After a few teleportations, Xiao Hei jumped to the side of the prop,

He was almost drawn into nothingness, but fortunately, Xiao Hei had experience, so he was not in any danger.

After Xiao Hei brought back the props,

Ye Feng's eyes brightened,

"This is the Royal Beast artifact?"

This item is like a diamond-shaped sharp cone, and there is nothing strange on the surface.

Ye Feng then used the eyes of the gods to check - the information.

【Spirit Cone】

【Royal Beast Artifact】

【Worn by demons】

[Introduction: All skills are increased by 100%, and additional skill waves are obtained. 】

"The increase is so much!"

Ye Feng shouted in surprise.

This is the Royal Beast artifact, simple and straightforward, it is to enhance the Royal Beast.

And there is no level limit,

It's just that it's not easy to open the Royal Beast artifact bar.

Zhou Lingxi also looked at the things in Ye Feng's hands strangely,

"Is this equipment?"


"It's also a kind of equipment." Ye Feng laughed.

"Why have I never seen this equipment?"

Zhou Lingxi felt strange, it was the first time she saw such a thing.

Of course, it was also the first time I saw killing a Divine Grade monster.

Only such a piece of equipment is very strange.

"It's useless if you've seen it, you can't take it with you."

Ye Feng told Zhou Lingxi about the conditions for opening the Royal Beast artifact bar,

Zhou Lingxi fell silent for a while.

My heart hurts so much.

At this time the outside world,

Liu Kuan and the others have been standing outside waiting, the sun is shining brightly,

Two of the girls who came to deliver flowers passed out.

But fortunately, find two more replacements.

Seeing this situation, Wang Damang was extremely satisfied,


"The arrangement is very good, our task this time is to satisfy Ye Feng's vanity."

"Let him feel the heat of our Explorer Corps and welcome him to join."


A halo is shining in the teleportation array,

Ye Feng and Zhou Lingxi appeared in everyone's field of vision one after another.

Seeing this, Wang Damang immediately shouted: "The battle begins!"

For a while, the gongs and drums were noisy, and the firecrackers were all fired,

4 girls brought flowers to Ye Feng,

All the soldiers shouted in unison, welcome Major General Ye back to the team!

The scene is extremely intense.

Some people who were in the line of surveillance were stunned at the moment, and wondered if some important person had come.

They all sent text messages to Yu Long.

Yu Long, who was far away in Beijing, looked at his phone,

"Can't this Wang Damang be tossing lightly!"

"The Explorer Corps can really do whatever they want!"

The next moment he was discouraged.

They can really do whatever they want.

Ye Feng was also a little dazed by the scene at this moment.

Looking at Wang Damang seriously,

"Honestly, are you trying to trick me?"

As soon as this remark came out,

The scene suddenly fell silent.

Wang Damang also froze with a smile, looking at Ye Feng in disbelief.


"Impossible, the last time Liu Kuan and the others finished doing this, they asked me to help solve the Ghost King Sect."

"Mr. Xu and Mr. Nie also went to my laboratory to stay for a long time [and confiscated several experimental items after finishing the reception.

"Say it directly, what are you trying to cheat me on?"

"I'm easy to talk, if it's not too much, I can bear it." Ye Feng's tone was a bit stubborn.

is already like this,

He can only admit it if he is cheated, who told him to do this.

The corners of Wang Damang's mouth kept twitching,

Now he can't wait to rush to Shangjing, press Liu Kuan and Elder Twelve on the ground and beat them up.

what a boy,

What kind of trap was it.

Once for money, once for life.

The key is that he is not cheating, nor is he cheating.

It was a little difficult for a while.

It is impossible to imagine that there is anything that Ye Feng has not been cheated on.

0...... Ask for flowers......

"How about you just officially admit that you have a name with me and help me make a recruiting video?"

Wang Damang asked tentatively.

When Ye Feng heard it, his eyes lit up,


"However, the lunar eclipse is coming soon, the light of the lunar eclipse..."

Wang Damang heard that Ye Feng agreed,

Then he hurriedly said: "Small things, on the night of a lunar eclipse, where is your back garden.

"Enter anytime!"

Ye Feng smiled this time.

not long,

He saw a group of reporters running towards them with cameras.

Those cameramen's cameras were placed directly on top of the Royal Beast.


Ye Feng smiled while looking at the manuscript that Wang Damang had rushed out.

"My name is Ye Feng, and I am a diamond-level Beast Master. I joined the Explorer Corps and became a proud explorer."

"We are walking at the forefront of the Dragon Kingdom, expanding the territory.

"We ride with dragons and dance with demons."

"We are the Explorer Corps."

"We're here waiting for you."

Xiaocao and the others were all put on the female explorer uniforms brought by Wang Damang,

A perfect figure, a pretty face.

It can be called a recruiting lore weapon!

Xiaolong and Xiaoguang also showed their hull shape and dragon shape and circled in the air.

The ground was also turned into an amethyst ground by Xiao Jing using the crystal making technique.

Especially at the end, Xiaocao, Xiaomei and Xiaoruan are holding flowers and smiling,

All the soldiers on the scene vomited three liters of blood.

After recording the video,

The reporters started interviewing again.

Ye Feng copes with these things fairly well,

At this time,

Zhou Lingxi walked over.

Standing face to face with Ye Feng.

She took a deep breath and shouted to Ye Feng:

"Ye Feng, I like you!"

"Can you be my boyfriend!".

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