I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 28: Defeat the Holy Beast!

Zhang Wengu never expected that Shen Zhui could compose a poem of the true divine words!

Not long ago, he was still laughing at Shen Zhui. He didn't even attend the Thirty-Third Heavenly Banquet, thinking that Shen Zhui just made a few random songs to deal with it.

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, Shen Zhui actually came up with a poem of the true divine word!

At this moment, Zhang Wengu only felt that his face was hot, as if he had been slapped hundreds of times with the palm of his hand. Especially when some people glanced over, this feeling became even stronger, which made him feel ashamed.

"What a song "General's Ode"..." Xu Qingzhi's pupils shrank and he smiled bitterly. Compared with Shen Zhui's general poem, his "Snow at Night" is far inferior. Moreover, Shen Zhui was a Marquis of Wu, and he was more respected for writing this poem about the military camp and frontier fortress than the poem about spring flowers and autumn moon by literati like them.

"Champion Hou Dacai, I am willing to bow down!" Xu Qingzhi shook his head and bowed to Shen Zhui.

"Champion Hou Dacai!" Seeing Xu Qingzhi hand over his hand, the others followed suit. Because every poem of the Holy Spirit is worthy of respect, let alone a Wuhou like Shen Zhui who has made contributions to the country!

Not only in the world of Zhenwen, when the first poem of the Holy Word appeared, the Guanwen Hall also exploded.

"Good! What a song "General's Ode"!" Kong Yangzhou clenched his fists excitedly, unable to control himself.

Not only him, but all the civil and military ministers and dignitaries present could feel the artistic conception of this poem of the true divine words, especially those who had military experience, it was even stronger!

Liu Haoran, who was next to the Seventh Prince Ji Chen, was also very impressed and said: "The general is good at fighting, has extraordinary skills, and the power of the divine arrows is unstoppable. I never thought that Wen Xinhou's disciples are better than others."

"It has just reached the threshold of the Holy God's Word Poetry. This kind of talent is really amazing." Li Qingzheng also praised without hesitation.

Among them, Lin Zhizhong was still serious and resolute, but he nodded slightly when he heard the words.

When the civil and military ministers and officials below saw the three great scholars praising them, they were naturally in a flood of flattery and sent complimentary words one after another.

The Seventh Prince Ji Chen laughed, immediately picked up the wine glass and said: "Teacher, gentlemen, please drink to "General Fu"!"

"Drink to win!" All the civil servants and military generals raised their glasses one after another.

The fourth prince Ji Dan was upset that his younger brother had taken the lead in this matter, but he still quickly raised his glass.


The news reached Wenya Pavilion.

Princess Qinghui stared at the light screen in stunned silence. It was unbelievable that the champion who had been scorned by her before actually composed a poem of the true divine words!

"This Shen Zhui is really a bit..." Princess Qinghui was also shocked. As a royal princess, she naturally has good taste skills. What's more, any derogatory words will appear extremely weak in front of the words and poems of the true God. It's just that she subconsciously didn't want to admit that Mr. Fan, whom she admired, actually lost to Shen Zhui.

"Sister, let me tell you, the champion is not necessarily worse than that Fan Hongyi, look!" Ji Zixuan even forgot to eat the fruit in her hand, excitedly shaking Princess Anping's arm, as if she did it herself.

"Okay, okay, I saw it. Your arm is almost broken by your shaking." Princess Anping said helplessly. But even though she had sat in the palace and watched the banquets for so many years, she had to admit that Shen Zhui was indeed a prodigy. He had no shortage of martial arts achievements and such talent in the way of the Holy Word. It was indeed rare to see him.

Seeing Ji Zixuan's excited expression, Princess Anping suddenly thought, "Is it possible that Xuan'er is attracted to this champion?"

"Huh, why are you so happy? Fan Shaobao can also know the poems of the True God!" Princess Qinghui muttered. "Look, he's also starting to take action."


Fan Hongyi's action once again attracted the attention of everyone in Guanwen Hall.

The scene of Zhang Wengu's provocation in front of the palace has not been forgotten by everyone. As a strong person who has lived for a long time, Zhang Wengu's little thoughts cannot be hidden from everyone's eyes. And since he is a disciple of Zuo Xiang, it is difficult to say that he acted suddenly without Fan Hongyi's instructions. Otherwise, why would Fan Shaobao, who had not participated in the banquet for a long time, come to the Yuehua Banquet alone?

