As soon as Zhou Lingxi's words came out,

The eyes of the surrounding journalists burst into flames with excitement,

What kind of news headline is this given by Shangganzi?

Tens of thousands of titles immediately appeared in their minds.

Ye Feng was in a daze at the moment.

It was the first time he was confessed directly, and it was in public.

He never imagined such a scene,

At this moment, Zhou Lingxi's eyes are wide open. At this stage,

She has mustered up a lot of courage.

Ye Feng is so charming, she feels that as long as she is around Ye Feng, she will be very satisfied,

At this moment, Xiao Hei looked at Ye Feng with great interest,

She knew what Ye Feng was trying to win over Zhou Lingxi.

According to the human "two eight three" words,

A table of mahjong is enough.

"Well, let me think about it." Ye Feng smiled slowly.

Asking him to agree directly is not, and it is not to disagree.

emotional matters,

He doesn't know how to deal with it, and he always does it as he pleases.

It can be said,

Zhou Lingxi happened to meet Ye Feng's weakness this time.

Hearing Ye Feng's reply, Zhou Lingxi relaxed a lot,

"It doesn't matter, there are hundreds of years to come, I'm not in a hurry."

Click, click.

The sound of the camera keeps on, the reporters are willing to make today their second birthday,


Where there is Ye Feng, there are headlines,

Still two today!

And complement each other.

After joining the Explorer Corps, Ye Feng was confessed by the holy girl Beast Master.

Wait for the title.

On the second day,

Xu Bai, Li Azure Dragon and Furukawa Xiong drink together,

The two of them asked for leave for half a month, and came here to accompany Li Azure Dragon.

Prevent Li Azure Dragon from looking for the teacher.

It is paid leave.

At this moment, the three of them held their wine glasses and watched Ye Feng on TV intently.

at the end,

There is also a confession scene.

Click click click click.

The wine glasses of the three of them shattered by the way.

"How much ecstasy soup did this kid feed these people, maybe 4, a table of mahjong!" Furukawa said nonchalantly.

The other two gave him a blank look,

"What does this mean? It means that the people we teach are Excellent!"

"You are jealous, why don't you teach such a student?"

"Don't say grapes are sour when you can't eat grapes."

Faced with the ridicule of the two, Furukawa bear had nothing to do.

Because he was really powerless to refute.

Who let him not touch it.

But at this time Li Azure Dragon said:

"Why do I feel that Ye Feng is being forced to open?"

"Could it be that he was forcibly dragged over by people from the Corps?"

have to say,

Li Azure Dragon still knows Ye Feng very well. After all, Ye Feng has no parents since he was a child.

It was he who saw the big one.

Equivalent to half a son.

Xu Bai smiled and said, "Don't think about it, it's definitely like this."

"He has never considered who to join, this time it is probably to catch ducks on the shelves."

"It's happened to him twice."

Li Azure Dragon suddenly became interested,

"Tell me quickly."

Xu Bai told Ye Feng that time Liu Kuan and Xu Lao picked up the car.

It made Li Azure Dragon angry and funny,

The most important thing is to be moved,

After all, Ye Feng really followed his promise and did not join any forces.

It's just too serious,

Even the Corps and the Beast Master Center were not included.

This also proves that Ye Feng has a good character.

At the same time, Shangjingmu's house,

Ye Feng, who was still in the gentle country a second ago, suddenly felt a sharp pain in his waist.

Mu Jinxiu stood up and was replaced by Xiaojing.

The two long legs go straight in from both sides,

Mu Jinxiu showed an intriguing smile while watching the TV,

"Is this what you intend to invite to protect us?"

"I think it's more like asking for yourself..."

"Just say it straight, and I won't be angry."

Her words were full of tenderness, but Ye Feng swallowed,

Without giving Ye Feng a chance to explain,

Xiaojing showed a crazy smile,

"Master, Sister Jinxiu and Sister Xiaohei have delegated power to me, you belong to me today!"

At night, Ye Feng directly drank 3 bottles of mental recovery potion,

Touching the recovered waist, he couldn't help but sighed,

"Women are always jealous."

Then look to the moon in the sky.

At this time, the moon has already shown signs of a full moon.

The night of a lunar eclipse is the day of the full moon.

Tengu Eclipse Moon in Legendary.

It is said that when the lunar eclipse falls on this day, a super powerful existence will be born among the monsters.

It will not be contracted by any Beast Master,

And the combat effectiveness is extremely strong, and has the commanding ability.

Many materials that are still developing will also absorb the power of the lunar eclipse on this day and become Divine Grade materials.

And thus go one step further.

Ye Feng really hopes that Legendary is true,

He is looking forward to this kind of monster.

On the other side, 4.9 Long Lao squatted on the ground and looked at the few people who were bleeding continuously on the ground, expressionless.

"It was agreed that you will always support me, why did you betray me?"

"It's hard for me to do this."

Next to him was a man with a respectful attitude,

"Our Tengu Club likes your meeting gift very much, and 60% of Shangying Club's resources will be given to you.

"Also, does the monster you and the president mentioned really exist?"

Elder Long stood up and nodded,


"The divine beast Tengu is real."

"It will be born on the night of the lunar eclipse, and I can probably guess the exact location."

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