"Wu Liang marched from Dong'a and reached Dingtao, where he defeated Xia's army twice. Liu Yu also killed Xia general Chen You, benefiting Xia and showing his arrogance.

Liu Yunai admonished Wu Liang and said: "Victory will defeat the arrogant and lazy ones." Today the soldiers are few and lazy, and the soldiers of Xia are increasing day by day, and I am afraid of them. ’ Wu Liang couldn’t listen. He sent Liu Yu out of Cai..."

City God Temple, in the courtyard of the guest house.

Shen Zhui was walking in the courtyard with a book in his arms. There was a trace of golden light flowing on his body, and golden words floated from the book one after another, like swimming fish, entering Shen Zhui's mind.

Shen Zhui, on the other hand, had a leisurely and contented expression, completely immersed in reciting allusions to gods.

Suddenly, Shen Zhui's expression changed slightly, and the originally smooth reading in his mouth suddenly became paused and stuttered. There was no more golden light coming from the book.

"Dao met the envoy from Cai, the envoy..."

At the same time, a system prompt sounded in my mind.

"The time of enlightenment is over."

Shen Zhui felt a sense of suffocation, and immediately shook his head, closed the book, returned to the room, and let out a long breath.

"This third invitation to slay the demon is so difficult? Twenty days have passed and I'm still stuck in the middle of the third story. And the county magistrate refuses to let me leave the city..."

After getting two treasures twenty days ago, Shen Zhui returned to the temple and used his good deeds to redeem enlightenment time every day to recite allusions to the gods.

Second, please distinguish right from wrong. As early as fifteen days ago, Shen Zhui met the requirement.

Originally, Shen Zhui planned to go to the law enforcement hall to answer the murder case about the Li family, but unexpectedly, the county magistrate stopped him directly and strictly ordered everyone not to leave the city.

Shen Zhui had no choice but to continue cultivating in the Chenghuang Temple. After that, Shen Zhui began to try to invite the gods for the third time!

Although Wang Long said that the third invitation to the gods requires at least acquired peak strength to withstand the divine power.

But Shen Zhui felt that with the help of Yuan Mizhu, it might not take long for him to reach the peak of the acquired world.

So I simply took advantage of the enlightenment time and planned to let my spiritual consciousness reach the third level first.

When he reaches the level of the Third Invitation to Slay Demons and Evils, if he has not yet reached the peak of the acquired world, then there is no problem if he does not use the third Invitation's divine power.

Unexpectedly, Liu Yu’s third story, after spending almost all his good deeds, could still only reach the middle part.

Moreover, the ban imposed by the county magistrate has not been lifted yet.

"The third move has encountered a bottleneck. Instead, the second move of my sword technique has a rough outline. I have a vague feeling that I can completely create this second move after just a few actual battles."

After all his good deeds were spent and the progress of the three invitations to the gods was slow, Shen Zhui focused on his sword skills. Now, this second move only needed the final verification in actual combat.

"But if I don't leave the city and don't have time to gain enlightenment, I'm afraid it will be difficult for my spiritual consciousness to reach the point where I can ask the gods three times, and my sword skills will not be able to break through." Shen Zhui frowned.

"Brother Shen."

When Shen Zhui was upset, Zhao Hu also came out of the courtyard next to him.

"Brother Tiger." Shen Zhui greeted with a smile. "Brother Tiger has reached the first place?"

Zhao Hu nodded and said, "I'm ashamed to say that it took me nearly a month to reach the level of a petition."

"It's pretty good." Shen Zhui comforted.

The most difficult part of asking the gods is the intensity of spiritual consciousness.

If there was no systematic understanding time, I am afraid that I might not reach the level of Erqing now.

Moreover, the martial artist's spiritual knowledge is not as good as that of a real Qi practitioner, and of course his speed cannot be as fast.

"Shen Zhui, what news have you received recently?" Zhao Hu asked. Recently, he has been concentrating on reciting allusions to gods and seldom goes out. In fact, he does not go to the county government office as often as Shen Zhui.

"Not too optimistic." Shen Zhui frowned and shook his head. "In the past twenty days, the number of new homicides has increased dozens of times compared to the past. At the same time, prices in the city have skyrocketed. In the past few days, disaster victims have entered the city one after another and gathered in front of the county government office to cause trouble."

"At first, Director Liu sent people to build shanties, distribute food for free, and appease the victims."

"But within twenty days, the number of victims has reached thousands, and it continues to increase!"

"Although a few of the principals were caught and imprisoned, most of them are innocent and have not shouldered any guilt, so they cannot be convicted."

Zhao Hu gritted his teeth and said, "It must be those big families who are behind this!"

Shen Zhui was silent. Even a fool could see that these victims were being taken advantage of.

But the tricky part is that you know that these people are being used, but you can't fight or kill them, and you still have to arrange manpower and supplies to pacify them. Because these people are indeed in trouble.

