I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 15: 2 treasures

Although Lin Ze and Wang Long were surprised by Shen Zhui's request, they didn't think much about it.

Wu Gu was going to die after all. Since it didn't hinder Lin Ze, it didn't matter who killed him.

As a prisoner, it is normal to have this kind of hatred for evil.

Wang Long knew very well about Shen Zhui's life experience. In this Heyuan County, he had only one relative left with his adoptive father, Shen Shan. Under the current righteous indignation, although it was unnecessary, he could understand it.

As for Lin Ze, there would be no objection.

On the contrary, Wei Wenhe, who had been silent all this time, looked at Shen Zhui thoughtfully.

"Okay, Brother Shen, you will carry out Wu Gu's punishment." Lin Ze stepped aside.

Wei Wenhe nodded slightly, and Wang Long still issued a token to Shen Zhui. There was a blood-red word "Zhan" on the token.

As soon as the beheading order appeared, it kept buzzing, pulling Shen Zhui towards Ugu. At the same time, a faint red light shrouded Ugu's head, revealing Ugu's sins.

"Wugu, the former captain of the Wu'an Army's Fire Dragon Squad, was in the late stage of the Inspiration Realm. Three years ago, he was expelled from the Wu'an Army for robbing treasures and killing teammates."

"After that, he took refuge in the Guiyuan Sect and practiced evil arts. In the past three years, he killed a total of 682 people. He committed murder, treason, and robbery. The crime is unpardonable!"

"According to the decree of the Great Zhou Dynasty, behead!"

A cold shout sounded, and Shen Zhui raised the steel knife in his hand!

"Woooooo!!" Ugu's eyes rolled crazily. At this last moment, red light erupted from his body. His body trembled crazily, but was then locked by a blue chain.

"Whoa!" Shen Zhui no longer hesitated and slashed Ugu's neck with a knife.

"Pa~" His head fell to the ground, and Wu Gu opened his eyes wide, eyes filled with endless reluctance.

He never thought that he would fall into the hands of a ninth-level acquired warrior.

"Go." Another token appeared in Lin Ze's hand, and a blue light suddenly shot out from the token.

The blue light swept over Ugu's body like water, and the next moment, it suddenly burned, and Ugu's body disappeared.

Lin Ze couldn't help but look happy.

As for Shen Zhui, he also received system prompts in his mind.

"Congratulations to the host, for killing the real Qi practitioner in the late stage of the Inspiration Realm, and will be rewarded with 60,000 points of good deeds."


After handing back the beheading order, Shen Zhui cupped his hand and said to Lin Ze, "Brother Lin, among these things, I want to choose the streamer mask and the bright light armor."

"Okay." Lin Ze waved his hand, and a light golden mask and simple soft armor on the ground were wrapped in a piece of black cloth and floated in front of Shen Zhui.

This flowing gold mask was suggested by the county magistrate and Wang Long to Shen Zhui, so Lin Ze could naturally hear it.

Although Lin Ze was actually very greedy for these two things, he didn't hesitate at all.

Lin Ze understood that if the county magistrate wanted to, he could plunder all the treasures from Ugu's body first and just hand over Ugu's body to him. He couldn't say anything and still had to thank him.

But in that case, the eating appearance would be a bit ugly.

But it was different now. These valuable things were all left to him, Lin Ze. This was a great favor!

"Shen Zhui, please continue to live back in the City God's Temple. I will keep a trace of my spiritual thoughts on your adoptive father's side and make good use of these two treasures." Wei Wenhe warned.

"I would like to thank you, sir." Shen Zhui said with joy on his face and quickly thanked him.

He was afraid that he would suffer the same fate as He Tong, but now with the guarantee from the county magistrate, his adoptive father's safety would be guaranteed.

"Haha, Brother Shen, see you later." Lin Ze also smiled happily.

"Goodbye, Brother Lin."

The three of them disappeared out of thin air. Shen Zhui found that he could hear the faint sounds of vendors selling goods in the distance again. He immediately understood what had just happened. I am afraid that no one could see the movement here except a few of them.

"Both the county magistrate and Brother Lin didn't ask me how I discovered Na Wugu. I don't know if they didn't want to ask or if they were really fooled by me." Shen Zhui thought thoughtfully.

When Wu Gu was injured, he leaked his aura and was discovered by himself at close range... This reason seemed very good, but in fact, Shen Zhui discovered it only after all the hidden treasures on Wu Gu were collected and introduced by Lin Ze. , I am still too naive.

"It seems that the county magistrate and others are unwilling to ask further questions." Shen Zhui smiled slightly. "The county magistrate is very open-minded. I will have less worries in the future."

"And..." Shen Zhui walked back to the room, opened the package, and looked at the two treasures.

