I Can Fart The Beast, I Can Only See The Hidden Path

Chapter 353 Little Friend, Sit Down And Chat?

【Red Lotus Destroyer Gloves】

【Holy Class】

【Wearing level: 80】

[Introduction: Wearing the Royal Beast of the destruction system, each punch can be attached with an additional damage of 1% of the upper limit of life force, and with a crushing effect]

【Red Lotus Hell】

【Divine Grade】

[Introduction: Beast Master learning, you can immediately learn the Red Lotus Hell skill, all hostile targets within the range will be forced to suffer 30% of the upper limit of spiritual power or vitality damage, and the Beast Master will suffer the same backlash after using it. 】

【Shard of the Scarlet Moon】

【Divine Grade】

[Introduction: Royal Beast evolution or alienation advancement can also be used for skill advancement. 】

Tears flashed in Xiaocao's eyes,

Finally, she can also advance, and she can help her master in terms of combat power again.

Xiaomei smiled tactfully,

"It seems that Xiaoruan and I are the only ones left in our auxiliary trio."

Xiao Ruan shook her body, looking very excited, Bobo's voice kept coming out.

At this time, Ye Feng put away the scarlet moon fragments first,

"You can advance to the advanced stage after you solve that palace master, Xiaocao." He laughed.

If you give it to Xiaocao now, it is tantamount to confirming Xiaocao's lack of combat power.

Maybe it will cause some unnecessary changes in her psychology.

Xiaocao nodded excitedly,

"Okay, master."

"Xiaocao is not in a hurry."

She kept jumping around, very happy.

"Let's go."

"Go and see my baby boy No. 3." Ye Feng said.

Baby boy on the 3rd?

Chen Lao and Hu Kun looked at each other,

good guy,

A very powerful Divine Grade Beast Master was treated as a gift boy,

still so straightforward,

Then they seem to be a bit inferior to the boy who gave away treasures,

It seems that the upgrade will have to be accelerated in the future.

But Zhou Lingxi felt extremely anxious at this time,

Only she here knows the strength of this palace master who rarely shows up,

Apart from him, there is no second Divine Grade Beast Master in the temple,

And the overall strength in that area is actually considered weak.

But there is the existence of the Palace Lord,

Let no one dare to provoke the temple.

One can imagine how terrifying his strength is.

At this time, the master of the temple couldn't help being surprised when he felt the change in the atmosphere inside.

"They actually captured the Lord of the Red Lotus~々.

"Props? Equipment? Restraint skills?"

He thought about all the possibilities.

But at this time he took out his mobile phone, something he hadn't used for many years.

"People nowadays are really lazy. For many years, the forum has not been updated, and the number of pages has nine figures."

"The same as back then, everyone loves water forums so much, and doesn't want to be king of any group.

The tone of the third question is very flat, but there is always a hint of disdain revealed,

He is genius, strong.

I was very disdainful of the things that these Common people would do.

But I have to say,

This is the best way to gather information about a person.

not long,

His eyes lit up,

"found it."

"It turns out that the real kid is a genius far ahead of the times just like me back then."

"Interesting, interesting has always been a leapfrog challenge." 1

What ordinary people can't do. "

At this moment a thought flashed before his eyes,

Every time he starts with diamonds, it is a hell-level trial. Will this Ye Feng be a disaster-level trial when it comes to diamonds?

Will there be any qualitative changes at the diamond level?

His eyes kept moving,

This is also his regret, if he had had more courage back then, his strength would definitely be more than double what it is now after surviving the catastrophic level!

"I really want to ask, if there is a diamond-level or disaster-level trial, what qualitative changes will there be?"

His interest has been opened.

At this moment, his mobile phone broke and disappeared in place.

There was a puddle of venom where he had been sitting before.

"Tsk tsk, Hu Kun, your speed is very slow." Old Chen mocked.

The two blocked the way of Gu Sanwen one after the other.

Ye Feng came over,

"It's been a disaster before, so don't run away now." His tone was unhurried,

Long Linger and Zhou Lingxi are on the left and right,

Looking at Gu Sanwen with cold eyes.

"It was just an accident, wasn't it? You know that people who come back from that area are very careful."

"Little friend, why don't we sit down and talk?"

Gu San asked with a smile.

But the next moment,

Chen Lao and Hu Kun's realm of gods unfolded,

Hu Kun's Longmao domain, Chen Lao's Jiyu domain.

The Dragon Marsh Field is a field that simply increases the combat power of the Royal Beast by changing the field,

But Chen Lao's Jiyu field is different,

It's more functional,

Within the realm, without his permission, no sound can be made, nor can any sound be heard.

Although the spiritual link can be maintained,

But neither Beast Master nor Royal Beast could perceive what the other was trying to say.

Even the eyes can only see the vast darkness.

To achieve a truly silent world.

Not silence, but scarier than silence.

You don't even feel your body hurt.

The two fields will cover the three questions in an instant,

Gu Sanwen also revealed the repaired domain. In order to quickly repair the domain, he consumed two Divine Grade materials and converted them into energy.

His domain is called the Crying Domain.

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