At the same time, prices across the city have skyrocketed, merchants are buying supplies on a large scale, and the stores that are still selling are all priced at high prices!

It would be good if we could get out of the city. As long as the mastermind behind the scenes is found out, the people's troubles will naturally be alleviated.

However, at this time, the county magistrate strictly ordered the people in the Wuban room not to take action, and there was no action!

This led to more and more suitors following suit, and a large number of disaster victims poured into the city!

If this continues, not only will it be a mess outside the city, but even the civilians inside the county will be affected.

"Under this situation, people will be in panic, which may not be good." Zhao Hu frowned.

If the criticisms continue for a long time, the three years of hard work of the county magistrate will be in vain. Even within the county government, people are still uncertain.

"County Lord, how long will it take to wait..." Although Shen Zhui felt that the big family was shameless, he was not as pessimistic as Zhao Hu.

He suddenly remembered the story that Wei Wenhe told him before in prison about cutting weeds.

"Although the methods of several major families are ruthless, if they can easily overthrow the county magistrate, why wait three years? I'm afraid they would have taken action long ago." Shen Zhui thought in his mind.

He still has confidence in Wei Wenhe.

Just as he was about to say a few words of comfort to Zhao Hu, a child suddenly knocked on the door.

"Is anyone here?"

Shen Zhui was stunned for a moment, then opened the courtyard door.

Outside the door was a seven or eight-year-old boy with dark skin, whom Shen Zhui didn't recognize.

"Excuse me, is this where Lord Shen Zhui lives?" the boy asked in a crisp voice.

"I am." Shen Zhui nodded.

"Great." The boy smiled, took out a letter from his arms and handed it to Shen Zhui.

"Huh?" Shen Zhui was confused. "Child, who asked you to deliver the letter?"

The boy shook his head and said, "I don't know, kid. When I was playing outside the city gate, someone asked me to deliver a letter. They said that if I send a letter, I can get five taels of silver."

"What else did the man say?"

The boy frowned and recalled: "Oh, by the way, the man asked me to wait for you to read the letter. He said that you might let me send the letter back. If so, I can get another ten taels. silver."

The boy asked timidly: "You, do you want me to send it back?"

Shen Zhui did not answer, but opened the letter.

After reading the content of the letter, Shen Zhui's face suddenly became a little ugly.

"Shen Zhui, what's wrong? What's in the letter?" Zhao Hu asked immediately when he saw the change in Shen Zhui's expression.

"Brother Hu, this is a solicitation letter." Shen Zhui handed the letter to Zhao Hu.

"The Yang family is willing to give me 300 acres of fertile land outside the city, and help me achieve my innate talent. As long as I return the letter, I will agree to their conditions, and I can move out of the city on a selected day. There is no need for me to do anything evil."

"What if you don't agree?" Zhao Hu asked.

"They marked the address of my family's residence and the whereabouts of my adoptive father on the letter."

"Insidious villain!" Zhao Hu said angrily. This is clearly a threat. Although you will definitely be caught if you take action in the city, if the other party is determined to sacrifice the master, you can also find an opportunity to die together with Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com. Of course, the price is not small.

"Are you Mr. Zhao Hu Zhao?" The boy suddenly looked at Zhao Hu.

"Not bad." Zhao Hu nodded.

The boy took out another letter from his arms and handed it over.

"This is your letter."

"Me too?" Zhao Hu immediately opened his letter again, read it for a while, and handed it to Shen Zhui.

"A hundred acres of fertile land, a house, and a thousand taels of silver. I didn't expect that I, Zhao Hu, would be so valuable!" Zhao Hu laughed angrily.

"Zhao had put his life and death aside eight years ago when he ate this bowl of rice. Three years ago, my distant relatives severed contact with me. Zhao has no luck in enduring the Yang family's fine wine and mansion."

After saying that, Zhao Hu tore the envelope into pieces.

"It's you, Brother Shen." Zhao Hu suddenly joked. "Tsk tsk, the price the Yang family offered you is much higher than Brother Hu. If Yang Ling could offer me this price, maybe I would agree. Haha~"

"Brother Tiger." Shen Zhui said helplessly. "You don't have to provoke me, of course I won't agree."

"Tsk~" The envelope was torn into pieces by Shen Zhui.

"Haha, good brother, I knew you wouldn't be the kind of person who is greedy for life and afraid of death. In the worst case, you will be bloody, kill one to save your capital, and kill two to make a profit!" Zhao Hu smiled boldly.

The boy was frightened by the actions of Shen Zhui and Zhao Hu and took a few steps back, turned around and wanted to leave.

But Shen Zhui suddenly stopped him.

"Wait, are there other envelopes on you?"

"I, I..." The boy seemed frightened, and he quickly took out seven or eight envelopes and dozens of taels of silver from his arms with a cry.

"Don't hit me, don't hit me, give it all to you, give it all to you!"

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