I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 119 Temple Ruins (2 in 1)

"Okay, it seems so." Lisa bent her index finger again and flicked Li Qiuzhi's forehead. This time, she did not use the tingling thunder element. She pursed her lips and said with a smile, "Huh~ For the sake of your help in defeating the Wind Demon Dragon, I will forgive you this time."

"Uh haha, sorry Miss Lisa."

Li Qiuzhi touched his forehead and took out the sword secret book from his tattered backpack.

The dark blue pointed witch hat hung slightly. Lisa took the "Rhine One-Handed Sword Skill", touched the scratches on it and sighed:

"Really, don't take books with you to explore the wild next time."

"Okay, Lisa, stop dawdling, it's more important to solve the storm disaster!" Captain Qin frowned and urged. She was quite helpless towards her good friend.

"Okay, okay, Captain Qin, let's go now."

Lisa left the book here in the acting head's office and was about to set off with Li Qiuzhi and come back later to find a way to repair it.

Li Qiuzhi suddenly remembered that the Knights didn't seem to know that the mastermind behind the Wind Demon Dragon incident was the Abyss Order.

And he happened to overhear the discussion of the abyss mages from the cave yesterday, so he could tell this information reasonably in advance, without waiting for Kaia to come back from the temple of the Wolf of the North Wind to learn this.

It would also allow the Knights to prepare earlier.

So after Li Qiuzhi thought about the words in his mind, he told Captain Qin and Lisa the information he heard from the abyss mages talking in the cave yesterday.

"The Abyss Cult." Captain Qin held his forehead as if he had a headache and returned to his desk chair to sit down. "We have some guesses about this, but we are still very grateful for your reminder and we have eliminated three enemies in advance. .”

[Qin develops a favorable impression of you and gains 120 favorability points. The current favorability level is 3 (150/300)]

"I should have thought of it a long time ago. If it weren't for them, how could many Qiuqiu people come to set up camps near Mondstadt City?"

There was no obvious surprise on Lisa's fair face, and then she looked at Qin with some worry:

"After this matter is dealt with, you should take a good rest. If this continues, even the extremely powerful Captain Qin may not be able to hold on."

Listening to Lisa's words, Li Qiuzhi remembered a little bit.

Captain Qin seemed to have fallen ill not long after the Feng Molong incident. It was mainly because he was too busy working and never allowed his body to rest, which made him a little weak.

He wanted to remind her, but he couldn't tell her directly that I know you will get sick in the future, so please make sure to rest.

Ordinary concerns like Lisa, Amber and others have been said countless times, but it is completely useless, let alone Li Qiuzhi.

Forget it, it's not a big problem anyway.

It didn't matter if she got sick for a while, she realized that the work she had done so crazily before she got sick would be accumulated when she was sick and unable to work.

This way, it is better to pay attention to rest at ordinary times, and you don't need to endure the torture of illness.

Li Qiuzhi and Lisa didn't stay too much at the Knights and started to rush towards the temple ruins of the Lion of the South Wind.

Walking on the wild side again.

At this time, Li Qiuzhi began to realize that he had been able to slightly influence some things in the Teyvat continent for a long time.

For example, in the game plot, Ying defeated the Wind Demon Dragon because of the blessing of Wind God Wendy who was hiding in the dark and was able to fight at high altitude, but in reality, it was because of his attack that the Wind Demon Dragon was attracted down.

This allowed Ying to attack it without flying, so the Wind God didn't appear either, presumably just to see that they could deal with the Wind Demon Dragon without help.

Li Qiuzhi thought thoughtfully.

Ordinary people who had to worry about food and housing since time travel have now grown into not-so-ordinary people.

Although it is still far from being a truly powerful person, it is enough to give him a sense of accomplishment.

The temple of the Lion of the South Wind is located on the hillside of Fengxiao.

Go out of the city gate, cross Mond Bridge, walk right along the main road for a while, then turn left and keep running for most of a day to get there.

It is probably about the same distance from the location where the collection team was robbed by the Qiuqiu people.

Although using the wings of the wind, traveling is a little easier.

But since it was already dusk when we set off, we could already see the starry night sky when we arrived at the temple.

Because of the twinkling stars in the sky, the nights in Teyvat Continent are not very dark.

The grassy ground and the trees on the surrounding hills were tinged with a silvery glow.

"Miss Lisa, is this here?" Li Qiuzhi said with some confusion as he looked at the temple gate that had not been visited for a long time and was covered with cobwebs.

In the game it is the entrance to a secret realm, but in reality it is the ruins of an abandoned temple that was once intact but is now somewhat dilapidated.