"The county magistrate did not ask me to choose the two most valuable treasures. Instead, he specifically asked me to choose the two less valuable ones. Apparently he thought these two treasures were the most suitable for me."

The main function of the Hidden God Robe is to conceal crimes. Although it is worth more than the Bright Light Armor, it is useless to Shen Zhui.

The psychic compass contains information about the gods and Taoism of the City God's Temple, as well as the induction of the Taoist tablets of the Zhanzi Order, but the effect is not shown.

Only the Spirit Gathering Mirror has the effect of speeding up cultivation, which makes Shen Zhui very excited. Combined with the Yuan Nizhu given by the county lord, it is undoubtedly the best for Shen Zhui who wants to advance to the innate world.

"This bright light armor has a built-in magic circle. It usually absorbs the spiritual energy of the world and stores it. At critical times, it can block a full blow from the innate high-level. Even if you don't use this magic circle to defend, just relying on its own material, attacks from the innate high-level and below can be blocked. The power will also be reduced by 50%."

"The flowing gold mask can hide my breath. It is difficult for innate masters to detect my breath. It can also change my appearance and body shape."

"These two, one is hiding and the other is defense. In addition, I am close to the level of inviting two gods. The county magistrate asked me to make good use of these two treasures. Obviously..."

"Do you hope that I can kill the innate warrior?"

"Thinking deeper...does the county magistrate also think that with these treasures, I have a chance to kill the innate warrior?" Shen Zhui was faintly excited.

As the saying goes, it takes a thousand days to raise an army, but it takes only a short time. The county magistrate would not give him so many treasures for no reason.

But Shen Zhui did not resist this arrangement.

He wanted to become stronger and protect his family, so the county official gave him treasures to help him improve his strength.

This kind of benefit is not free, it also requires him to fight for it!

You have to pay as much as you get, it is only natural!

The Li family has committed many evil deeds and has tried to kill him many times, and the system of punishing evil requires him to constantly arrest those lawbreakers to obtain good deeds.

Even if the county official doesn't give him anything, Shen Zhui will not let the Li family go!

"There's no need to think too much now. Let's try using these two treasures first."

Shen Zhui first put on the bright light soft armor.

This soft armor is very light in weight and shaped like a vest. When Shen Zhui puts it on, a stream of vitality essence is output from his body to the soft armor.


The Mingguang Soft Armor inspired by vitality quickly expanded, and in the blink of an eye, the coverage area changed from the chest and back to full body coverage!

Except for the parts above the neck and the soles of the hands and feet, almost everything is protected by the light armor.

"No wonder it's called a treasure. Even Lin Ze is a little reluctant to part with it." Shen Zhui felt the cold air emanating from the armor all over his body, and spiritual energy from heaven and earth continued to seep into the Mingguang Armor.

And in that chest area, there is a mysterious magic circle running independently, accumulating spiritual energy.

"Try this streamer mask again." Shen Zhui picked up the mask that was three feet long and wide and looked like a special leather, and put it on his head.


Once the mask is activated, it ripples into the skin like water ripples.

As Shen Zhui thought, his face suddenly became distorted, and then the bones of his body changed slightly. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com

Feeling a strange and itchy feeling, Shen Zhui walked up to the bronze mirror.

An old and simple face appeared in the mirror, which was very similar to his adoptive father Shen Shan. Even his body shape became stronger and shorter.

"Oh my God, this is too exaggerated." Shen Zhui looked at the unfamiliar face in the mirror and couldn't help but sigh.

In this way, you can change into whoever you want. It is simply a hidden treasure for assassination!

"Huh? No, it's still defective."

Shen Zhui sensed it and soon discovered the shortcomings of this golden mask.

"Although it can be changed at will, once the vitality is used, the concealment effect will disappear."

"And once this flowing gold mask is used, it will completely hide the breath. It's okay if you pretend to be an ordinary person, but you can't do it if you want to pretend to be a warrior or a Qi practitioner."

Shen Zhui felt a little regretful.

The flowing gold mask is completely invisible, showing the aura of an ordinary person. And when you use your strength, it will be exposed.

Obviously if he wants to disguise himself as another warrior, it is simply impossible, because if he pretends to be a strange warrior, although his body and face are that person's, his aura disappears, and others can feel something is wrong at a glance.

"That's right. If you can even disguise your realm, then the value of this treasure may be impossible to estimate."

"But." Shen Zhui smiled slightly. "With this golden mask, it is much easier for me to leave the city now. It is almost impossible for me to be watched by the Li family."

Taking off the flowing gold mask and returning to its original appearance, Shen Zhui looked into the distance and murmured to himself.

"Be patient, endure for a while longer... Once I reach the level of inviting the second god, it's time for the Li family to pay the price for those evil deeds."

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