I Can Fart The Beast, I Can Only See The Hidden Path

Chapter 342: Scarlet Moon Shards Emerge

Ye Feng stared blankly,

"Isn't this the trial space prepared for the Royal Beast of the space department? Why does the boss even have this kind of field!"

He just remembered,

It was the same with Xiaocao's trial before, and a bunch of insects were produced.

Tianke Plant Department,

If it weren't for the large number of grass branches, she might encounter accidents at any time.

But now it's different,

Even if Xiao Hei's actions are blocked, it will not have the strength to resist,

God's Judgment covers the boss,

It keeps retreating, trying to avoid this huge light,

but can't do it at all,

The judgment of the gods enveloped all the space it passed through, and soon covered its body,

next moment,

The anti-magic effect on Xiao Hei disappeared,

Action resumed again.

"Is this dead?" 06 Xiao Hei looked at the holy light in the distance in astonishment.

This space has been shrouded in the judgment of the gods.

Everything in the Holy Light is destroyed.

At this time, Xiaoguang's angel mode is forcibly released.

God's Judgment is like a finishing move, once used, the form will be forcibly released.

Ye Feng was also surprised by this attempt.

"I didn't expect Xiaoguang to be so strong after using the gift of the gods."

"These transformation props are really only suitable for Royal Beast to use."

He uses the gift of angels to hit people with a sledgehammer.

And Xiaoguang is the suppressed opponent's fierce attack, which is irresistible like a tide.

He is interested now, let other Royal Beasts also use the angel gift to see,

Angel forms of other Royal Beasts might be interesting.

Especially Xiao Mei.

He really wanted to see what unexpected effects would be produced after the combination of demons and angels,

It's just that the angel's gift has entered the cooldown now, so I can only look for a chance to read it again.

'The end of the trial space'

'Please accept the reward from the tester'

The Dimensional Trial Space will forcibly exit all trial participants after 10 minutes

'The countdown is now on'

Ye Feng was taken aback when he saw this message,

"No wonder it's so strong!"

"It turns out that this trial space can be entered by multiple people!"

He played a group copy by himself!

But as long as you pass the level, you can enjoy a group reward alone,

It is also something to be happy about.

Ye Feng walked over and opened the reward box.

【Dimension Smash Necklace】

【Holy Class】

【Wearing Level: 65】

[Introduction: Wearing the Royal Beast, it can summon 6 world magic tentacles to use space sucking, which can be used once within 24 hours]

【Empty Shield】

【Holy Class】

【Wearing level: 60】

【Introduction: When used by Beast Master, it can be immune to 60% space damage and absorb space power to release. The damage is X2 according to the absorbed power】

【Crystal of Broken Space】

【Holy Class】

[Introduction: After use, all the space in an area will be broken]

Ye Feng's eyes are shining brightly,

"Finally, an item used on the area has exploded."

He was so excited,

This kind of tool has few uses and is very direct.

It can be said that one of this props is a hole card, which can be used immediately if it cannot be played.

At this time Xiao Hei said:

"You can't walk in nothingness yet, where are you going to be swept up?"

These words are undoubtedly like pouring a basin of cold water,

But Ye Feng didn't care, he had a dimensional tree boot, and he could use it when he got to Extraordinary.

At that time, when you encounter some powerful enemies, you will smash the space,

Then stand on nothingness with the Dimensional Tree Boots.

No solution!

This hole card is very good.

Then he handed the necklace to Xiao Hei,

"After you reach the level, it means you have one more skill."

"It's quite useful."

Little black and white, Ye Feng took a look, what kind of ghost skill is that!

She won't use it!

But it is also pretty good as a Common necklace, which is a gift from the owner.

Ye Feng looked at the shield in his hand and put him away,

He has to keep this kind of equipment that can absorb damage and reflect damage well, in case it is needed one day,

If you fight with a Warcraft of a certain space system, there may be unexpected effects.

When Ye Feng's harvest is full,

Countless powerful monsters in the restricted area of ​​life began to roar,

Their eyes are full of fear,

The moon in the sky is constantly cracking, but it hasn't broken yet.

It's like a piece of glass.

But this scene seems to be the beginning of a disaster in the eyes of this group of Warcraft 557.

center of restricted area,

There is a boulder that also begins to crack as the moon shatters,

A faintly terrifying coercion began to sweep towards the surroundings.

At this time, Du Zhun, who was walking in Shangjing, suddenly stopped.

In the Royal Beast space, A Lang said:

"I feel it, that Luo in the restricted area of ​​life has awakened."

"After every lunar eclipse night, it wakes up and includes a meal."

"Its existence means that the forbidden area of ​​life will reduce the source of vitality, and all the reduced vitality will enter its body.

"After so many years of stacking, I'm afraid its defense and vitality have become extremely terrifying."

Du Zhun asked at this time:

"Is it a Divine Grade monster?"

"That's right, but it's a trivial matter. After all, it never comes out of the restricted area of ​​life, it just eats in the restricted area."

"The only thing that exploded was the scarlet moon fragment, nothing else."

Dead silence!

Du Zhun almost stopped breathing.

"Boy Ye Feng, he wants this!"

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