I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 29: Come to the top, catch the son-in-law at the bottom of the list

"He actually defeated Fan Hongyi."

"The dignified Fan Shaobao, a young talent with long-standing reputation, fell into the hands of Shen Zhui, who has no literary reputation at all. He has become a huge laughing stock."

"Perhaps someone else wrote this poem for Champion Hou?"

"Nonsense! Which great Confucian would give away three poems of the true divine words as a gift? Just for a mere moonlight feast, this is unjustifiable!"

""Enter the Kyoto" depicts a high-spirited general with great ambitions. By "The Shogun Fu", he has fully grown into a peerless general, depicting the general's bravery and general's demeanor. In my opinion, the former is exactly what he is writing now. The latter may be written as a future champion."

"The two venerable-level holy words poems are combined into one, and they become the true holy word poems. Together with "General Fu", it is equivalent to three true holy word poems by one person. Looking at the banquets over the years, there are only four One hundred and fifty years ago, the great scholar Liu Haoran created the four sages, and the poems of the two true gods can be compared."

"I'm afraid it won't be long before the name of the champion will be famous in the 33rd heaven of the capital."

"I wonder if the champion has a disciple?"

"This...I'm afraid it won't happen. Marquis Wu has to go into a secret realm to practice for seven years, so there will be no time to teach his disciples."


"Capturing the king is really wonderful, wonderful!"

Everyone in Guanwen Hall was talking endlessly. The Moon Flower Banquet has been held for nearly five hundred years, but it was the first time in a hundred years that it was so lively. It was not just the civil servants who were shaking their heads and intoxicated. Even those generals felt a sense of pride.

This kind of banquet has nothing to do with their generals in the past, but this time, the champion Hou Chenchui is a real military genius. It can be considered as a feeling of pride for them!

Not only them, but even the three great scholars were surprised by Shen Zhui's performance at this moment. Especially the great scholar Liu Haoran, who was good at this, stood up excitedly and laughed loudly: "One person composed three poems, the first one They are all extraordinary, and it is truly a blessing for the literary world to have such a poem come into being!"

"It's indeed rare." Li Qingzheng nodded. "If he hadn't already achieved the position of Wuhou, I would have wanted to forcefully accept him as a disciple."

The fourth prince Ji Dan sitting next to him was slightly shocked. He had never seen the great scholar next to him so excited for a long time. To be able to say such a thing was enough to show Shen Zhui's surprise.

"Shen Zhui, this person must be brought under my command." A glimmer of light flashed in the eyes of the fourth prince Ji Dan.

Although Lin Zhizhong said nothing, a smile appeared on his serious face, and he was obviously very satisfied with Shen Zhui.

Just as the Guanwen Palace was bustling with activity, the Seventh Prince Ji Chen stood up and said with a smile: "Teacher, gentlemen. Although the Holy Wen Beast has dispersed, I, the Lord Guan Wen, have composed a total of four poems. Can I let the Holy Wen Beast How about we reunite and read the fourth poem?”

The fourth prince looked suffocated. This kind of favor-selling thing was actually overtaken by Ji Chen again!

Everyone reacted immediately.

Many of them remember that Shen Zhui wrote four poems.

There were three good poems in front of them, and Ji Chen aroused everyone's interest.

"Your Highness is right, the champion has a fourth song!"

"Might as well see what the fourth song is!"

"Yes, the power of the True God's Word Poetry is much greater when it is displayed in the outside world. We can only appreciate it in the True Wen world."

"The lower official seconded the proposal."

Everyone immediately agreed.

Although it is not easy for the Saint Wen Beasts to reunite, and this has never happened before, now that Shen Zhui is already the confirmed No. 1 in the Poetry Palace, there is no harm in reuniting the Saint Wen Beasts.

"What do you two adults think?" Liu Haoran looked at the two people next to him.

"Good." Li Qingzheng stroked his beard and said with a smile.

Lin Zhizhong also nodded.

"Go!" Liu Haoran waved his hand, and a soft white light suddenly appeared in Zhenwen World.

In the real text world, many scholars who were waiting for the return of their spiritual thoughts found that where the holy text beast exploded, a huge outline condensed.

At the same time, a white figure appeared above the head of the holy beast, it was the figure of the great scholar Liu Haoran.

"I've seen Mr. Liu!" Many scholars raised their hands, knowing that they were preparing to announce the ranking of poems in the Hall of Talents, but they didn't know why the Holy Wen Beast was asked to reappear.

"The Champion." Liu Haoran's eyes fell on Shen Zhui.

"Mr. Liu." Shen Zhui cupped his hands.

