to defend their homes and nations need to pay more attention. Maybe you didn't die in the hands of the enemy, but were killed by yourself.

Just talk about the guy just now.

The means are too ruthless.

When people with weak cultivation bases encounter such a situation, if they are not careful, they will be crushed and killed. Death is absolutely miserable.

Although the scenes he saw made him feel very heavy.

But sometimes it is not impulse to decide something.

But you need to keep looking.

There was another movement.

When I listened carefully, I knew it was fighting.

Lin Fan glanced, his face calmly didn't want to pay attention to these things, but when he was about to leave, he heard some sounds.

"Hua Lian?"

This is not the guy I met some time ago.

How could it be here.

It seemed that Hua Lian was indeed Wei Zhong’s person, just as he had guessed.

After thinking about it, I decided to see the situation.

Although there are not many negotiations with Hualian, the feeling of meeting for the first time is not bad. The other party heard from him that the rumors about Wei Zhong were a bit false.

It didn't take long before he struck towards the source of the sound.

at this time.

The situation at the scene was not good for Hualian.

Duan Wuming was about to condense into the essence with surging energy.

"Hua Lian, in the past twenty years, you haven't made much progress. Lao Tzu has already cultivated the Ming Wang Gong to an extremely high level." Duan Wuming sneered again and again.

Although he has a lot of injuries.

But it was enough to defeat Hualian with these injuries.

There are pits and pits everywhere, and they are all deep pits caused by the penetration of strength.

Hualian didn't expect Duan Wuming's Ming Wang Gong to be so powerful. The mystery of the Three-armed Demon God Method is based on the spirit of the National Teachers Association and the effect of special power.

In more than two decades, he has made great progress, but the other side has made even greater progress.

"go to hell."

Duan Wuming let out a low growl, leaped up, and patted Hualian with a palm. The vigorous strength distorted the space, but the seemingly ordinary palm contained terrifying power.

Hualian gritted her teeth ~www.readwn.com~ and took a deep breath, mobilizing all her energy, preparing to fight the opponent hard, avoiding it is impossible, Duan Wuming's body style is extremely fast.

Once evaded, they will fall into the opponent's offensive.

And just now.

A figure fell from the sky and fell in front of Hua Lian, facing the palm of Duan Wuming, Lin Fan didn't panic, but also slapped it.

The two palms collided with strength.

In an instant.

With the two as the center, a powerful shock spread fiercely.


Duan Wuming showed a look of surprise, as if he did not expect someone to appear, and then showed a sharp look, pressed it down, and wanted to knock the opponent away with his own strong strength.

Lin Fan felt the opponent's strength surging like a wave, and did not dare to be careless, and went all out to fight each other.

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