I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 33: Peak the day after tomorrow!

After getting the banknote, Shen Zhui was a little sad.

He had killed Liu Bin and other desperadoes before, but there was nothing valuable at all.

The Xiantian realm is completely different. With the big tree of the Li family at your back, it is obvious that the treatment given is extremely generous.

From here we can also see the status gap between nature and nurture.

However, although the harvest is great, the degree of danger is also considerable.

These people are all risking their lives.

Previously, they were besieged by Xiangyang Taoist formations. If Shen Zhui hadn't had a trump card, it would have been very likely that he would have been destroyed when other reinforcements arrived.

"Shen Zhui, Zimo, take these bank notes, you'd better go to Yun's Trading Company and exchange them for some good things that can improve your strength. Money is just a peripheral thing, strength is the foundation." Han Mao warned. Among them, Rong Zimo and Shen Zhui are the youngest.

"I understand, thank you Brother Han for reminding me."

The innate realm has always been what Shen Zhui longed for. In other aspects, Shen Zhui still had ways to rely on the system's understanding time to improve.

But in the realm of cultivation, there is no other way. He Shen Zhui does not have any unparalleled qualifications. To cultivate in the realm, he still has to spend money and rely on resources to improve.


Yun's Trading Company is a very famous trading firm in Liangzhou and even in the entire Dayuan Prefecture.

"I heard from Brother Han that this Yun's Trading Company is the property of Lan Linghou Yuncheng. Lan Linghou is at least a powerful person in the magical realm."

In the Great Zhou Dynasty, if you want to obtain the title of Marquis, you must be a strong person above the level of supernatural power, and you must have great merits to obtain it.

The business of a powerful person in the magical power realm, the Yun's Trading Company is naturally very large.

The huge mansion where Yun's Trading Company is located occupies almost half of Xizheng Street, with courtyards dotted all over the place, pavilions and pavilions, and hundreds of servants and maids who are responsible for welcoming people in and out.

The archway alone is twenty meters high and looks majestic. Passing under this archway, almost all the shops of Yun's Trading Company are on both sides of the road.

There is an endless flow of cars, horses and people, there are lights and colorful decorations everywhere, and the dazzling array of goods makes people overwhelmed.

"Yun's Trading Company basically does not make low-priced items. It mainly targets warriors. I heard that even items used by warriors in the magical power realm can be purchased at various branches of Yun's Trading Company. They are really wealthy."

Just after passing the gate archway for a moment, he saw seven or eight acquired eighth-level warriors.

After finding a relatively large shop and going in, Shen Zhui looked at the surrounding exhibits alone.

This is a shop that specializes in selling elixirs. It has everything from unknown Xiao Huan Dan to Pei Yuan Dan to third-grade elixirs.

Treasures are divided into nine categories, and the same goes for elixirs.

The Great Returning Pill, although it has effects on the Xiantian realm, is only considered a first-grade pill, and is a relatively low-priced type among first-grade pills.

Shen followed and took a look. On the first floor, there were hundreds of tall cabinets filled with a dazzling array of medicine bottles. Under each medicine bottle there was a name label and a simple introduction to the medicine's effects.

Among these same-grade elixirs, some are even ten times more expensive than Da Huan Dan!

"Lung-Protective Pill, Heart-Protective Pill, Kidney-Protective Pill, Spleen-Protective Pill, Liver-Protective Pill. Fifty thousand taels per bottle are innately necessary elixirs. But I haven't even reached the peak of the day after tomorrow, so I don't need to rush to buy them yet. .”

"Peiyuan Pill and Ziyang Pill can speed up the recovery of vitality and strengthen physical fitness. They cost 20,000 taels per bottle. These two pills have a great effect on me breaking through to the acquired peak. That's all."

Shen Zhui smiled slightly.

From the acquired ninth level to the acquired peak, there is no bottleneck to speak of.

As long as you have enough energy, you can quickly shorten the breakthrough time.

He already had the treasure Yuan Nizhu and quite a few Great Return Pills. Coupled with these two first-grade pills, Shen Zhui felt that it might not take long for him to reach the acquired peak.

"The shopkeeper." Shen Zhui raised his head and greeted the people at the counter. "Peiyuan Pill, Ziyang Pill, give me five bottles of each."

"Five bottles of each? Okay, sir, wait a minute." The handsome young man suddenly smiled brightly.

One purchase is two hundred thousand taels, which is a big customer.

He neatly packed the elixir into the wooden box, and then handed it to Shen Zhui respectfully.

Shen Zhui nodded and asked, "Do you have any pills here that are effective for ordinary people?"

"Yes, of course!" Seeing that there was still business to be done, the young man introduced it enthusiastically. "Are you planning to buy it for your elders?"


"Sir, please take a look." The young man quickly pulled out three crystal cabinets from the hundreds of cabinets behind him, and took out three bottles of elixirs.

"These three pills, life-extending pills, beauty-nourishing pills, and blood-activating pills, are mainly for the elderly. Long-term use has the effect of prolonging life, promoting blood circulation and strengthening the body."

"Life-extending pills and blood-activating pills, five bottles of each." Shen Zhui muttered. His adoptive father, Shen Shan, was only in his fifties, but because of overwork, he looked like an old man in his sixties or seventies. Shen Zhui was also worried about his adoptive father. The body of the Father.

