I Can Fart The Beast, I Can Only See The Hidden Path

Three Hundred And Fortieth Chapters Imposter

When Tiangou heard that Wang Damang wanted her to be a watchdog, he was so angry that he wanted to jump up and bite his knee!

Ye Feng quickly lifted her up and hugged her.

"Hey, don't make trouble."

"I'll buy you dog food later." Ye Feng smiled.

It was only then that Wang Damang discovered that the little crescent moon on the head of the dog,

"There is also a little crescent moon, I didn't expect it to be a circle phoenix."

"Young people love to raise these miscellaneous little things.

"Unlike our soldiers, we raise Royal Beasts with strong combat effectiveness."

"Other little pets simply don't have time."

As he spoke, he was still stroking the tengu,


The Tiangou bit down, stunned and bit Wang Damang's hand,

Wang Damang yelled in pain,

Not at all like a general.

"Ye Feng, why does it hurt so much when you bite someone?"

"I'm also a Saint-level Beast Master anyway, this little thing was passed on to me in one bite.

"Don't say anything."

"I'll find you another puppy to keep and play with, you give me this 810, tonight stewed tofu with dog meat.

"I'm adding a little pickle, I need to make up for my injury."

As he spoke, he gave Tengu a fierce look.

Ye Feng watched a general and a tengu staring at each other, annoyed and funny.

"OK OK."

"Stop making trouble, I can't give the dog today, I have to keep it."

After speaking, Ye Feng immediately handed over the little dragon and turned into a giant dragon and rushed towards Shangjing.

He also knew that this time things were a bit big,

Everyone must inform, otherwise everyone will worry about him.

Wang Damang chased after him and asked:

"You said you went to brush up a book, didn't you?"

"But none of my people found you in the surrounding area."

"Tell me the area you went to, and I'll see who is fooling around." Wang Damang looked serious,

This kind of thing cannot be mixed with sand,

If someone dereliction of duty, (agcb) must be held accountable.

"Nothing else, there is green grass everywhere, the boss is a big tree, and there is an instant kill mechanism.

"As far as these characteristics are concerned, you can ask, I really haven't seen anyone."

Wang Damang, who was riding a sky eagle, was stunned and froze on the spot.

After Ye Feng left, he suddenly realized.

"I'll be nice."

"Ye Feng, he went to Chicao Oasis!"

"Send someone to see if you have cleared the customs!"

And at this time,

Several blond, blue-eyed, high-nosed, white-skinned people entered the area,

"Zell, next to here is the area of ​​Dragon Kingdom, don't wander around."

"Let's try these ten restricted areas this time, and don't cause trouble." One person said.

Zell looked at the person who spoke, a little helpless,

They are all heirs of the power of the beautiful country, and they are all Extraordinary powerhouses,

There is only one purpose for coming to Chicao Oasis, and that is to see the ten restricted areas,

The habit of the beautiful country is to stimulate,

There is nothing more exciting than entering the restricted area, doing nothing,

Just after entering and going back, you can win the favor of countless girls.

"Okay John, let's take a look."

"Take a few photos and retreat."

After speaking, they moved forward to explore.

But at this time, because Ye Feng had killed the boss in the oasis, all the green grass lost its response and began to wither.

Wait for this area to reset, but the reset time is not necessarily how long.

They walked to the middle and saw the broken center, their pupils dilated involuntarily.

"my God."

"Someone actually swiped this restricted area!"

Everyone was amazed.

Immediately began to continue to take pictures, take pictures.

At this time Zell rolled his eyes and posted a post on the World Beast Master Forum,

The title reads, Chicao Oasis is indeed extremely dangerous, and it is difficult to pass.

has been published,

less than 5 minutes,

The entire world forum began to boil, and people kept shouting long live the beautiful country.

For a time, the reputation of these few people resounded all over the world,

By the time others found out, it was too late.

John directly grabbed Zell's collar,

"What are you doing, bastard!"

"If that person comes forward, we will be exposed immediately. The person who can brush through this area is definitely a holy existence."

"It's hard for our family to bear each other's anger!"

John growled.

Although their family is very powerful, they can't get on the stage compared to the holy Beast Master who can clear the forbidden area.

Zell immediately pushed John away.

"You coward!"

"Just stick to it for a while, do you know how much glory it will bring us!"

"Even if that person says he did it, how can he really prove it?"

He looked indifferent.

Looking at him like this, John was extremely angry, but there was nothing he could do.

At this time, the explorer corps came to investigate.

After seeing a few people, he frowned.

"Are you Beast Masters from the Beautiful Kingdom?" the Dragon Kingdom soldier asked.

Zell immediately raised his head and walked over, "That's right."

"This is a restricted area, and all countries are free to enter and exit."

The soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom didn't bother to take care of it. Seeing that the position of the boss had been beaten to pieces, they were filled with joy.

"Go and tell the general, Major General Ye Feng really did it!"

"Hahaha, our explorer band is going to be famous again!"

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