I Can Crit In Martial Arts

Chapter 172: Good people are always drawn

, The fastest update to the latest chapter of my ability to practice martial arts crit!

Hua Lian glared at him angrily, and she looked at the short master with fear.

"If Brother Lin hadn't talked to you today, you would have to be abolished." Hua Lian yelled and made the demon hall powerhouse take a peek at Lin Fan. The first glance was nothing, but the second glance was just fine. I was familiar with it, and I realized that this guy was the one who licked his mouth.

Lin Fan still wanted to see Hua Lian continue to fan the dwarf.

How could I have thought that Hua Lian would say that I would say something nice to him.

This is impossible.


You continue to smoke, but whenever I say a word, even if I am sick.

"Go away." Hua Lian shouted angrily.

The short and strong man immediately shrank his head and left.

"Brother Lin, please don't take it to heart. These guys are ignorant." Hua Lian clasped her fist.

Lin Fan smiled and said, "It's okay, I can understand."

"Thank you for the help of Brother Lin this time. Duan Wuming has a good position in the National Teacher's Association. I didn't expect that in this fight, he would be beheaded for the first time, and his corpse would be hung there. Morale."

Hualian is in a good mood and feels very lucky.

"Are these masters sent by the National Teachers' Association?" Lin Fan asked.

Hua Lian said in a deep voice: "Yes, they were all sent by the National Teachers’ Association. The National Teachers’ Association is a religious sect in Dagan, and the founder is the Dynasty’s National Teacher. Behind the scenes to add fuel to the flames."

"That's it."

Lin Fan thought of the deserted ruined temples he had encountered in Dayin. At that time, he felt that the gods in the deserted temple were terrifying, and it seemed a bit similar to the moves Duan Wuming had just performed.

Could it be that the National Teacher Association had appeared in Dayin before.

Finally squeezed out.

Well, there is such a possibility.

"Brother Lin, why did you pass here?" Hua Lian was very puzzled. It was already dangerous when he left Crane City, not to mention that when he came here, if he was a little bit unlucky, he would be able to meet a great master.

This time, they are just as good as possible with the National Division. The martial arts masters are here in a decisive battle, and often their victory or defeat can represent the result of the war.

If this time Da Yin loses.

The masters of the National Division Association will assassinate the generals of the army, leading to the loss of the group of dragons and the defeat of the army. In the past few years, Yaotang and Wutang dispatched many masters, causing numerous deaths and injuries, and losing one city after one failure.

Lin Fan said, "I heard that Dagan had captured several cities, so I wanted to see how the people in the occupied cities were."

"Did you see it?"

"I saw it."

"how is it?"

"It's terrible."



Lin Fan and Hua Lian looked at each other and sighed silently. For them, one wanted to repel the big task, and the other wanted to practice quietly and not to make so many moths out. .

"Brother Hualian, I will leave if I have something to do." Lin Fan clasped his fists and didn't linger. He thought of Imperial City Secretary Jia Daiquan, who also wanted to pull him to join the Imperial City Department and win high officials.

It's just that he knows that his strength has not yet reached that point.

What's more, he is only cleaning the marrow with three levels of cultivation now, which is really weak. Don't look at his current cultivation level as if he can be a master with four or five levels.

But to be honest.

With this strength, the daring to be indiscriminately outside is simply a kind of death-seeking behavior.

"Brother Lin..." Hua Lian said, she did want to invite Lin Fan to join them. Talents are the scarcest right now. Anyone who can get a talent will make a lot of money.

"Brother Hua, I know what you want to say, but I don't have such an idea yet, so I'll leave first and see you if I have a chance." Lin Fan didn't say much, as light as a swallow, attacked far away.

"Hey, what a pity."

Hualian looked at the distant figure of Lin Fan, and it was a long time since she could not return to her senses, but she thought of the orthodox school in her mind. Some things should be told to Wei Gong. In this battle, he did not dare to take credit for it. The result is still uncertain.