"Sir, the total is 250,000 taels." The young man said with a smile.

"It's so expensive." Shen Zhui sighed. Just some pills for ordinary people cost five thousand taels a bottle. However, Shen Zhui didn't say anything more and took out the banknote neatly.

"You walk slowly."


Returning to Dongzheng Street, Shen Zhui opened the courtyard door and saw his adoptive father sitting in the courtyard in a daze.

"Father, I'm back." Shen Zhui walked to his adoptive father and squatted down.

"Well, Zhui'er is back."

Shen Zhui opened one of the boxes and took out three pills.

"Father, this is for you, take one every day."

"Okay." Shen Shan nodded.

Shen Zhui noticed that his adoptive father seemed to have something on his mind, so he talked with him for a while until he made his adoptive father amused, and then returned to his room.


In Shen Zhui's room.

"Hu~hu~" Two streams of hot air came out of Shen Zhui's mouth and nose.

"There are three major conditions for a warrior to reach the Xiantian realm."

"First, the physical strength reaches the limit of the acquired state, with a strength of 999 kilograms, which is the peak acquired state."

"Second, use the vitality as a guide to ignite the fire of the liver, heart, spleen, lungs, and kidneys."

"Third, control the fire of the five internal organs, refine the essence of vitality, and transform it into innate spiritual energy."

When all the vitality in the Dantian turns into innate spiritual energy, it means you have officially entered the innate realm!

"If your physical fitness is not up to par, igniting the fire of the five internal organs is seeking death. Even if you reach the acquired peak, igniting the fire of the five internal organs is extremely dangerous. If you are not careful and make a mistake, the five internal organs will be destroyed and the meridians will be broken. So. , I will first raise my realm to the peak so that my body can withstand the burning of the fire of the five internal organs."

Shen Zhui recalled the third level of the "Burning Blood" technique and began to practice it seriously.

This process is equivalent to using the body as a furnace and the fire of the five internal organs as fuel to refine the essence of vitality, so that the body can independently produce innate spiritual energy.

The most important thing is the physical foundation. If you don't reach the physical limit and start to break through the innate, then you are just looking for death.

"Bang bang!" Shen Zhui's heart beat strongly, and blood surged throughout his body.

This is a manifestation of the "Burning Blood" technique operating to its extreme.

Under the control of Shen Zhui, the eighteen vitality essences in the body exploded one after another, and then circulated to all parts of the body with the blood, strengthening the body.

With normal cultivation and using vitality to nourish the physical body, it would probably take five or six years to reach the acquired peak.

If you want to shorten this speed, you must use the essence of vitality.

If it is controlled to actively collapse, turn into vitality, and strengthen the physical body, the speed will be several times faster.

Then use Ziyang Pill and Peiyuan Pill to strengthen the body, and the speed will be one level faster.

When the vitality is exhausted, take Dahuan Dan to replenish it.

Just like that, the vitality in the body collapsed one after another, and then condensed one after another with the help of the medicine...

After repeating this, Shen Zhui's face turned pale.

After a while it turned blood red again.

Black sweat stains oozed from the skin surface. As time went by, the muscles, bones, and meridians under Shen Zhui's skin continued to change.

"Huhu~" Shen Zhui exhaled a long white breath, and opened his eyes with a pale face. At this moment, he had taken less than half of the pill.

"No wonder so many people are pursuing wealth and resources. The speed of taking elixirs for cultivation is different from normal cultivation. Find Shuyuanwww.zhaoshuyuan.com. How long did it take for me to break through the acquired ninth level? I am almost reaching the acquired peak." Shen Chase was amazed.

No wonder none of the children from the big families that Shen Zhui saw had low cultivation levels.

Can you not be happy if you have strong cultivation resources? !


From that day on, Shen Zhui took advantage of his rare leisure time to concentrate on practicing the "Blood Burning" technique.

Please ask the gods to use it once, and wait at least half a month before using it again.

Shen Zhui believed that during the period of his recovery, the county magistrate would not assign any more tasks to him.

The progress of the Burning Blood Technique is slower than Shen Zhui imagined, mainly because the first three levels of this technique were practiced too fast, leaving a lot of hidden wounds in the body. If you want to break through to the acquired peak, you must These hidden wounds were repaired one by one.

However, with a large amount of elixirs as a base and the Yuan Nizhu to accelerate, Shen Zhui's training speed is still very scary, and he is improving almost every day!

In the blink of an eye, seven days passed.

In the early morning of the eighth day, Shen Zhui took the remaining elixir, and the power of the medicine suddenly spread out in his body. At the same time, the essence of the eighteen vitality in his body also joined the torrent of vitality, washing his body mightily.

Half an hour later, Shen Zhui opened his eyes. At this moment, the vitality in his body was no longer a supplement to his body.

Shen Zhui finally reached his acquired peak at this moment!

"The journey of becoming a warrior the day after tomorrow has finally come to an end." Shen Zhui lamented.

At this moment, he is only a thin line away from the innate realm.

As long as he ignites the fire of the five internal organs and tempers a trace of innate spiritual energy, he can become an innate master!

"Having broken through to the acquired peak, it's time to give it a try and see if I can invite the gods three times!" Shen Zhui stood up with a groan, opened the courtyard door, and went straight to the City God's Temple.

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