?Back on the ground, the five people quickly left the villa.

Now everyone no longer has the blessing of divine power, which is equivalent to five acquired ninth-level warriors. With this strength, if another strong man from the innate realm comes, it will only force them to consume their lifespan before asking the gods.

?Running to an abandoned temple, Shen Zhui and the other five took the Great Return Pill and began to exercise and rest.

In the evening, Shen Zhui, Han Mao and others came to a hill overlooking Hekou Town.

At a glance, long lines of torches were scattered throughout Hekou Town. Originally, the residents of Hekou Town should have turned off their lights and gone to sleep, but at this time, the lights in Hekou Town were still bright.

"There's some trouble." Zhao Hu frowned. "There are quite a few people patrolling."

"Whoosh~" A figure quickly came out of the dark night, but it was Yan You.

"Brother Yan, how are you?" Zhao Hu asked.

"The situation is not good." Yan You said solemnly. "The entire town center and streets are under martial law, and each team is led by more than three acquired ninth-level warriors to patrol back and forth."

"We went door to door to check on strangers. Anyone who was not a local was arrested and interrogated. I was almost discovered just as I was approaching the center of the town."

Everyone was silent for a while after hearing the news that Yan You had inquired about.

In this mission, there is still one branch temple that has not been destroyed, and the opponent has destroyed two branch temples one after another. Obviously, the opponent has become extremely vigilant.

Under such strict defense, it would be difficult for the five of them to sneak close to the location of the last branch temple.

If they break through forcefully without using their divine power, the five of them are only at the level of acquired warriors. Once they are surrounded, the situation will become very dangerous.

Even if Shen Zhui and the other five plan to spend their lifespans at all costs and ask for divine power, they still have to get close to the center of the town.

Otherwise, before seeing the Black Wind Taoist, I am afraid that the duration of the divine power will be over.

What's more, this Black Wind Taoist is still the strongest among the three. With the blessing of a large formation, his strength is unfathomable.

"Brother Shen, do you have any good ideas?" Han Mao asked. After this joint operation, Shen Zhui's strength and courage showed that everyone had to pay attention to his opinions.

"No." Shen Zhui shook his head. It was good that he had a golden mask, but if he acted alone, he was not sure that he would be able to hide from the surroundings and kill the Black Wind Taoist with the blessing of the large formation.

"One day, I will definitely destroy this Yin Shen branch." Shen Zhui vowed secretly.

Previously, after Shen Zhui killed Taoist Xiangyang, he broke through and entered the Fen Temple.

There were actually hundreds of corpses of children outside the temple!

Later, I asked Han Mao, who was well-informed, and found out...

These corpses were all left behind after the death of the people who were used to support the Li family's practice of martial arts!

The so-called human tripod refers to a boy or girl who was only seven or eight years old during his lifetime.

Torture him alive for a hundred days until he dies, making him full of resentment after death, and refine it into a part of the treasure!

That's how the two skeleton blood babies of Taoist Xiangyang came from.

Shen Zhui had long thought that the history of these big families was full of blood, but he never thought that they would be so heartbroken and crazy.

"If everyone has no objection, then it will be decided like this."

"Let's go and return to the city." Han Mao said.

Earlier, he had summoned Wang Long for instructions and explained the mission clearly, and the reply he received was based on his own decision.

If nothing can be done, Wang Lung will certainly not let them die.

"Shen Zhui, let's go." Zhao Hu patted Shen Zhui on the shoulder. "There is reincarnation in the way of heaven. Sooner or later they will be punished. When you become an innate, then destroy them."

In this line of work, they also saw the potential of Shen Zhui, a rare state of unity between man and nature, and he could step into the realm of two gods in a very short time.

It can be said that the county lord will definitely spare no effort to cultivate Shen Zhui Dao Xiantian.

Once Shen Zhui enters the innate realm, his strength is terrifying.

"Let's go, activate the token and return to the city in hiding. There was nothing good from Taoist Xiangyang last time, but the wealth that Taoist Mu carried with him is of great value."

