I Can Crit In Martial Arts

Chapter 173: I know what you mean

, The fastest update to the latest chapter of my martial arts training can crit!

The convoy drove towards Ningcheng in an orderly manner.

Inside the carriage.

When Lin Fan finished his cultivation, he opened a corner and looked at the scenery outside. He was already some distance away from Taicheng. At this speed, it would not take long to leave Jiangzhou and enter Huaizhou.


Lin Fan felt something was wrong, and he found some problems around him.


As his voice came out from the carriage, the Zhang family members stood there honestly. In their hearts, Lin Fan was like the leader of the guard, strong and able to feel the arrival of the crisis ahead of time.

Lin Fan came out from the inside, stood on the carriage, looked around, there was no one there, but he knew there was someone there, so he took a sigh of relief and said slowly:

"Everyone is prepared, you must have a conspiracy, you might as well come out and talk about it."

His expression was indifferent.

I don't panic when encountering these things.

But the people of the Zhang family are far less calm than him.

The first thought in my mind was that I encountered a bandit.

In the past, these guys were the number one enemy of all caravans, and those with bad luck encountered these people and money.


"Brother, he seems to know that we are here and wants us to go out." said a bandit.

The bald bandit pondered for a moment, "Mad, which **** has exposed our position, first go out and have a look. This shipment is very valuable to me. If it slips away from my eyes, I won't regret it."

The other bandits were greedy, and the eldest brother was right. He really wanted to let go of so many goods, let alone regret, he even wanted to die.


A group of bandits rushed down from the hillside, coming fiercely, waving the knives in their hands, and the people watching were panicked.

The people in the Zhangjia team were very nervous, standing in place at a loss, some were afraid to take out their knives, as if they were ready to fight the opponent desperately at any time.

Lin Fan didn't expect to encounter bandits again, this frequency is a bit high.

Still speaking, this industry is more successful.

Cause many people are willing to mix in this industry?

"Who is in charge here, come out and say a few words." The bald man rode a horse and carried a big knife on his shoulder, looking at the group of ordinary people who, in his opinion, could do it with two or three knives.

"I am." Lin Fan came from behind, facing the bandits with more than 30 people.

The bald guy looked at Lin Fan, "Are you the person in charge of this team?"


"Well, my name is Decepticons, and all the roads within a hundred li are under my control. Usually, if you pass by, it depends on your luck. You can live without me. If I am here, you can’t live. Your luck is not. Very good, just happened to be met by me."

The Decepticon spoke very proudly. When ordinary people saw his fierce appearance, their legs would definitely be frightened.

"Then what?" Lin Fan asked.

The Decepticon said: "Walking in rivers and lakes is often multiple friends and multiple roads. I don't want your life. As long as your goods and goods stay, people will leave for me to ensure that you are fine."

The bandits around nodded.

I feel that what the eldest brother said makes sense.

We are quality bandits. We don't kill people when we rob money. We just need to leave the goods. We can continue to rob them next time.

"Well, it makes sense, but the goods can't be left behind. As the disciples of the Xiazhen Dao Sect, take the same family back home, you, as bandits, can understand the way and the money, but you should also know what can be stopped and what can't be stopped." Lin Fan Shen said.

The Decepticons heard Lin Fan report himself to the gate.

There was a sudden shock inside.

Shanmen disciple?

If this is the case, it can be a little tricky.

They do this business and never provoke the people of the mountain sect, after all, that is not something they can deal with.

"Since your Excellency is a disciple of the mountain gate, I would be bothering you, I hope I can understand and withdraw..."

The Decepticon waved his hand and left with the troops.

The Zhang family smiled when they saw the robbers leaving, and their eyes were full of admiration when they looked at Lin Fan.

Sure enough, it was amazing.

I haven't done it yet, just the registration number scares people away, which is really amazing.

Lin Fan didn't expect these bandits to be so conscious.

This is something he didn't expect.

Go back to the carriage and let them continue on their way.


"Big brother, really let them go?" a bandit brother asked.

It's really unwilling to allow such fat to leave.

The Decepticon sneered and said: "How is it possible, finally met a fat, let them go, the sky thunders, the second tiger, you will follow me, I will quickly go to the Iron Sword Sect, since he is a Shanmen disciple, Then Lao Tzu let other Shanmen disciples **** him."

And at this moment.

A voice came.

"Then what am I doing?"

Without turning his head back, the Decepticon said angrily: "You are so special to stay with me."

"Big...Big brother."

"What are you doing?"


The Decepticons noticed that the tone of his little brother's speech was a bit wrong, and turned his head. When he saw Lin Fan's face, he was shocked and rolled away. He moved away from Lin Fan, looking terrified, and pointed his finger at Lin Fan.

"when did you come?"

Really scared silly.

Whether the other party has a ghost or not, just like a ghost.

Lin Fan smiled and said, "When you said you would go to Iron Sword Sect to find someone for help, I was there."

"What do you want to do?" The Decepticons were very upset, with a bad feeling.

"It's nothing, I just came to see what you are going to do later. If you don't do anything, you will assume that you haven't seen it before, but now, your behavior makes me very difficult."

"Don't mess around, we don't mean anything else."

"I know what you mean, but you don't mean to satisfy me."

Lin Fan shook his head, regretting his choice. When he first appeared in front of the Zhang family, he wanted to defeat the group of bandits, but the scene might be bloody.

They didn't shoot there.

The Decepticons knew that the situation at this time was not as simple as he thought, and said cruelly: "Brothers, copy me guys and fight with him."

"Very good." Lin Fan squeezed his fingers, with a smile on the corners of his mouth.


Not long after, Lin Fan returned to the motorcade. When Mrs. Zhang passed by the carriage, the old lady opened the curtains and asked about Lin Fan's situation.

"Old lady don't worry~www.readwn.com~ it's okay." Lin Fan smiled.

The old lady's eyes fell on Lin Fan, smiled and nodded. Then, she found that there were blood marks on the ground Lin Fan walked on. Thinking of the situation just now, adding the **** footprints at this time, she understood clearly in her heart.

"The people at Yan'er Shanmen are not simple."

Did not say it.

Just thinking in my heart.

If she hadn't guessed, those bandits should have died just now.

For Lin Fan, these were just ordinary things.

Cultivation is the most important thing.

The Decepticon is a person with a network in Jiangzhou, and it has a close relationship with a certain disciple in the Iron Sword Sect, but for a traveler like Lin Fan, if you kill it, you will kill it.

Could the other party still follow the route to find me?

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