Maybe this is reasonable. After all, if the citizens of Mondstadt want to visit the temple, they can't teleport to the secret realm first.

Lisa's legs wrapped in black lace stockings were slightly opened. The purple gems on the insteps swayed as she stepped forward and parted her soft lips and said:

"Hmm~ That's right, little adventurer, let's go in. No one has been taking care of this place for a long time. Maybe it has become a monster's lair!"

Wouldn't that just be a good way to gain experience points? Anyway, with Lisa here, you don't have to worry about encountering monsters that you can't defeat.

Thinking like this.

Li Qiuzhi nodded, ran in front of Lisa and pushed open the stone door of the abandoned temple, and suddenly a burst of smoke and dust floated out.

The two of them held their breaths and brushed away the smoke in front of their eyes, retreated a little, and waited for a while before they walked in.

Behind the door is a spacious road paved with blue stone slabs, with thick guardrails on both sides. Next to them are naturally grassy hills on the windy hillside.

The black high heels Lisa was wearing made a crisp sound on the stone pavement.

In front of them was a brick staircase sloping upward. After the two walked up, they saw a platform with extinguished bonfire racks placed at the four corners. There was only a path on the left.

Looking through it, you can see an upward wind field.

After all, it is a world composed of seven elements, so it is not surprising that there is such a natural phenomenon, and there are also some mechanisms in the Teyvat continent that can generate wind fields.

No matter which one it is, as long as it exists, it must be in line with the laws of nature.

It's just that with his shallow knowledge, he can't understand the principle of wind blowing upward from the ground.

When the two came to the wind field, Li Qiuzhi looked around and found nothing unusual for the time being. However, he unexpectedly discovered that there were two square wooden boxes on the right that had been there for an unknown period of time, blocking an ordinary treasure box.

"Looks like you're lucky. It's been abandoned for so long and there's still a treasure chest left."

Lisa used the tip of her pink tongue to moisten her lips that were a little dry from the wind and said.

"Maybe it just appeared not long ago." Li Qiuzhi pushed aside the square wooden box blocking the way and took out the ordinary treasure box.

When I opened it, I found that there were about 10,000 molas inside, two one-star holy relics, and two pieces of fine ore for fine forging.

"Huh? Is this the Seal of the Wind?"

While squatting down, Lisa tucked the tail of her skirt under her knees wrapped in over-the-knee black lace stockings. Her soft calves and thighs were squeezed together. Even with stockings, she couldn't hide the soft, full flesh.

She picked up a green stamp from the bottom of the treasure chest with a wind element mark pattern on it.

"Seal of the Wind? Miss Lisa, what's the use of this?" Li Qiuzhi asked curiously.

In the game, wind seals or other elemental seals appear randomly in the area ruled by the corresponding god. They can be used as tokens in the souvenir shop. The specific use has not been explained yet.

"Well, it is said that being able to find it means that your adventure has been approved by Mondstadt Qianfeng." A smile appeared on Lisa's fair face, "I heard that Marjorie, the owner of the 'Wind of Glory', is collecting these thing."

She stood up with her legs together and handed the Seal of Wind to Li Qiuzhi:

"You little adventurer, keep it. When you collect more, you can go to her to exchange for some good things~"

"Well, thank you." Li Qiuzhi nodded.

"Let's go. I have already felt the magical connection left here by the Wind Demon Dragon. Cutting it off should complete the mission."

Li Qiuzhi followed Lisa to the wind field, then put on the wind wings and jumped slightly, and the air flow carried the two of them and began to rise. A little accident happened in the process.

Because the airflow in the wind field rises vertically.

The skirt and front of Lisa's robe were directly lifted up, and her black lace leggings and soft white belly were slightly exposed. The pointed witch hat on her head was almost blown away.

Li Qiuzhi, with quick eyes and quick hands, grabbed the wide brim of his hat in one fell swoop.

Not long after, the two of them escaped from the wind field at the entrance to a room above, folded their wind wings and stood on the stone floor.

"Oh~ This rising wind field really makes my sister a little embarrassed!"

Lisa combed her messy chestnut hair with her hands, her face turned slightly red, and then she couldn't help complaining.

"Miss Lisa, why don't you use that space transfer magic?" Li Qiuzhi returned the hat to her and asked with some confusion.

Lisa put on the dark blue pointed hat, nodded her head lightly to express her gratitude and explained:

“It’s not just that Wind Demon Dragon, the wind disaster caused by Mondstadt City also affected this place.

