I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 118 Separate Actions (please follow up)

"Is it about the Wind Demon Dragon?"

Paimon, who was wearing a golden crown on his head, put his hands behind his back and asked with doubt in his starry eyes.

"That's right."

Captain Qin stood up from the chair. His long legs were wrapped in white tights. You could see the clear lines and concave marks on his knees.

She walked out wearing the same white boots and continued:

"Under Lisa's magical investigation, we have found the source of the power of the hurricane that enveloped Mondstadt!"

"The source of power?" Ying folded her arms and let her not-so-full breasts rest on them. She lowered her eyes slightly and looked at the golden pattern on Captain Qin's belly that was the same as Lisa and Amber next to her. She said with some doubts, "Isn't the wind disaster caused by the Wind Demon Dragon? How could there be other sources of power?"

Kaia leaned on the corner of the long square table, spread her hands and explained:

"If you are not from Mondstadt, you probably don't know that the Wind Demon Dragon was once a descendant of the Wind God and one of the guardians of the four winds. He fought with the Demon Dragon hundreds of years ago and was injured and fell asleep.

"Now that I have just woken up, I am no longer strong enough. It seems that my injuries are still not completely healed. It is basically difficult to set off such a huge hurricane that envelopes Mondstadt City."

Lisa, wearing a pointed witch hat, stroked her long chestnut hair on the side with her hand, nodded and gave the answer:

"Kaia is right. The Wind Demon Dragon used the remaining power of the abandoned 'Guardian of the Four Winds' temple to accomplish such a move."

"That's it." Li Qiuzhi looked astonished. He also knew this.

"Traveller, if Mondstadt is in such a chaotic situation, the Knights of the West Wind seem to be unable to distract us from helping us find your brother. How about we help?"

Paimon said, covering his head in distress.

"Well, we can't just worry about the Knights."

Ying felt that what Paimon said did make sense, and it was okay to do something if he had the ability.

"Oh~ What a kind-hearted child, so cute." Lisa said with a lazy and elegant smile on her fair face.

Call me a child? Miss Lisa's real age can be considered your ancestor. Li Qiuzhi couldn't help but complain silently in his heart.

"The main reason is that Youla is still out there performing tasks, otherwise our manpower wouldn't be so tight, alas~"

Amber lowered her hands and sighed slightly.

"Well, great. Now that everyone has agreed, it's time for us to decide on the battle plan!" Kaia nodded with interest.

"Mr. Kaiya ignored me. Isn't it a little bad?"

Li Qiuzhi coughed lightly and said remindingly, although he didn't mean to refuse, you can't make a decision without asking my opinion.

"Oh, do you want to refuse, little adventurer?" Kaiya looked at him in surprise, and then said with a raised corner of his mouth, "By the way, when I came over just now, I saw that there seemed to be a familiar book in your tattered backpack. "

"Stop, stop, stop!" Li Qiuzhi didn't expect that the bastard Kaiya discovered his swordsmanship secret book that accidentally scratched the cover, and wanted to threaten him with it. He was really bad-tempered.

He was not yet ready to face Lisa, so he had no choice but to say without fussing with him:

"I have received a lot of care from everyone in the Knights, so of course I will not refuse."

"That's good. On behalf of the Knights, I would like to thank you!" Captain Qin nodded his head in thanks with his golden single ponytail swaying slightly.

[Qin has a good impression of you and gains 150 favorability points. The current favorability level is 3 (30/300)]

Looking at the favorability prompt that popped up on the character panel, Li Qiuzhi smiled and said:

"Since the Wind Demon Dragon relied on the power of the abandoned temples guarded by the four winds, our goal is to go to those temples and find a way to cut off the communication between them, right?"

"You are very perceptive, indeed." Captain Qin's swallow-tailed cloak tied to her waist pulled out some shadows in the light, covering her boots-covered calves. She continued, "Our target is in addition to the Dragon of the East Wind Temple. For the remaining three buildings, let’s go there in groups of two and in three directions!”

"Why exclude the Dragon of the East Wind?" Paimon was a little confused.

"Because the Wind Demon Dragon is the Dragon of the East Wind, it has been burning its own life from the beginning!" Lisa glanced at her and said with her arms folded together.

Captain Qin's brows, slightly covered by his blond hair, showed worry:

“The situation is urgent, let’s put these things aside for now.

"Next, Amber, you and the Traveler will go to the Temple of the West Wind Eagle, Lisa and Li Qiuzhi will go to the Temple of the South Wind Lion, and Kaiya, you will go to the North Wind Wolf!"

"Wait a minute, didn't you say we were working in pairs? Why was Kaia the only one in the end? Don't you want to go, Captain Qin?"

Paimon's little mind was already confused.

"Kaia, there will probably be someone with you when you get there. As for me, I must personally guard Mondstadt in this critical moment!"

Captain Qin thought for a while and said.

After all, when Mondstadt is not at peace, it is inevitable that someone with ill intentions will take the opportunity to attack the Knights.

"Oh, I understand. If it's that guy, it's really more suitable to be with me. Then I'll go over without further ado!"

Kaia said thoughtfully, then sprang into action.

"Traveler, we can't lag behind. We must complete the mission before the scope of the storm expands!" Amber pulled the traveler and set off in a hurry.

"Hey, wait, who is that guy Kaiya is talking about? Why are they all like The Riddler? It makes my head dizzy!"

Paimon quickly followed up and said in a daze.

Li Qiuzhi touched his chin and guessed that Kaia was talking about the hero of the night, Lord Diluc, who he had met once before.

After all, he is also protecting Mondstadt in his own way, but he just has a little trouble with the Knights.

Facing the crisis of the Wind Demon Dragon, he will inevitably take action to find a solution to the crisis. With his ability, it is not difficult to grasp the whereabouts of the West Wind Knights who have no intention of concealing their actions.

In the game plot, he also appeared in the temple of the Wolf of the North, and discovered that the main messenger behind the scenes was from the Abyss Order!

"What are you thinking about, little adventurer~ It's time for us to set off."

Lisa gently opened her legs wrapped in black stockings and approached. The drop-shaped gems hanging from the purple anklets rolled left and right on the insteps covered with black stockings as she walked.

She came to Li Qiuzhi, flicked his forehead with her fingertips that glowed with lightning, and said with a slight smile:

"This is punishment. Kaiya didn't finish what he said. I guessed that the books you checked out in the library accidentally damaged, didn't you?"

Li Qiuzhi looked away from her fair face with some embarrassment, "Bastard Kaiya, I remember you!"

Thanks to "Duanmu Ci 10086" for the 220 coin reward!

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