Mondstadt, Clear Springs.

Passing by here on their way to Runlang Learning, the temporary adventure team decided to go to them first to ask for any clues.

Before everyone entered the town, they saw a group of hunters from Qingquan Town discussing something on the roadside. The leader was their hunter leader, Duraf.

"No, leader, I must kill those dogs. I believe in my archery skills!"

A young-looking hunter wearing a hat said excitedly.

"This is too risky. They are not ordinary wolves, they are monsters!" Durav, who had a beard, shook his head and said, "I think even if all the hunters in our town go out, it may not work, and this behavior is also stupid. , let’s ask the West Wind Knight to handle it.”

"Long time no see, Mr. Durav."

Li Qiuzhi stepped forward to greet him.

"Oh, it's you Qiuzhi. It's been a long time indeed." Dulav was a little surprised to see Li Qiuzhi.

Then, he smiled and said, "Why did you come to me for a drink with good wine?"

"Haha, I'm sorry, Mr. Durav, we heard that strange monsters appeared in the Wolf Territory, so we accepted the commission to investigate. Is this the same thing you just talked about?"

Li Qiuzhi touched his head awkwardly, and then asked with a puzzled look.

"Well, that's true." Duraf lowered his gaze and pondered for a moment before explaining, "The Running Wolf Territory is our main hunting ground in Qingquan Town. Generally speaking, there are no powerful monsters. If there are, we can basically deal with them." .

“But yesterday, two of our hunting team came back injured, their faces as pale as if they hadn’t eaten for several days. According to them, they were monsters that looked like wolves.

"If you are scratched by them, you will continue to bleed. The two people's small wounds of less than one centimeter were barely stopped by using up the entire team of hemostatic and healing drugs. This is terrible. If they are not cleaned up, Qingquan Town will No one dares to hunt there anymore, and we are troubled by this."

After all, not everywhere is as suitable as a long-term hunting venue under various conditions like the Running Wolf Territory.

Li Qiuzhi and the others had just heard Bennett remind them that bleeding would stop, because he was injured when he encountered these monsters, and he could easily resist it by relying on the healing effect of the elemental burst.

"It seems that they have harmed the nearby residents." Ying said thoughtfully.

At this moment, a somewhat wealthy hunter hurriedly ran over from outside, shouting:

"No, chief, those guys appeared on the road near the town!"


For a moment, several hunters, including Durav, were shocked and ran outside.

"Did they say that those strange monsters appeared from the Benlang Territory and came to the vicinity of Qingquan Town?"

Paimon looked at the few people running away, and touched his head in confusion.

If this is really troublesome, they can avoid danger as long as they stay in Benlang Leader and don't go there, but if they go near Qingquan Town, they can hide without even trying. Li Qiuzhi said with a heavy heart.

"Oz, follow me!"

Fischer's shapely legs wrapped in asymmetrical black stockings swayed slightly, and she and Night Crow Oz followed Durav's footsteps without hesitation.

The rest of the makeshift adventure team followed closely behind.

It is too dangerous for hunters to face these monsters alone.


A group of people came to a small hill where they could observe the road below. They clearly saw in front of them a huge wolf that could levitate and fly with several smaller companions wandering on the grass on the side of the road.

"Yes, they are the strange wolves that appeared in the Benlang Territory!" Bennett looked a little scared. The sword he had been using for a long time was damaged by such monsters.

"They actually appeared near Qingquan Town. For the safety of the townspeople, we have to clean them up!"

The young-looking hunter who was excited just now became excited again because one of the two injured yesterday was his younger brother.

He wants to avenge his brother!

"Oh, we have no choice but to do this. There are many of us. It shouldn't be difficult to defeat them as long as we keep enough distance with bows and arrows."

Durav nodded helplessly, and he began to instruct the six or seven hunters present to prepare for an attack.


Li Qiuzhi was a little confused when he heard Dulav's words. Don't they know that these "bleeding dogs" can teleport?

In the field of vision of his Judgment Eye, those Beast Realm cubs were only at level 20. Durav and the others might be able to barely cope with them, but the leading Beast Realm hound was at level 40.

It travels through space and slaps it with its claws. For ordinary people, even if it is not affected by the "bleeding" ability, it is basically hopeless.

"What's wrong?" Durav said with some confusion.

Li Qiuzhi explained:

"I have a special ability to see that they are very strong and are not something you can deal with, so let's do it!"

"Chief, this"

Some wealthy hunters looked at Li Qiuzhi and then at Dulav.

He clearly saw that most of the people in front of him had the eyes of gods, and they must be much stronger than them in terms of strength.

It would be great if this adventure group was willing to take action.

Durav pondered for a moment and nodded. The news that Li Qiuzhi and Ying defeated the Wind Demon Dragon and became honorary knights has spread in Mondstadt.

He is no longer the young apprentice who followed him to learn archery some time ago.

Isn’t this growth rate a bit incredible?

While Durav was thinking this, his eyes caught a glimpse of the fiery red glass ball hanging around his neck.

Did he get the Eye of God? This makes sense.

When several hunters heard that Li Qiuzhi and the others were willing to take action, they knew that they were not strong enough, so they did not delay.

"Hey, before these monsters find us, we can launch a sneak attack first to see if we can hit that big guy hard!"

Paimon pointed at the Beastland Hound in the distance with his index finger, rolled his starry eyes and said with a smile.

"Oh, Lord Paimeng's idea is very constructive. Lord Li Qiuzhi must also think so at this time."

Nightcrow Oz has adventured with Li Qiuzhi, so of course he is familiar with his fighting style.

That is, if you go first, you must attack by sneak attack. If you can't defeat, just take others and run with you!

"Uh, yes, I have seen an old wound on the back of that wolf-like monster. Her Royal Highness can target it and attack there later."

Li Qiuzhi nodded.

He told him that his eyes could see the weakness, and quickly prepared an attack with Fischer, who was also an archer.

During this period, Bennett asked if he needed to activate the elemental burst to give the two of them blessing power.

Li Qiuzhi thought for a while and felt that it would be better to keep his ultimate skill. If anyone is scratched by the "Bleeding Dog", it will be troublesome if it is not healed in time.

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