I Can Fart The Beast, I Can Only See The Hidden Path

Chapter 354 My Royal Beast Is A Bit Violent

This field complements his SS-level talent.

Can release sonic perception skills, and increase the damage of sound skills,

Before Divine Grade, most of his Royal Beast had phonology, although it was hard to find,

But after many years of hard work, I managed to gather a few,

But after reaching the Divine Grade, he suddenly discovered that his talent didn't increase as much as the Divine Grade Royal Beast.

A Divine Grade Royal Beast,

After many years of hard work, all his efforts have become illusory.

He found another way, that is to plunder.

Keep looting other people's Divine Grade Royal Beast.

But his God's Domain brought up this talent again, and the talent also has a bonus effect on the God's Domain.

In the field of screaming,

He can feel the position of everyone's target, energy fluctuations,

And using howling to attack those people in the unknown area all the time,

They are all folded in the endless howling attacks,

As his first Divine Grade Royal Beast, Chi is particularly nimble in the field.

Simultaneous attack with howling attack immediately, which other Royal Beasts can't do.

It was 233 specially trained by Gu Sanwen, and it definitely belongs to the legal system, the body is not so flexible,

can't do that yet,

He no longer liked the other Royal Beasts, so he didn't train at all.

in other words,

Other Beast Masters are the main PVE improvement, they don't care about the PVP between Beast Masters,

And Gu San asked,

He is a person who abandons PVE and specializes in Beast MasterPK.

It is an outlier among Beast Masters.

At this time, Gu Sanwen, who was trapped in the field of silent words, raised the corners of his mouth, showing his teeth,

Although the eyes cannot see,

But he kept staring at where Mr. Chen was.

Old Chen's back felt cold, and the hairs all over his body stood on end.

"How could he see my existence!"

He filtered information over and over again in his mind, but at this moment,

Chi Shun came to Mr. Chen's side following the whistling sound.


Old Chen couldn't dodge in time, and his arm was almost cut off by a red blade. (agfc)

But the attacks didn't stop,

Hu Kun pushed Chen Lao away, and started to fight against Chi himself.

But Chi did not love to fight, and once again concealed his figure, hiding in the minister of voice.

The two of them endured the pain of visceral organs and blood being vibrated by the whistle all the time, especially after Mr. Chen was attacked,

spitting blood,

Then he ordered Lanfeng Jiaohushen to start using Lanfeng to protect the two.

Ye Feng kept observing with his eyes,

"This guy turned himself into an Assassin in Beast Master."

"He doesn't plan to participate in any dungeons at all.

To know,

The result of his individual training and strengthening is that other Royal Beasts are easy to die in the instance.

Then cause immeasurable losses.

Beast Master will also be implicated by it.

Zhou Lingxi nodded,

"That's right."

"The palace master never goes to the dungeon, he will only take action when other forces provoke him.

"One time the master of another force came over, and the two started fighting over a disagreement."

"In less than 10 minutes, the opponent surrendered and gave up and compensated 3 Divine Grade materials.

"At that time, everyone was immersed in the victory, and no one noticed that the Hall Master was different.

Now with Ye Feng waking up, Zhou Lingxi's eyes and Shendu have changed,

She didn't expect that her palace master was so insidious that even she was involved in it.

This is a ruthless man.

Ye Feng looked at Gu Sanwen with a sense of direct gaze of an old man,

They are all one-sided, for the sake of shortcuts, they will do whatever they can,

But in the end it might all be wrong,

It's just that this one is even more genius, and he made a mistake a little later.

"It's time for us to enter."

Saying that, Ye Feng stepped into the field.

In an instant, he felt a steady stream of howling attacks,

But he seemed to be all right, without any resistance,

The little soft soil can bless the spirit, and the little nine's kamikaze shield.

Under double protection,

With constant mental power, any attack is futile.

Especially this kind of continuous attack, the damage is very low, and it is impossible to break the two layers of shields.

On the contrary, because of the kamikaze,

Wisps of strong wind wound around Gu Sanwen, cutting his skin like a knife.

At this time, Chi Shun came to Ye Feng's side following the whistling sound.


Xiaolong directly resisted the knife,

She put her hands on her hips, opened her mouth to laugh, and showed two sharp canine teeth.

"Your name is Chi?"

"I'm Xiaolong, let's have fun." As he said that, Xiaolong was gearing up for Chi and walked towards Chi.

Chi wanted to escape, but he found that his speed had been reduced by eight percent.

And there was a layer of black air covering his body.

"It's all humanoid, don't be too formal, either you tear me up, or I tear you up, it's as simple as that."

As Xiaolong said that, he punched down. Chi couldn't control his speed for a while, and was sent to the ground by this blow.

Ye Feng shook his head helplessly,

"Xiaolong's violence factor is too much."

"Obviously it can be solved by skills, but you still need to use fists."

"Xiao Guang, don't learn from her."

the voice fell,

He suddenly found that Xiaobai also jumped over, swung his fist and began to beat another Royal Beast called Jue.

Xiaoguang also turned the gunfire and gave these two guys to them,

Instead, attack other Saint-level Royal Beasts and prevent them from participating. .

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