I Can Fart The Beast, I Can Only See The Hidden Path

Chapter 319 Xiao Hei, The Void Devouring Cloak

Xiao Hei also became excited at this time,

Slaughtering God is something she has imagined countless times at night,

In her imagination, there may be hope within a hundred years at the speed of Ye Feng's progress,

Slowly the world shortened to ten years.

But how long?

The day of slaughtering the gods is now!

At this time, Xiao Hei excitedly showed her main body, this was the first time she appeared in her main body,

Ye Feng looked excitedly at the gradually changing Xiao Hei,

Her body is the Void Devourer, which is a magical beast that no human being has recorded.

No one has seen what the body looks like,

Xiao Hei has always been in the form of a black cat since he came to the Royal Beast Paradise, and even the cat girl is to cater to Ye Feng.

Her body gradually grew larger,

Gradually, it was on the same level as the little dragon's giant dragon, with a body length of tens of meters.

With stars shining all over,

Smooth and slender Black's hair looks black and shiny.

Somewhat similar to a panther, but more like a cat.

"It turns out that Xiao Hei's body is very similar to that of a black cat, so he only maintains the shape of a black cat." Ye Feng laughed.

Xiao Hei turned his head and glanced at Xiao Ruan,

Xiao Ruan immediately understood,

Soil Neng Zhu Ling 877 was released, and the healing spirit spring was opened for continuous treatment.

The teleportation of the space system is very scary, and the body shape of Xiao Hei is even more terrifying.

in an instant,

A pair of bright eyes appeared behind the Lingmo Emperor,


In an instant, five deep blood marks appeared behind the Lingmo Emperor.

Xiaomei's Touch of Weakness has been put on it, and the speed and attack power have been greatly attenuated.

There is no way to dodge this attack,

And under the double order of Xiaobai, the consciousness and body of the Lingmo Emperor are greatly restrained.

A fear of death wells up in my heart,

At this time, the Spirit Demon Emperor no longer had any idea of ​​being superior, he pointed to get out of here quickly,

Even as long as you can survive, you can do anything.

"Xiao Jing, the crystal sky curse spirit, 500,000 mental power!"

"Xiao Mei, summon the heroic soul from Hell.

"It must not be given any chance to resist!"

Xiaolong, Zombie King, Curse Spirit, Xiao Hei.

The existence of 4 huge bodies is constantly attacking, which is a kind of torture for the Lingmo Emperor.

But for Ye Feng, this is a good opportunity to give the Royal Beasts super confidence.

Nothing can make them prouder than killing a Divine Grade monster at once.

After this time,

No matter what difficulties they face, they will not be half cowardly,

After all, Divine Grade is killed,

If you're being obedient and worrying about not being able to beat something, it's a bit unreasonable,

at this time,

Ye Feng feels that the connection with Xiao Hei is getting closer,

A wonderful feeling arises spontaneously,

He hurriedly looked at Xiao Hei, and Xiao Hei's eyes were full of excitement and excitement.

"Unexpectedly, at such a time, I entered the mind-to-heart connection!"

Xiao Hei's knots and worries,

Disappear completely at this moment.

This is a kind of unexpected joy, a sudden harvest,

Although Xiao Hei is still fighting,

But Ye Feng has put his mind and body into it.

Zhou Lingxi smiled wryly at this moment,

She thought she was familiar with Ye Feng's unconventional behavior,

But unexpectedly,

He can always go beyond the norm again.

Compared with

She felt that she was a holy Beast Master as if it was a fake.

Follow the rules and improve step by step according to the experience of the predecessors,

But every (aggj) step of Ye Feng does not take the usual path,

Every step is incomparably thrilling,

Just like an explorer, pursuing the endless unknown,

Open up new paths, new possibilities.

Zhou Lingxi couldn't help showing a smile, her heart was moved.

for her,

Ye Feng is incomparably charming, from personality to ability, she is as addictive as a poppy,

It's dangerous, but I can't help myself to approach it.

not long,

The body of the Corrupted Demon Emperor was completely injured by them, and he fell into a near-death state.

it wants to beg for mercy,

But Xiaobai and Xiaomei never gave him a chance to beg for mercy.

At this moment, Ye Feng slowly opened his eyes and looked at Xiao Hei.

Xiao Hei also looked at Ye Feng and nodded.

I saw Ye Feng raised his hand and said:

"Human-Beast Fusion Skill‧Empty Devouring Cloak!"

Xiao Hei's huge figure disappeared, like a ray of Black light covering Ye Feng's body,


Xiao Hei and Ye Feng's human-beast fusion skills are also in the form of equipment,

The cloak symbolizes Xiao Hei's heart that wants to protect Ye Feng. It is light and thin, but it is enough to shelter Ye Feng from the wind and rain and bring a touch of warmth

Ye Feng's figure flashed, appearing on top of the Lingmo Emperor's head,

The first ability of the Void-Eating Cloak,

Unlimited teleportation.

Let Ye Feng have the instinct of a space system Royal Beast.

At this time, Black's cloak gradually becomes larger,

Cover the Fallen Demon Emperor in groups.

The second ability of the Void-Eating Cloak,

space isolated.

Immediately afterwards,

There was a sound of glass cracking, and cracks began to appear in the surrounding space.


With a crisp cracking sound,

The space covered by the cloak completely disappeared, and only a void appeared in the eyes of everyone.

Ye Feng retracted his cloak.

Then he looked at the mobs around him.

"Little Mei, order them to commit suicide." Ye Feng said.

These little monsters have no experience, and they are unconscious existences when they are summoned.

But fortunately, there is still a series of demons.

With all the mobs dead,

Ye Feng looked at something floating above the nothingness,

At this time, Xiao Hei, who had turned back into the form of a cat girl, lay on Ye Feng's shoulder,

"I'll get it back."

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