The mutation that occurred in the restricted area of ​​life caused a chain reaction,

undeveloped area, sanctuary.

Thirteen men stood on either side, waiting for orders from inside.

not long,

An old tortoise-like Royal Beast came out of it. It walked extremely slowly, and an old aura emanated from it.

But it was just such an old turtle that made everyone nervous.

Its master is the hall master.

It is very likely that the existence of the Divine Grade Beast Master, one person can instantly kill them all.

It is also the basis for the temple to be maintained until now,

The old turtle sat down, panting heavily,

"I've lived for too long, and I'm a little tired after walking a few steps."

"I called you here today because I have something for you to do."

At this time, a deputy hall master on the next side said:

"Whether it's about Zhou Lingxi's betrayal, or about Liu Quan being killed, this matter must be left to me."

"I want to see what kind of storm they can make."

The person who spoke was Li Jing, and he was also a holy-level boss at level 80 who was only short of the Royal Beast to reach the Divine Grade and could enter the ranks of the Divine Grade Beast Master.

The contracted Royal Beast has 3 super powerful Royal Beasts obtained from doing tasks.

Among the deputy hall masters of the temple, his strength can definitely be ranked among the top three.


He takes the initiative to kill, and he has only one way to kill all those who have trouble with the temple.

In this atmosphere, the Dragon Kingdom is no longer valued,

Those Common people don't even pay attention to them.

But the old turtle shook his head,

"It's not."

"There was a change in the restricted area of ​​life, and a Divine Grade monster awakened inside.

"The master is going to try to knock it down... 々. 27

"So in the unknown area, everyone needs to take care of it."

"Don't cause trouble during this period, we'll talk about anything when he comes back.

Li Jing was taken aback for a moment, his eyes flickering non-stop,

"How did the Palace Master know about the restricted area of ​​life? Didn't the people who rounded up Du Chun come back?"

He still has some hidden forces that provide resources in Dragon Kingdom,

If the Palace Master had eyeliners in Longguo, he would have to consider cutting them off.

Otherwise, there will be trouble afterwards.

The old turtle raised his head and narrowed his eyes slightly,

"I am the monster in the restricted area of ​​life, and I was brought out by the master back then."

"The magical beasts in the restricted area of ​​life will sense it when that one wakes up."

"After all, our vitality has been absorbed by it all year round, and there is a certain link.


"The matter of Zhou Lingxi, Li Jing, be prepared, she will come back sooner or later."

"Bring her to the temple at that time, if she admits to the wrong thing, that's all."

When Li Jing heard this, he immediately said angrily:


"She has betrayed the temple, she doesn't deserve the chance!"


A strong impact suddenly emanated from Laogui's body, knocking Li Jing into the air.

"You don't doubt the master's order!"

"Next time, you can kill yourself."

"The hall master is not here, Li Jing, you are in charge of the temple's affairs."

After speaking, the old turtle returned to its previous appearance, and walked back unsteadily.

A blow that almost kills,

Li Jing wiped the blood from his mouth, not daring to say more,

He knew that this was the hall master's prestige before leaving, and told them not to make trouble.

Hit a stick, and give a sweet date.

To be in charge of the temple's affairs is to ask him to make some resources to compensate for this blow.

"Li Jing understands."

"Hallmaster, don't worry, the temple will be fine."

He bowed his head and said.

At this time, the old turtle had wobbled back inside.

At this time Ye Feng came out from the trial space, looked at Xiao Hei drawing the teleportation array,

Then he punished Xiaoruan and Xiaoyu.

It was so tight just now, so the distance should be a little closer.

It was directly a dark castle.

Xiao Hei gritted his teeth at the side, depicting the teleportation array,

In order not to be harassed, I didn't even use the catwoman form.

In the middle of the night, Xiao Hei finally finished drawing the teleportation array, and immediately became a cat girl,

dragged Ye Feng up from his sleep,

Pulling Xiaolong to fight Landlords.

for a while,

The ground is sinking.

What was originally a flat land became a basin.

", "Four circles, squeeze!"

Xiaobai's onlookers were fine at first, but the next moment he was dragged by Xiaohei together.

"3 with 1!"

"Master, can you afford it?"

Ye Feng Yangtian sighed.

Put out the cards in your hand.

"Airplane, spring!"

the night passed,

It wasn't until noon the next day that Ye Feng brought the Royal Beasts into the Royal Beast space,

Walked into the teleportation array.

Back to the Shangjing Military Headquarters.

The guard soldiers stared at Ye Feng with big eyes.

Then he yelled, "It's haunted!"

For a time, the entire barracks began to boil.

(Zhao Nuohao) The Explorer Corps directly blew up the pot.

Everyone gathered around immediately, and Tian Dalu also rushed over immediately.

When they met, they hugged Ye Feng.

"Very good."

"You're fine."

Ye Feng was taken aback: "What's the matter?"

"I just went to get the Lunar Eclipse Light, and then made a copy.

"How does it feel like the world has changed?"

The corner of Wang Damang's mouth paused,

Telling what happened in the past few days, especially Mu Jinxiu's revenge plan,

Make Sakura poor for several generations to play,

Ye Feng was greatly shocked.


Wang Damang looked down at the little black dog, "Ye Feng, where did you bring the little dog back?"

"This dog is not bad, let's guard the gate of our Corps."

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