I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 117 Captain Qin’s request

"The food you ate yesterday must have been digested long ago, really!"

Ying lightly covered her soft lips with her clenched fist, a smile appeared on her fair face and she retorted slightly.

[Ying has a good impression of you and gains 210 favorability points. The current favorability level is 3 (45/300)]

She had a slightly better impression of Li Qiuzhi who caught her.

"Yes, yes, if you want to vomit, you can only spit it out from your butt!" Little Paimon floated to Ying's side, turned left and right to check and found that he was not seriously injured, so he was not so worried. joked.


The three of them looked at her with speechless eyes.

Unexpectedly, Paimon would make such an indescribable joke.

"Hey, hey, hey! Why are you looking at me like this? Isn't what I said the truth? Well, damn it!"

Paimon crossed his arms and crossed his chest, groaned, closed his eyes and turned around, looking as if I was angry.

"Haha, don't be angry little Paimon, I'll treat you to a big dinner later!"

Li Qiuzhi smiled and said.

As we all know, when Paimon is angry with others, he can usually solve the problem with food. If not, it must be because he hasn't had enough!


Paimon immediately turned back and looked at Li Qiuzhi with great expectation.

"of course"

Before Li Qiuzhi finished speaking, he saw the cavalry captain Kaia, whom he had met once before, rushing over with a group of West Wind knights wearing silver standard armor.

"Oh, everyone, after I found out that Mondstadt City was attacked, I brought people over immediately, but I was still a little late. I happened to see you guys finish the battle. It was really shocking!"

Kaia spread her hands, a surprised expression appeared on her dark-skinned face wearing an eye patch, and then looked at Ying in particular:

"Especially you, a stranger I have never seen before, can actually defeat the dragon with one blow. Are you a guest or a new storm?"

At this time, Kaia was thinking, his eyes slightly sharp.


Ying put the back of her hand on her soft waist and looked at him calmly with her amber eyes.

"Hey, what do you mean? Of course we are here to be friendly. Didn't you see that we all helped you fight off the dragon?"

Paimon said with some dissatisfaction.

"Haha, I'm sorry, I accidentally said what I was thinking." Kaiya tried to deal with it. The reason why he asked this was naturally because as a knight of the west wind, he also had the responsibility to eliminate potential dangers for Mondstadt.

Regardless of the reason, it was able to repel the Wind Demon Dragon. The only difference between such a strange and powerful force and the Wind Demon Dragon was that it did not attack Mondstadt.

"Okay, Kaia, the travelers are not enemies."

Amber took off her goggles and hung them around her neck. The weight, which was not too heavy, still pressed the soft and undulating white chest slightly, creating a slight dent.

She explained how she met them.

This includes finding their lost relatives.

"I see, welcome to Mondstadt, although it is at such a bad time, and luckily you have defeated the Wind Demon Dragon just now, otherwise it is unimaginable how much damage it will cause to Mondstadt City. I will take my place here. The Knights would like to thank you in advance!”

Kaiya smiled and said as if he understood, then turned his eyes to Li Qiuzhi:

"Oh, and this little adventurer, I almost forgot about you. You must have helped a lot too!"

"Mr. Kaiya, you're too polite. I can't help. It's all Miss Ying's fault!" Although Li Qiuzhi's arrow caused little damage, it also attracted the Wind Demon Dragon down.

Of course there was help, but of course he couldn't admit it to himself. That would be too immodest.

Moreover, if it is not Ying, it will be self-defeating in the end.

"You guy!"

Ying crossed her waist and slightly raised her chest wrapped in a backless dress, and looked at Li Qiuzhi helplessly. Does she seem to care about these people with false reputations?

"By the way, Kaia, the Wind Demon Dragon has begun to attack the interior of the city. We have to go back and report to Captain Qin quickly so that everyone can be prepared to deal with it!"

The dark brown hair on Amber's forehead gently brushed the tip of her nose, and she said with an anxious expression on her fair face.

"Well, everyone's actions in protecting Mondstadt City have been witnessed by all the citizens. It is unjustifiable not to invite the Knights to receive you. The acting leader will definitely thank you."

Kaia raised her hand and said with a smile.

"Humph~ That's pretty much it!" After hearing Kaia's words, Paimon put his hands on his hips and nodded lightly with satisfaction.

If Li Qiuzhi remembered correctly, it seemed that due to the instructions of the Abyss Cult, monsters such as the Qiuqiu people who usually wandered in the wilderness began to move around the city.

It had a great impact on Mondstadt, so the Knights of the West Wind could only be sent to clean it up.

Even though the Wind Demon Dragon is gone, the wind disaster it caused has not ended. This also requires the West Wind Knights to go out together to protect the citizens of Mondstadt.


Due to various reasons, the Knights of the West Wind are seriously short of manpower.

So this Kaiya said that he was invited to the Knights to thank the acting leader, but in fact it was not because he meant to find some temporary help.

After all, it is very urgent to solve the crisis caused by the Wind Demon Dragon.

Both Ying and Li Qiuzhi have great strength, don't they perfectly meet the requirements?

Although he knew this, Li Qiuzhi did not reveal it. After all, as long as he did not face the Wind Demon Dragon directly, his safety could still be guaranteed with his strength.

Being able to participate in such a major event and gaining character expertise afterwards was inevitable, and Li Qiuzhi didn't want to miss it.

Amber's long dark brown hair fell along the soft curves of her back, and her soft buttocks twisted slightly as she walked in her belt shorts.

When Li Qiuzhi followed him to the Knights headquarters.

It was discovered that the West Wind Knight standing guard here had also gone on other tasks. The door of the hall was open, and the group walked into the acting captain's office.

Captain Qin, who had her blond hair tied into a single ponytail and looked smart and neat, was sitting on a chair at the desk, talking to Lisa, who was wearing a dark blue slim robe and a pointed witch hat.

"Captain Qin, Sister Lisa, do you know, Feng Molong?"

As soon as Amber stepped in, she was anxious to tell her about the Wind Demon Dragon's attack on the city.

"Hmph, little Amber can't be so impatient!"

Lisa's legs wrapped in black lace stockings were exposed between the slits of her skirt. She took two steps forward and put her index finger on Amber's soft lips and said.

"Acting Captain, I brought you the hero who defeated the Wind Demon Dragon. What happened?"

Kaia smiled on her dark face and told what happened just now.

"I see, Mondstadt welcomes you, travelers who come with the wind."

Next, Captain Qin briefly introduced herself and the librarian Lisa to Ying and Paimon, and then her soft lips that opened and closed paused and continued:

"Two travelers, and Mr. Adventurer, whom I met a few days ago, can I ask you a favor?"

Thanks to "Ayato's brother-in-law" for the tip.

Thanks to "Tian Mo" for the 100 coin reward.

Thanks to "Where is the Book Fairy" for the 100-coin reward.

Thanks to "reader 1301032180594102273" for the 191-coin reward!

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