"With the champion Hou Zhuyu in front, Fan Shaobao can remain unmoved. His intelligence is truly remarkable." Someone immediately began to praise him.

"Although Champion Hou's "General's Endowment" is strong, it can barely reach the level of a true god, and Fan Shaobao is probably stronger than him."

"Look, it's started."

As soon as Fan Hongyi moved, he immediately attracted the attention of many scholars.

As a young and talented prince, Shaobao, a talented scholar in the academy, and the direct grandson of the King of Wu, Fan Hongyi's literary reputation over the years cannot be easily shaken by a poem of the Holy Word. At least, some people firmly believe that Fan Hongyi will not necessarily lose this Yuehua Banquet competition.

Sure enough, when the Holy Page scroll in Fan Hongyi's hand rose into the air, the golden light flowing on it also made the heaven and earth change color.

And in terms of momentum, it was even stronger than before Shen Zhui.

Gold characters stand in the sky, and the same three characters emerge - "Prosperous World Travel"

The high buildings in the deep palace are in the Purple Qing Dynasty, and the gold embroidered couplets are made of dragons and dragons.

The beautiful woman is enjoying the daylight at the window, and the strings are playing the zither in sign language.

Because the Tianchi Lake is flooded with water, the buildings and boats are rippled by the waves.

Three thousand pairs of moths sang and laughed, and the palace was overwhelmed by bells and drums.

Wan surnames gather to dance and sing for peace. I am at peace with myself.

I would like to express my condolences to Nanshan, and your Majesty will be remembered forever.

The poem comes out, the light shines brightly, and the origin of heaven and earth condenses in front of the holy text beast.

The palaces and gardens, pavilions and pavilions were endless, and soon occupied most of the grassland. There were noble ladies and immortals, and thousands of people emerged, and a scene of singing and dancing in peace was outlined.

This scene directly diluted the primeval forest in Shen Zhui's "General's Fu". Only the golden-armored general still stood proudly in front of the holy beast.

The scene of the prosperous age continued to spread, and a palace surrounded by purple energy gradually appeared.

There are dragons and jade pillars, and the palace stands in the sky. There are melodious and magnificent bells and drums, hundreds of officials chant holy scriptures, and a vague shadow of the emperor lives in front of the palace door, exuding a little golden light.

On the 32nd level, Zi Qingtian appears!

"Boom~" When the golden light and purple energy suddenly appeared, and the outline of the emperor who was worshiped by all the people appeared, the holy beast actually let out a whimper, and was crushed to death with its two forelimbs broken, and it knelt down.

The Word of God appears again!

"Sheng Shixing! That is His Majesty's figure!"

"In the glorious and prosperous age, all the people rejoice together. Praising the emperor is also praising the civil and military officials and thousands of people."

"Eight hundred years after the founding of the Great Zhou Dynasty, he conquered nine states and expanded to the outer world. These achievements are even greater than those of Emperor Xia!"

"Another poem written by the Holy God, Mr. Fan is really amazing!"

All the scholars and celebrities were so excited that they couldn't help themselves. It was a great honor to witness the birth of two sacred poems in one day. It was enough to brag about for a lifetime after going out.

"Shengshixing..." Xu Qingzhi looked at the majestic emperor's shadow, his face suddenly flushed, a feeling of reverence rose in his heart, but at the same time there was a secret sigh in his heart. "I am not as good as Champion Hou, and I am not as good as Shaobao."

"Fan Shaobao is a great talent!"

"These two poems of the true divine words, one praises the general and the other praises the king, their power and artistic conception are even greater!"

"The more golden inscriptions the better, but it is really rare for such a long inscription to reach the level of a true god."

"Young Master Fan deserves to be from a noble family, a descendant of a king and prime minister. He has a profound background that we can hardly match."

Everyone was amazed, and some even bowed their hands to the phantom of the great emperor, being brought into it by that artistic conception.

However, compared with the unanimous praise from the Zhenwen community, a subtle scene appeared in the Guanwen Hall of the outside world.

The reason mainly comes from three great Confucians.

The great scholar Liu Haoran still praised Fan Hongyi for living up to his reputation, and commented that this poem "A Journey to a Prosperous Age" is flowing and smooth, and it eloquently describes the prosperous times of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Moreover, the birthday banquet of the emperor is about to be held, so this poem is very suitable for the occasion. .

The great scholar Li Qingzheng did not say anything. Liu Haoran commented in front of him, so he just nodded. Retired scholars like them would never deliberately praise a junior.

