Li Qiuzhi, who knew the attacking habits of the Beastland Hounds through game memory, asked Durav and the others to retreat farther away to avoid being affected by their counterattack later.

The thunder element arrow fired by Fischer drew an arc in the air, and just when it was about to hit the beast realm hound, the fire element arrow in Li Qiuzhi's hand arrived first.

The weak point on the back of the Beast Realm Hound discovered by the Golden Sin-Judging Eye was hit by two elemental arrows of fire and thunder.

While causing damage from the two elements of fire and thunder, the overload reaction that followed also blew it back.

The Beastland Hound couldn't help but howl, and it looked like it was seriously injured.

Although Li Qiuzhi has a small damage bonus from his specialty [Anti-Devil Enhancement] and the blessing of the Holy Relic Set effect, he still cannot defeat a monster ten levels higher than him with one hit.

Even if you cooperate with Fischer to overload.

If it is an Abyss Mage who has not turned on the elemental shield, it can be killed relatively easily in seconds. After all, they are really weak without the shield.

Maybe the elemental shield is their true form.

"Everyone, be careful, they are coming!" Li Qiuzhi was thinking a lot, but he also did not forget to pay attention to the movements of the monsters.

When the Beast Realm hounds and Beast Realm cubs were attacked, they noticed Li Qiuzhi and the others on the hillside.

They suddenly disappeared without warning.

According to Li Qiuzhi's memory, they would appear behind everyone and attack us as expected.

"They may appear from behind, everyone, get out of the way!"

Several people present had rich combat experience. Although they were a little surprised by the sudden disappearance of these wolf monsters, they were not at a loss.

After Li Qiuzhi's reminder, he soon realized that this was a high possibility.

So they quickly retreated, and the next moment these monsters appeared in the sky above where they were standing, and their sharp claws instantly captured them.

But unfortunately, it came to nothing.

Li Qiuzhi did not miss this opportunity. He put away the adventurer's hunting bow, replaced it with a bladeless sword and instantly released the fire element in the evil eye to attach it. He used his full level swordsmanship to stab the beastly hound in the head.

Bennett also launched an attack. He was also about to launch an elemental combat skill, but suddenly his foot slipped on the grass and fell to the ground.

Not surprisingly, his bad luck constitution happened to be triggered.

Seeing this, Oz quickly spit out magic bullets of thunder to make up for the missing attack.

Then, the white palm condensed the rapidly rotating vortex, and the soft and red lips parted and shouted:

"Wind Vortex Sword!"

The fire element attached to the Beast Realm Hound instantly spread to the other monsters.

The already seriously injured Beast Realm hounds and several weak Beast Realm cubs couldn't hold on for long.

[Defeat 5 powerful enemies and gain 2305 experience points. 】

As the monsters were defeated, a prompt to gain experience points also popped up. Among them, the Beast Hound was defeated by Li Qiuzhi and had more than 1,700 experience points.

The other small ones were defeated by Ying, and because of their low level, they did not gain many experience points.

And he could only get one-third of this part, so the total was just over 2,000 experience points.

"Awesome, the cooperation between you is so wonderful!" Durav and several hunters said, clapping their hands.

"Hehe, these are all trivial!"

Paimon said with a smile on his face, as if he was receiving praise.

"Well, that Mr. Durav, the Adventurers Association has actually learned about the abnormal situation in the Running Wolf Territory, and we are the ones who were entrusted to investigate.

"Now that they have appeared near Qingquan Town, it is conceivable that there will be more in the Running Wolf Territory. Recently, I have asked you not to go hunting there until the Adventurer Association solves this problem."

Li Qiuzhi thought about it and suggested.

"Well, of course." Dulav, dressed as a hunter, crossed his arms and nodded.

Ying's golden hair was disturbed by the breeze, slightly revealing her white ears. She remembered the purpose of coming here and asked:

"By the way, Mr. Durav, your hunting team brought them back from Running Wolf yesterday. Did you notice where these monsters came from?"

Durav did not go hunting yesterday. He thought for a moment and replied:

“I don’t know exactly where it came from.

"But according to the injured hunter, they encountered these unseen alien monsters in the Googou Fruit Forest in Benlang Territory. You can go there to see if there are any other clues."

"Hey~ It's not far from where I met." Bennett said in surprise as he touched his nose.

I just fell down for no apparent reason and just hit my nose.

"Oh, what a coincidence. Let's go there first and take a look. Maybe there will be clues."

Oz, the night crow, said as he flapped his night wings.

"Nothing can escape the gaze of this princess, the 'Great Illusionary Dream Senluo All-Seeing Violent Qi Sin-Severing Eye'!"

Fischer raised his right hand, covered his left eye with a black eyepatch, and said with a handsome gesture.

Next, the temporary adventure team continued to move towards the Running Wolf Leader.

As for the corpses of those beast-level monsters on the ground.

Li Qiuzhi asked Mr. Dulav and the other hunters to take them to the Adventurers Association and the Knights of the West Wind for study first, and maybe they might find something.

He actually doesn't know much about "Bleeding Dogs" either.

They appear to have been created by "Golden" Reindot, master of Albedo, Mondstadt's chief alchemist, using alchemy to combine forces from outside the world.

They have an ability called "erosion", which is why their attacks cause "bleeding".

It is also their instinct to erode and dissolve the boundaries of the world and travel through space.

All in all, they are a group of very dangerous creatures.

Running wolf collar.

It was almost dark when we arrived here, and it was obviously unwise to continue moving at this time.

They first built a tripod with wood on a relatively open grassland, with a boiler hanging in the middle. A blackback bass was placed in it, and the boiling soup turned milky white.

At the same time, four tents were set up side by side in a row, and there was also a small campfire frame made of wood by Li Qiuzhi on the outermost edge.

While the burning flame illuminates the surrounding darkness, it also makes the surrounding beasts afraid to approach.

Of course this is only for beasts in general, like now.

A group of Beast Realm wolves that can levitate and fly like Paimon stared at the people in front of them as they slowly approached. Their number was much larger than what they had encountered in Qingquan Town before.

There are three Beast Realm hounds alone, and there are more than ten Beast Realm cubs.

"We just arrived here not long ago, why did they discover us so quickly and gather so many companions to surround us?!"

Paimon said with a somewhat surprised expression on his face.

Bennett scratched his pale golden hair and said speculatively:

"I heard from dads that dogs and wolves are the same kind of creatures. Their noses are very sensitive. I think these black wolves are the same. They may smell the breath of their dead kind on us, so they come here to seek revenge. ”

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