"It's worth a lot of money?" Rong Zimo raised his eyebrows slightly. He knew that Han Mao was a businessman and had good eyesight. He said it was worth a lot of money, so it must be a good thing.

Han Mao smiled and said: "Sell these treasures, and it won't take long for Zimo to reach the peak of the day after tomorrow."

The net worth of a Qi practitioner is not comparable to that of ordinary warriors. That is to say, Taoist Xiangyang exploded the treasures on his body, otherwise he would not only have a few bottles of pills.

But Mu Taoist was killed without even having time to use the treasures. Han Mao took a cursory look at those items and found that they were all extremely expensive!

"Thank you, Brother Han." Rong Zimo nodded.

Although they have a salary in the military squad room, when they go out of the city to handle cases, they always keep their heads in their belts. Unless their superiors tell them that certain things must be handed over, they will handle the rest of their income by themselves. This also encourages the people in Wubanfang to go outside the city and kill those lawbreakers.

Otherwise, do you want to improve your strength just by relying on the county government’s salary? It's simply not possible.

"Recuperate for two days after returning to the city. See you at Yunyan Tower in two days." Han Mao said.


With the Dao sign hiding their aura, the five people returned to Heyuan County smoothly.

Han Mao was very fast. On the evening of the second day after returning to the city, he notified Shen Zhui and others to gather at Yunyan Tower.

In the wing room of Yunyan Building, Shen Zhui and the others met Han Mao.

Han Mao didn't talk nonsense and got straight to the point.

"In this line, three of the treasures on the body of Taoist Mu are at the level of first-grade spiritual weapons. The remaining two are inferior treasures, but together they are barely equivalent to the level of first-grade spiritual weapons." Han Mao looked at the crowd and said.

Treasures are also divided into many levels.

Like ordinary Houtian warriors, they basically use ordinary things that are not of high quality.

As for the innate realm, whether it is a warrior or a Qi practitioner, because the weapons have to withstand the innate spiritual energy, they must use high-grade good materials. Find the bookstore www.zhaoshuyuan.com

In the Xiantian realm, one usually uses weapons at the level of a first-grade spiritual weapon.

"I went directly to Yun's Trading Company to buy it back. The total value is about 800,000 taels."

Eight hundred thousand taels!

Shen Zhui couldn't help but sigh, these innate masters were really rich.

It should be noted that one big Huan Dan only costs five hundred taels.

If you were in Heyuan City, you could buy a small courtyard for five hundred taels.

But the few treasures on this Taoist Mu's body were actually sold for nearly one million taels!

"Brother Han, thank you for your hard work." Shen Zhui bowed his hand.

If it is entrusted to be sold on consignment, the price may be higher, but in today's severe situation, the sooner it can be used as a cultivation resource to improve strength, the better.

"Okay, the next step is distribution." Han Mao said. "For what was obtained from Taoist Mu, Shen Zhui and Zimo took the lead and got 70% of it. Yan You, Zhao Hu and I each got 10%."

"However, in the previous battle with Taoist Xiangyang... it was Shen Zhui who broke the formation, allowing us to have enough power to deal with Taoist Mu's battle. So out of the 70%, Shen Zhui gets 50%, and Zimo you get 20%."

"Do you have any objections?" Han Mao asked.

"No objection." Rong Zimo nodded.

If it weren't for Shen Zhui, I'm afraid everyone would have had to borrow divine power during the battle with Taoist Xiang Yang. It's hard to say whether they could have escaped from danger.

Not to mention the subsequent killing of Mu Dao Ren, all relying on Shen Zhui to trick Mu Dao Ren out of the formation. He basically didn't do anything.

Even after taking 20% ​​of 160,000 taels, he felt it was a bit much.

"Okay, since I have no objection. Then of the 800,000 taels, Shen Zhui 400,000, Zimo 160,000, and I, Yan You, and Zhao Hu each have 80,000 taels."

Seeing everyone nodding, Han Mao distributed a stack of special material banknotes to several people on the spot.

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