Liu Haoran smiled and said: "I wonder if the champion is willing to make the fourth poem public?"

Shen Zhui hesitated slightly, then nodded and said, "Okay."

"Then I will be brave enough to sing the fourth song for the champion." Liu Haoran stretched out his hand.

Swish~ The fourth volume of holy pages soared into the air and appeared in Liu Haoran's hand.

Holding the holy page in his hand, Liu Haoran's face was slightly solemn. What a state he was in. He already knew the contents of the holy page even before it was unfolded.

"Teacher, what's wrong? Could it be that this fourth poem has not been completed yet?" Ji Chen, the seventh prince, felt a thump in his heart and suddenly became a little worried. If he is trying to make Shen Zhui famous, it will be self-defeating if this fourth poem is difficult to become a poem.

"No, if it doesn't become a poem, then Shen Zhui will never agree so quickly." Ji Chen took a deep breath, shook his head, and shook this thought out of his mind.

Naturally, those who were interested noticed the change in Liu Haoran's expression, and immediately thought of the seventh prince Ji Chen.

"Could it be that... the first three songs were really done by others, but this fourth song was written by Shen Zhui himself, and is instead clumsy?"

"This is a lot of fun. For a mere January banquet, I'm afraid..."

"Even if it's a sage-level poem, it won't embarrass the great scholar. I'm afraid it's really not that good."


The atmosphere suddenly became subtle.

Smart people like Xu Qingzhi and Wang Shixin all thought of this possibility and started to worry about Shen Zhui.

Zhang Wengu, on the other hand, quietly stared at the holy page in Liu Haoran's hand, praying silently: "Can't become a poem, can't become a poem..."

As for Fan Hongyi, the prince Shaobao frowned. He vaguely felt that this was not the result he hoped for. On the contrary, it might be something he did not want to see.

Otherwise, why does Shen Zhui look so calm and composed?

After a while, Liu Haoran said: "I have kept you waiting for a long time."

Immediately, Liu Haoran unrolled the holy page without further explanation.

The golden light condensed without dissipating, and two big characters stood in the void - "National Tragedy"!

When fighting a golden sword, one wears iron armor, and when one's ship is in the wrong position, there is a hand-to-hand encounter.

The enemy is like clouds when the sun is blocked, and the soldiers are fighting for the lead.

The voice of the rules echoed, and the Zhenwen world suddenly transformed from a scene of blue sky, white clouds, and green grassland into a huge battlefield!

Groups of warriors holding magic weapons and wearing battle armor came from the sky on warships. After a while, we and the enemy were intertwined, and the warships and magic soldiers were connected.

The flag covers the sky and the sun, and the enemies are like clouds. The flying arrows fall and the warriors fight bravely to take the lead.

The tense and chilling atmosphere was suddenly pushed to a climax. As Liu Haoran's voice of rules sounded, everyone's hearts clenched, as if they were on the battlefield and they were the soldiers charging into the battle.

Everyone was suddenly startled, and suddenly realized that this seemed to be depicting the scene of the foreign sect in West Antarctica, and it was about a boundary war!

"The formation is still in the air, and I am walking in the woods, and the left side is injured and the right blade is wounded.

Two wheels of haze come to feed four horses, and jade canals come to support and the drums are beaten.

The sky is full of anger, and the powerful spirit is so angry that it kills everyone and abandons the wilderness. "

Dong Dong Dong~ There is a general beating the war drum on the battlefield!

The enemy rushed into the Great Zhou camp, and many military cities such as Boundary Breaking City and Youming City were destroyed one after another! The soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty roared and fought to the death!

The two torrents of killing made the gods of darkness and darkness furious, and a large number of soldiers died in the vast wilderness!

Although they are not in the Zhenwen world, they can all feel the atmosphere!

Now, everyone understood why Liu Haoran hesitated.

This is an elegy!

"Alas, the soldiers at the front are fighting bravely in West Antarctica to protect the territory of the Great Zhou Dynasty, but we are here to have fun..."

"Without the soldiers who protect our country and fight to the death, where would the prosperity of Kyoto's interior be?"

"The general is high-spirited and travels thousands of miles away to find princes, but those soldiers who died in battle are the cornerstone of my great Zhou Dynasty!"

The tragic atmosphere spread inside and outside the Zhenwen world, and everyone fell silent.

In comparison, the song "Prosperous World" by Fan Hongyi seems a bit exaggerated.

"If you can't go in or out, you can't go back. The plains suddenly turn out to be too long.