Just when everyone thought that Lin Zhizhong couldn't speak again and was about to continue to sigh along with Liu Haoran's words, they didn't expect that the great scholar Lin Zhizhong in the main position suddenly spoke.

"The vision of a prosperous age is more than gorgeous, but it seems to be tricky." Lin Zhizhong's cold voice sounded.

Liu Haoran frowned slightly, but Li Qingzheng still nodded, not sure whether he agreed with Liu Haoran or Lin Zhizhong.

However, the three great scholars could only comment once, so no one said anything.

After others looked at it carefully, they immediately understood where Lin Zhizhong said Fan Hongyi was taking advantage. This kind of poetry that praises virtues, and also praises the current emperor, although it is just a vision of a prosperous age, it also has a flattering meaning in it, and it lacks some of the character of a literati.

However, the great scholar dared to say this, but others could not name him. After all, this great scholar dared to kill even the prince. Things that contradicted the emperor had happened, but for so many years, this great scholar was the only one who had not done anything wrong. There aren't many other people whose heads are big enough to fall off.

Standing on the grassland, Shen Zhui looked at the power of Fan Hongyi's "Prosperous World" and nodded immediately. As the prince Shaobao, Fan Hongyi still has some talent. He is able to compose poems of the true divine words. Although it is surprising, it is also expected.

However, Shen Zhui was destined to make the prince Shaobao miscalculate today.

"Wang Shixin." Shen Zhui said.

"The students are here." Wang Shixin said respectfully subconsciously.

"I wonder if you still have the strength?" Shen Zhui asked.

Wang Shixin, who was aware of what he was talking about, suddenly said excitedly: "Yes!"

"Then please help me inject literary style into the second holy poem." Shen Zhui said with a smile.

"Yes." Wang Shixin excitedly picked up the second holy page scroll from the grassland.

"What else does he want to do?!" Everyone noticed Shen Zhui's movements and immediately looked over.

Fan Hongyi's holy poem is already at the level of a true god, and it exceeds the threshold. Shen Zhui is indeed amazing, but does he have a second poem of the true divine words?

"Champion, can you still beat Mr. Fan?" Someone shouted from the crowd.

"The Holy Beast is not dead yet. I will never give up easily until the last moment!" Shen Zhui said with a heroic smile. "Wang Shixin, let's start!"

The second scroll flew up. Although it had the same three words, this time the golden light was slightly dimmer than the previous song "Ode to the General", and even less so than "The Journey of the Prosperous World".

"Enter Kyoto"

The general holds Wu hook with only one hand, and his spirit is higher than that of Baichilou.

Who has written history in the past ten thousand years? I searched for a feudal prince eight thousand miles away.

After the poem was completed, a vision emerged. A shadowy figure wearing black armor and holding a magic weapon appeared beside the golden-armored general, standing side by side.

Although majestic, high-spirited, and full of ambition, it is slightly inferior to the power of the golden-armored general. It is only a sacred poem at the level of the Venerable, but it has also reached the power of the peak level of the Venerable.

"Why does this black-armored general look so familiar?" Outside the Guanwen Hall, Kong Yangzhou looked at him with a strange expression. "Brother Shen, this is not about himself..."

"Well, he deserves to be a champion. He is full of pride and high-spirited. He should be a role model for our generation of soldiers!" a general said excitedly.

"But it's a pity that it's just a sage-level poem." Zhongyi Hou Lan Hai sighed slightly. However, many generals who participated in the banquet were moved by the two poems related to soldiers, and they immediately developed a lot of affection for the champion.

"In any case, in my heart, the champion has already defeated that prince Shaobao." A general said.

"Yes, this is pride. What is a prosperous age? How can there be a prosperous age without soldiers who fight endlessly!"


Zhang Wengu breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Shen Zhui just produced another sage-level poem. He was afraid that if Shen Zhui wrote another holy poem, he would be very embarrassed this time.

Fan Hongyi was still arrogant in his bones, but when he looked at the second sage-level poem, there was finally a hint of unexplainable color in his eyes.

If this wasn't help from an expert, then Shen Zhui would be a bit scary.

Although he is still better than him, Fan Hongyi has to admit that this champion is not a lucky man.

Shen Zhui was not disappointed when he saw that there were only Venerable-level sacred poems. He still had two poems left.