Later, he came to Duan Wuming's body.

"It's a terrible death. Give me a good use of your corpse." Hua Lian grabbed Duan Wuming's corpse. She had no other idea, just to hang his corpse so that the people who worked hard would know, yours. The master has been killed.


"Brother Gu, Junior Sister, have you really decided?" Lin Fan asked. He told them the danger he had just encountered. If he stayed in the barracks, he might face danger, and it was not an ordinary danger.

The two armies fought, and the swords had no eyes, and you could die here if you were not sure.

Gu Ao said, "Brother Lin, I will stay here to accompany the younger sister."

"I can't keep my dad here. If we are in danger, we will leave as soon as possible." Zhang Yan said in a deep voice, she naturally knew that staying here was dangerous.

But there is no way.

Her father wants to stay here, what else can she do as a child?

"Well, you guys pay attention to safety. The Hualian brother we met some time ago has a very high status here. If you encounter something that can't be solved, you can find him." Lin Fan said.

"Then he is Wei Zhong's person?" Gu Ao asked in surprise.

"Well, that's right, it's Wei Zhong's person."

"Then he..."

"You're pretty good, don't worry."

Although I haven't known Hua Lian for a long time, but in this short acquaintance, although Hua Lian is Wei Zhong's person, it is not as unreasonable as he imagined.

Maybe people's methods are a bit evil, but if you can be reasonable, it's easy to say.

The next day.

Lin Fan set off from the military camp early and came to Taicheng to take away the younger sister’s family. Because of the letter from the younger sister, the matter was resolved easily without any accidents.

It's just that the steward of the junior sister's house needs to stay here.

Responsible for the Zhang family's business, and at the same time transporting supplies to the military camp. These supplies may be a drop in the bucket for the military, but they are also what Zhang family wants to do.

Horse-drawn carriages drove on the official road.

The carriage was led by a servant of the Zhang family. He stayed in the carriage to practice. He had already practiced the basaltic secret method to the point of strength. The next stage was transparency, and finally it was Consummation.

When he cultivates to that moment, his strength will change drastically.

Regardless of whether he practices martial arts or secret methods, he will follow step by step, orderly and not chaotically, one after another, and he will not stop without cultivating every one to perfection.

People from the Zhang family moved from Taicheng to Ningcheng, and there were a lot of trucks, large and small. If it were in the past, they would definitely be very scared.

Jiangzhou is now in chaos, with bandits everywhere.

Their target group is really too big.

It is easy to attract the attention of others.

However, they were escorted by the seniors of their own young lady, the master of the mountain gate, which was more at ease than how many escorts transported them, so they didn't have much sense of crisis.

I feel that this road must be very safe.

Wasteland flat land.

A group of bandits were sitting in front of the mud pit. Wood was burning in the pit. A bandit opened the fire and digs out an oval-shaped thing full of mud.

Knock on the stick.

The fragrance is tangy.

There is a cooked chicken hidden inside.

Just when everyone is sharing food.

A figure ran from a distance.

"Come to live, come to live."

A dark-faced, ugly-looking bandit ran over from a distance, his face full of excitement.

The bandits eating muscles looked suspiciously at ~www.readwn.com~ The bandits came to a bald man, bent over and said, "Brother, I saw a group of convoys coming from far away, there are a lot of them, and they all carry goods. , And there are no guards, it looks like a wealthy businessman fled, but this time it is a really fat meal."

"How many people are there?" The big man was full of flesh, fierce and wicked, and beside him was a machete.

"At first glance, there are people on the 20th and 30th."

"There are a few with weapons."

"There are not many with weapons, there are more old, weak, sick and disabled."

"Okay." The big man was overjoyed when he heard it, carrying a big knife, swallowing the chicken in his hand, and loudly said: "Brothers, come to live, get me ready and rob them."

The voice just fell.

A group of bandits cheered.

What they like to hear most is to live.

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