Carrying a long sword and carrying a strong bow, the head and body are separated and the heart is not punished. "

Brutal fighting continued repeatedly. Although they risked their lives, there were still a large number of soldiers holding long swords and crossbows and rushing towards the enemy. They had the heart to fight and the will to protect the territory and never surrender!

Liu Haoran continued to chant, with a solemn and high-pitched voice, and finished the remaining verses.

"Sincerity is both brave and martial, and ultimately strong and invincible."

"Since the body is dead, the spirit has become a spirit, and the soul has become a ghost!"

"Boom~" The golden light exploded! All the heroic spirits of the soldiers who died on the battlefield suddenly stood up again under the blessing of golden light.

The entire battlefield seemed to have come alive. The orderly troops fought bravely and fought forward resolutely.

The re-condensed sacred beast was overwhelmed by the endless warrior spirits in an instant!

"Bang~" Amidst the loud sounds of fighting, the sacred beast exploded again.

Everyone was deeply immersed in this tragic and generous battlefield atmosphere, and did not notice that the sacred beast was defeated.

But everyone in Guanwen Hall was shocked.

A middle-aged man sitting at the bottom looked at the light curtain with bright eyes.

He is Liu Haoran's disciple Xie An, and he can fully see the brilliance of this poem.

"The first half of the poem describes the heroic scene of fighting the enemy to the death; the second half of the poem praises the noble spirit of the Zhou soldiers who sacrificed their lives for the country, praising their heroism and patriotism."

"If it were just a tragic story, it would be inferior. However, in the second half, the author does not criticize the war itself, but praises the noble spirit of the soldiers.

"The rhythm of the whole poem is sharp and rapid, and the expression is open and vigorous, conveying a kind of awe-inspiring, tragic, upright and masculine beauty!"

"What a champion! What a song "National Memorial"!" Xie An stood up quickly and praised.

Another poem from the Word of God! And it also includes both attack and amplification effects! The range of effect is larger and stronger than Xu Qingzhi's "Snow at Night"!

"I am sincerely convinced!" Xu Qingzhi cupped his hands towards Shen Zhui and bowed deeply. If he had some doubts about Shen Zhui's talent before, now that he has witnessed the battle between realms, he is completely convinced.

There are four poems in a row, the first of which is related to military camps and soldiers. Even the great scholars who have lived in the capital for a long time may not be able to do it! Xu Qingzhi asked himself, only after going through something like this can he have such heroic ambitions and appreciate the awe-inspiring, tragic and masculine beauty!

"Champion Hou Dacai, I am willing to bow down!" Wang Shixin also handed over.

Many scholars and celebrities followed suit and offered their hands to Shen Zhui, either admiring his talents or worshiping the Zhou generals in this elegy. Everyone only saw those generals and Wuhou who became famous and gained awards in Beijing, but Shen Zhui was here singing for the low-level soldiers who died in obscurity. Compared with Fan Hongyi's "The Journey of the Prosperous World", the two are not on the same level at all.

When Zhang Wengu saw so many people worshiping Shen Zhui, his face turned pale and he felt bitter in his heart.

He really regrets it now. If he hadn't provoked the champion, this thing probably wouldn't have happened. Now, Shen Zhui has become famous in one fell swoop, and this Yuehua Banquet will probably be talked about by future generations for hundreds of years.

And he, Zhang Wengu, will probably be remembered together with him, but Shen Zhui's name will live in history, and his villainous appearance, Zhang Wengu, will probably be remembered forever...

"This person will be a big problem for me in the future!" Fan Hongyi's eyes were extremely cold. Just now, he had to bow to Shen Zhui. But in his heart, he regarded Shen Zhui as his number one rival!

"Shua~" After Fan Hongyi paid his respects, he immediately dispersed his thoughts and disappeared into the world of Zhenwen.

Rankings and stuff are no longer important. As the prince's youngest son, he came up with poems about the Holy Spirit, but only came second. This was a great shame and humiliation for Fan Hongyi. And the one who lost was his love rival, a guy who was not well-known in the literary world!

He was afraid that if he couldn't bear it, he would lose his temper in front of everyone.

In fact, Fan Hongyi's move was already a loss of temper.

At this moment, everyone was congratulating Shen Zhui, but he left the stage early because he was mentally exhausted. Some people immediately felt that Fan Hongyi was a little rude.

Looking at the direction in which Fan Hongyi disappeared, Shen Zhui narrowed his eyes. He had been paying attention to the movements of the prince Shaobao. Being able to endure this situation without saying a word is not an easy thing for this person.

"It seems that Fan Hongyi won't let it go." Shen Zhui thought to himself.

But Shen Zhui didn't care. When he entered the capital, he was already ready to face any challenge!