Wang Shixin's literary energy was exhausted and it was not advisable to move anymore. Shen Zhui was planning to get the remaining two poems by himself, but Xu Qingzhi who was standing aside suddenly said: "The champion, I wonder if I will be lucky enough to share the worries of the champion."

Shen Zhui was slightly startled, but then smiled and nodded. "good."

Xu Qingzhi took a deep breath and straightened his clothes very solemnly.

Then he picked up the third poem.

The holy page scroll took off, and the golden characters turned into two words and emerged in the void - "Capture the King"!

The bow should be drawn with a strong draw, and the arrow should be drawn with a long one.

To shoot a man, shoot a horse first; to capture a thief, capture the king first.

After reciting the sound of rules, the sound echoed throughout the Zhenwen world. But this time, after the golden characters appeared, there was no strange phenomenon. The golden characters were solid and motionless in mid-air.

Everyone was puzzled, because this poem obviously had the power of at least the peak of the Venerable, but it did not manifest any vision.

Did it fail?

"No, this, this is an amplified sacred poem!" Xu Qingzhi's pupils shrank and he lost his voice.

"What?" Wang Shixin's expression changed and he looked at the sky in disbelief.

Even Fan Hongyi turned his head at this moment and stared at the golden characters in the void.

Just when everyone was appreciating the meaning of the amplified poem.

"Wow~" There were twenty words in the King's Capture poem, all of which turned into a golden torrent and poured into the hands of the two general figures, one black and one gold, in front of the holy beast.

A faint white light emitted from the palms of the long bows. The black-armored general changed first, from the aura of the peak of the venerable to the level of a true god!

"Oh my god, it turned out to be an amplified holy word poem, and the two-hand holy word poems perfectly matched each other, producing such a huge amplifying effect!"

"What a capture of the king! It captures the essence of the battle between the two armies!"

"The Venerable-level amplification poem is not so terrifying, but these two poems are consistent... hiss~ Did the champion predict it early on?"

Everyone was deafened by the sound of the rules, and seemed to understand Shen Zhui's intentions. Fan Hongyi's face turned slightly pale, because Zi Qingtian, who had previously stood between the golden-armored general and the holy beast, seemed to have difficulty blocking the movements of the golden-armored general and the black-armored general.

With the increased power, arrows appeared again in the hands of the golden-armored general, and they were placed on the long bow.

Wu Ge projected out and fired three arrows in succession!

Everyone looked at this scene in great surprise.

Zi Qingtian, who was originally transformed by Sheng Shixing, squeezed aside the two generals. Thousands of miles away from Zi Qing Tian, ​​three arrows and a Wu Ge traveled through the entire Zi Qing Tian and hit directly in the Holy Land. On the beast!

"Bang!" There were clearly three arrows and a Wu hook, but only a loud noise was heard.

All attacks hit the sacred beast's eyebrows accurately.

The holy text beast that was half kneeling on the ground made a clear sound, exploded, turned into a golden light, shattered, and slowly disappeared between heaven and earth.

The holy beast was completely defeated!

At this time, the Holy Wen Beast did not even launch the third round of attacks.

Silence, deathly silence in the entire Zhenwen world.

Fan Hongyi's face turned pale. He never expected that his Zi Qingtian would be penetrated, and the remaining power would scatter the Holy Wen Beast.

"This is impossible!" Fan Hongyi felt that his pride seemed to be broken as Zi Qingtian penetrated...

Not only those in the Zhenwen world, but also Guanwen Hall and the entire Yue Huatian who were paying attention to this feast were completely shocked.

They never thought that the holy beast with the true god's defensive power would be defeated so quickly. A guy he didn't even pay attention to actually defeated him in the direction he was best at!

Fan Hongyi only felt a slight sweetness in his throat, looking for Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan.com His blood surged, his face turned from white to red, and he squeezed the palms of his sleeves together tightly, and then he suppressed the raging fire in his heart.

"How is this possible!" Princess Qinghui screamed as she looked at the sacred beast exploding on the light screen. "It must be fake, it must be fake!"

"He really defeated the sacred beast!" Princess Anping's eyes burst out with excitement as she stared at Shen Zhui's figure. "What an amplification poem, a perfect combination! I'm afraid no one can overshadow Shen Zhui's performance in recent decades!"

"This Holy Wen Beast, the third round was too much, and it dispersed within an hour?" In the Guanwen Hall, Ji Chen and Ji Dan were stunned.

As princes, they have all participated in this kind of competition, but they have never seen it so fast!

After a moment of silence, the whole hall roared with excitement and became completely excited!

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