I Can Crit In Martial Arts

Chapter 171: Forget it


The strength between the palms broke out, and the two retreated abruptly.

"It's you." Hualian saw Lin Fan appearing in front of him, with a look of surprise on her face. Obviously she did not expect Lin Fan to appear in front of him at this critical moment.

This saved him from Duan Wuming.

"Well, I didn't expect to meet again." Lin Fan said with a smile.

Hua Lian said with a solemn expression: "Brother Lin, you have to be careful. This guy is a master of the National Teachers Association of Great Leaders. He is strong and good at Ming Wang Gong and can cause hallucinations."

The moment when I just met.

He could see that Lin Fan's strength had reached an extremely high level.

I really didn't see it when I first met.

Duan Wuming looked down at the palm of his hand, and suddenly raised his head to look at Lin Fan, "Good fellow, you got into a nosy halfway, who are you?"

A brief fight.

He has already discovered that the opponent's strength is not weak, and the strength is not weak at all.

"It's up to you." Lin Fan looked calm.


Duan Wuming was furious, but he didn't expect this guy to be so arrogant.

"It's okay, I have been in the world for so many years, and I have never seen an arrogant guy like you. I will see that you still don't have a hard mouth."

"That's because you didn't meet me."

The voice just fell.

The two fought again, Lin Fan's moves were fierce. In a moment, he seized the opportunity and swung his fist towards Duan Wuming's heart. Duan Wuming's complexion changed slightly, he performed light work, his toes were lighter, and his body was as light as a swallow. The slid towards the back.

Lin Fan chased after him.

His fist was only one punch away from Duan Wuming's heart.

And just now.

Lin Fan turned his fist into a finger, his fingers were covered with jet black material and stretched out at the same time. The startled Duan Wuming's complexion changed drastically, he changed his position forcibly, and snorted.

Pierced Duan Wuming's body guard, and made a wound on his chest.

"Is your Da Yin warrior so despicable?" Duan Wuming was furious, roaring with anger. If he hadn't dodged fast, something that could pierce his body protection power would definitely pierce his heart.

Lin Fan ignored him, changed his offensive, and continued to kill his throat. The speed was extremely fast, and he could only see afterimages quickly.

"Damn it."

Duan Wuming kept retreating, being forced into a rage, and directly used the three-armed magic magic method, a strong black power erupted from his body, forcibly fighting with Lin Fan.

Boom! Boom!

The strength of the two people destroyed the surroundings in a very tattered state, and the trees and boulders were directly broken.

"It's amazing." Hua Lian looked at the scene in front of him with a look of surprise. After all, he underestimated Lin Fan. He thought that the opponent was young, even if he had the strength, he might not be much stronger.

Now it seems that Qiang has made him a little bit unbelievable.

Lin Fan found that Duan Wuming's strength was much thicker than just before, and he didn't keep his hands. Instead, he took out absolute strength and used the solar body, and the hot strength burst out.

Duan Wuming's face was solemn, and as he kept fighting, he felt as if his veins were being burned by a hot flame. Although he resisted with strength, he still had that feeling.

After resisting dozens of moves.

Just when Duan Wuming was about to pull away to avoid it, a hidden weapon broke through the air, and he was shocked to slap the hidden weapon with his power, but at this moment.

Lin Fan seized the opportunity and slapped him on the chest with a palm.


Duan Wuming vomited blood and flew upside down, "So despicable..."

He didn't expect Hualian to sneak attack.

"Brother Lin, you and I will join forces to get rid of him." Hua Lian struck, taking advantage of his illness to kill him, and joining Lin Fan with him would definitely kill Duan Wuming.

"I can come."

Seeing Duan Wuming flying out, Lin Fan didn't even think about it, chasing after him.

Spread his five fingers, grab Duan Wuming's ankle, squeeze the ankle bones directly with a violent force and a click.

Duan Wuming endured the severe pain, supported the ground with one hand, grabbed a handful of dirt, and threw it toward Lin Fan's eyes. The dust was filled, and Lin Fan's strength dissipated, forming a storm to push the dust away.

A punch hit the sole of Duan Wuming's shoes, and the strength penetrated. The leg that was intact as before burst directly, blood staining the ground, and the situation was terrible.

Although Lin Fan's cultivation is only three levels of marrow washing, when he is in this three levels of realm, he tempers his dragon bones to red, and his strength is far beyond what people of this level can compare.

"and many more."

Duan Wuming leaned against the giant tree and raised his hand to look at them.

"Brother Hualian, we are also old acquaintances, there is no need to kill them all."

He knew there was a problem with this statement.

I also know that there is not much difference between saying and not saying.

But for some reason, he still wanted to say that there might be a miracle.

Lin Fan looked at Duan Wuming weirdly, and didn't know what he thought. He had already reached this situation and even said such stupid things.

Hualian did not speak.

Lin Fan didn't want Duan Wuming to continue to live. For such masters, if they live longer, there will be a lot of uncertainty.

Raise your hand directly and drop it with a palm.

Duan Wuming was shocked, raised his hand to resist, Lin Fan grabbed his wrist, then slapped his chest with a palm, and the vigorous force directly penetrated his body, and the giant tree behind him exploded directly.

His eyes widened, blood gushing from his mouth.

"A bit weak."

When Hualian heard these words, she looked at Lin Fan in surprise. There was a gap between him and Duan Wuming. Hearing these words from Lin Fan, she didn't know what to say for a while.

The "three words" Lin Fan said is a kind of low-key ridicule.

He also used his real strength to fight against each other.

"Brother Lin, thank you for your help. If it weren't for your help, I still don't know who is going to kill him." Hua Lian clasped her fist.

Lin Fan smiled and said, "It's okay. I can't leave it alone. When I came here, I met some people who were fighting against each other. Among them, some of them were short and hideous-looking people who were from the demon hall, right?"

"That's right, that's the people from the Demon Hall, one of the two major institutions in the hands of Wei Gong, to deal with the masters of the Dagan. This section of Wu Ming is a master sent by the Dagan National Teacher Association. He died. This matter can be regarded as a successful conclusion."

Lin Fan said, "Well, I met a person from the Demon Hall earlier, and after helping him kill the masters, he directly attacked me and almost destroyed my life. The people from the Demon Hall have to take care of it. "

"Huh?" Hualian's face changed when she heard this, and she was obviously a little angry. "Brother Lin, who do you say he is, dare to be so dubious."

"Haha, forget it, I have forgotten it." Lin Fan waved his hand, not wanting to say anything.

And just now.

A figure quickly appeared from a distance.

"Master Hua."

A short-bodied demon master attacked and saw Hualian appear there, and immediately called it respectfully ~www.readwn.com~ Lin Fan looked at the figure and said in surprise: "Hey, it seems that it is him."

The master of the demon hall came to his side.

Haven't spoken yet.

Hualian came directly in front of him, and raised her hand to face the master of the demon hall with a few slaps.

"I don't know anything good or bad, Brother Lin will help you kill the enemy, but you still dare to sneak attack, knowing whether you live or die."

"Brother Hua, forget it, forget it, there is no need to do this." Lin Fan pretended to persuade him, but only moved his mouth. Seeing Hua Lian pummeling each other angrily, he was still in a good mood.

It was really cool.

The master of the demon hall looked dumbfounded.

Don't dare to resist.

A little confused.

Why was it smoked again.

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