Anyone who wants to stop his progress will be stepped on!

"The first place in poetry in the Hall of Talents this time should be Shen Zhui!" Liu Haoran announced the results of the competition and landed with a smile. "Congratulations, Champion. The four poems are all true gods. Such talent puts even an old man to shame."

"Mr. Liu was so complimentary that this junior was frightened." Shen Zhui saluted quickly. He was indeed a little embarrassed.

"Let's go back to Guanwen Hall first." Liu Haoran waved his hand.

"Buzz~" Suddenly the entire Zhenwen world collapsed, and all the scholars returned to the Hall of Talents.

He was still sitting on the futon in the main hall, but compared to the tranquility he entered before, the Hall of Talents was extremely lively at this moment.

There was a flood of congratulations, and even after returning to Guanwen Hall, the situation did not decrease, but became even more enthusiastic.

"Yuan Wei, as a master, you are not as outstanding as a disciple." Liu Haoran looked at Lu Yuanwei who came out of the Hall of Talents jokingly.

"There is a hierarchy of learning and there is a specialization in skills, so disciples don't have to be inferior to their masters." Lu Yuanwei said with a smile. "Shen Zhui is better than my master, that's what it should be."

Seeing Lu Yuanwei admit with great frankness that he was not as good as Shen Zhui, everyone praised him one after another.

"The Champion!" At this moment, a middle-aged man with a burly figure and a sinewy face squeezed in from the outside of the crowd.

This man is powerful and powerful. Even if he is wearing loose casual clothes, you can see the outline of his muscles. At first glance, he is a member of the military.

"Master Qin." Shen Zhui raised his hand. This was Qin Ming, the Minister of War.

"Haha, I heard that the champion is not married yet. Old Qin has a daughter who admires the champion very much. She is resting in Tingwen Pavilion in the back..."

Shen Zhui looked strange. The Minister of War was too blatant and started to arrest his son-in-law in front of everyone?

Seeing Qin Ming pulling his sleeves, as if he was afraid that he would run away, Shen Zhui couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart.

But he still underestimated the shame of those civil and military ministers. With Qin Ming in front, people immediately woke up and came over.

"The Champion, I am the Secretary of the Astrology Pavilion, and I have a niece who is a perfect match for the Champion..."

"Master Liu, why are the people from the Astrology Pavilion coming to the Moon Flower Banquet to join in the fun! Do you know what poetry is? The champion is so talented in literature, why should he accompany your daughter to watch the fireflies?"

"Bastard, that's my niece, she has been made a princess..."

"Not even my niece! Champion, my name is Chang Weixing. I have a sister who was named Princess Anlan. She is not very old and has not yet reached her 100th birthday..."


Facing these over-enthusiastic civil and military ministers and sons of princes, Shen Zhui was also shocked.

Although he had long heard about the "catching a son-in-law under the banner" at the Yuehua Banquet, when it happened to him, it was still an eye-opener.

The sound like a tide almost overturned the entire Guanwen Hall. Each of these people had a good status and a high level of cultivation. It can be said that they all had the mid-level cultivation level of a Venerable. For a while, Shen Zhui really couldn't get rid of these people.

He turned to look at his master Lu Yuanwei, only to find that he was drinking with Que Tianhu, Lan Hai and others, and was looking at him with a smile, as if he was happy to see his success.

The scholars who came out of Jingyi Hall and Celun Hall just now also looked at a loss.

In the end what happened? Are these civil and military ministers crazy?

The princess is nothing but a cabbage! Try your best to send it to Shen Zhui!

Compared with the lively situation at Shen Zhui's side, the scholars who had just walked out of Jingyi Hall and Celun Hall were so empty that they could even race!

In the end, it was the fourth prince Ji Dan who came out to rescue the enemy.

"My lords, please find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com. The champion has just come out of the Hall of Talents. He is mentally exhausted. Let the champion rest for a while first." Ji Dan said with a smile.

Seeing Shen Zhui's grateful look, Ji Dan felt slightly proud, as he had seized an opportunity and got ahead of his seventh brother!

"Yes, the Yuehua tail banquet is not over yet, there are still many princesses and princesses waiting."

"Don't waste time, quickly send over the rankings of the scholars in each palace."

"Marquis Champion, remember, my daughter is on the seventh floor..."


The lively sounds were endless. At this moment, Liu Haoran also walked up to Shen Zhui and said with a smile: "Shen Zhui, after the sacrifice to heaven, you may come to the Liu family to see Yuan Wei, your master and apprentice. Come to Liu Mansion anytime."

Everyone couldn't help being slightly stunned. The great scholar couldn't help but start robbing people!

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