"The flow of elements and the circulation of the earth's veins nearby became messy like a ball of thread scratched by a cat.

"Not only will the use of sophisticated magic be disturbed, but your mood and skin will also deteriorate~"

[Lisa has a good impression of you and gains 120 favorability points. The current favorability level is 4 (20/400)]

Seeing the good impression gained from helping Lisa catch the hat, Li Qiuzhi nodded clearly, feeling that his knowledge reserve would increase automatically by following Lisa.

The two continued to move forward and found a thunder element obelisk in the center of the room. Electric light flashed from Lisa's fingertips, and she shot a bolt of lightning to hit it and light it up.

A purple glow rises from the Elemental Monument.

Suddenly, a circle of eight fire slimes appeared around them, surrounding Li Qiuzhi and the others. Two of them were large ones. As expected, they should have triggered the mechanism here.

"Oh, there are so many monsters, little adventurer, you must protect me, my sister~"

Lisa said with a smile on her fair face, she didn't seem to care much about these monsters.

Li Qiuzhi's dark eyes gradually turned golden, just like Fischer's long hair. He turned around and found that the level of these slimes was not high.

The two most powerful large fire slimes are only level ten, and the other small slimes are only level five or six.

However, he accidentally glanced at Lisa and found that she actually showed that she was the same question mark as the Wind Demon Dragon.

Thinking about it this way, her strength must have exceeded the observable range of his golden sin-judging eyes.

Experience points +406

There was no need for Lisa to take action at all. Li Qiuzhi saw all the slimes, large and small, and eliminated them with one strike after seeing their weaknesses, with a total of just over 400 experience points.

"Okay, let's move on, Miss Lisa."

Li Qiuzhi said as he handsomely threw the edgeless sword back into the wooden scabbard. When he turned his head, he almost bumped into the snow-white cheek under the hat.

Lisa put her hands lightly on her hips behind her, leaned forward and suddenly leaned close to her face to stare into his eyes, the hot breath exhaled from her white nose clearly hitting his face.

The screen seemed to be paused for a while.

She moved her face and hugged her breasts, and said in a slightly surprised tone:

"It is said that everyone on the continent of Teyvat has his or her own destiny star, which is composed of six destiny stars. Each time one is lit, one can gain related ability blessings.

"It's not easy to light them up. Generally speaking, only one destiny star can be lit up for each breakthrough.

"I felt something like a life star in your eyes. Could this be the ability you gained after lighting it up? But you don't have the Eyes of God. Did you achieve the breakthrough with your top martial arts? It's really curious. ~"

Li Qiuzhi knew about the destiny star, but he didn't expect that the reality was lit up because of the breakthrough, even though he was already at level 26 and exceeded the strength of the first breakthrough.

But he really hasn't collected materials to make a breakthrough, and it's hard to explain how to gain favorability.

I could only touch my head and look like I didn’t know, and said:

"This ability was used out of nowhere when I encountered danger during the adventure yesterday. I don't know exactly what happened."

"Oh? Don't you know? That's indeed possible. After all, except for scholars who have special knowledge of this aspect, most other people don't know these secrets."

Lisa put her black-gloved fingers against her chin, thought about it and said with a smile.

"Did Miss Lisa also light up the destiny stars? How many stars did you light up?" Li Qiuzhi asked curiously.

"Hmm~ Do you want to know? Well, let me think about it first, there are exactly five!"

Lighting five life stars means making five breakthroughs. Is it about level 70? No wonder he can't see it.

Li Qiuzhi was quite surprised. After reading the game plot, he knew Lisa would be very powerful, but he didn't expect it to reach this level!

Isn't it even more unimaginable that the Wind Demon Dragon needed the help of the God of Wind to subdue it in the end?

The two continued to clean up monsters and pass through various ruins in the Lion of the South Wind Temple, while heading towards the magic connection point left by the Wind Demon Dragon to gain power.

Shortly after.

They quickly arrived at the target location and saw an amber stone that looked like it was wrapped in a hurricane.

"Okay, just destroy it and you can go back and rest."

Lisa hugged her snow-white arms and put them under her breasts, slightly holding them up in a soft arc, and said with a little joy in her green eyes.

This chapter is two chapters in one. The setting of this article is the same as that of the game. Level 90 is the limit for humans and other ordinary creatures. Level 90 and above are the realms of immortals and demon gods. For example, the top demon gods who rule in the world are at least level 100 and above. This setting should still be acceptable. That's reasonable.

Thanks to "Tianmo" for the 200 coin reward!

Thanks to "Sitting Whale" for the 200 coin reward!

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