I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 149 The cunning pack of wolves in the beast realm

According to Bennett, it is not impossible.

Otherwise, there is no other reason. After all, they are still on the edge of the Running Wolf Territory, and the camping location is so empty.

According to the habits of creatures, they should not choose to live near this kind of environment. There are too few concealments and they can easily be discovered by enemies.

"Everyone, be careful, they may be about to attack."

Ying's legs, wearing over-the-knee high-heeled boots, were spread forward and backward, and her body's center of gravity was slightly lowered to get into a fighting stance.

The snow-white thighs exposed under the diagonally cut skirt seemed to be a little tighter.

Led by the three leading beast-realm hounds, this group of beast-realm monsters were like hunters closing their nets, approaching the members of the temporary adventure team step by step.

"It's not an option to continue like this. There are so many of them. What to do? I feel like I can't beat them."

Paimeng huddled behind Ying, with a worried look on his face.

"It's indeed a bit troublesome. Those big black wolves are no weaker than the previous one."

Although Li Qiuzhi's sin-judging eyes were golden, they did not look dazzling in the dark night. After all, he was not a cat and his eyes glowed.

At this moment, among the attacking monsters, one of the beast-land hounds took several cubs to dissolve the world boundary and enter deeper space to shuttle, but the rest still stood still.

"No, so cunning?!"

Seeing this situation, Li Qiuzhi inevitably felt a little anxious.

At the same time, everyone had experience with this situation. The five people quickly left their original positions. Sure enough, a black wolf suddenly appeared above where they were, waving its claws down.

Before Li Qiuzhi could breathe a sigh of relief when he saw it flying into the air, several beast-level cubs suddenly appeared around him, opening their big mouths full of fangs and biting at him.

Li Qiuzhi raised his eyebrows, and the evil eye instantly released the fire element and attached it to the edgeless sword.

With the extraordinary characteristic of swordsmanship, "The Realm of Stopping Wind", he can easily sense the movement of air around him.

After pulling away to avoid the bite of the cub, he saw the right moment and thrust the long sword with the fire element through the bright weak spot in the lower jaw of a cub, directly passing through the head.

[Defeat powerful enemies and gain 435 experience points. 】

As the prompt pops up on the character panel, it proves that it is already dead.

"Servant, be careful!"

At the beginning, the Beast Realm hounds attacked the adventure team and dispersed a few people. The remaining Beast Realm monsters also divided into several groups to besiege others.

It is indeed a pack monster with the habits of a wolf, so cunning it is disgusting!

Fischer had attached the thunder element arrow and was about to fire it at the charging cub in front of him, when from the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of a huge black wolf emerging quietly from behind Li Qiuzhi.

While reminding him quickly, he changed the aim of the arrow in his hand and fired towards the target.

The beast-realm cub noticed that the enemy in front of him had revealed a flaw, and immediately bit her arm.

When Fischer felt bad and turned around, it was already too late!


Oz, the night crow with flashing lightning all over his body, broke into the mouth of the Beast Realm cub like a spinning electric drill and tore it into pieces.

Just when Fischer breathed a sigh of relief, he suddenly felt severe pain in his calf.

Another Beast Realm cub appeared from behind her and bit the unsuspecting Fischer in an instant, causing her soft lips to groan in pain.

Thunder and lightning surged all over her body, paralyzing the Beast Realm cub biting her calf.

Fischer bit his lip, and the arrow in his hand was instantly attached to the thunder element, and he fired it at the Beast Realm cub at his feet.

There was no possibility for it to dodge. The lightning arrow fired close to its face made its last consciousness stay in a purple color forever.

Although the Beast Realm cub died and slipped from Fischer's calf wrapped in black pantyhose, the "erosive" force caused the wounds it bit out to continue to overflow with bright red blood.

When Li Qiuzhi heard Fischer's reminder, he immediately moved away. A beast-level hound had just emerged from the deep space, and it had not yet caused any disturbance in the surrounding air.

As a result, he didn't notice it immediately, and the thunder element arrows that followed hit it back into the deep space.

Li Qiuzhi looked at Fischer and found that she had been bitten. He was suddenly shocked. What would happen if this was not dealt with in time!

While feeling angry, the fire element attached to the edgeless sword in his hand became more fierce.

With his full-level swordsmanship, he quickly killed two Beast Realm cubs that besieged him, quickly ran towards Fischer, and shouted to Fing and Bennett at the same time:

"Everyone, come here quickly, those guys want to defeat us one by one!"

Ying placed the edgeless sword on the grass and slowly breathed hot breath from her soft lips.

The ends of the golden hair on his forehead were slightly stuck together due to sweat.

Her amber eyes stared at the Beast Realm hounds and Beast Realm cubs in front of her, not daring to move rashly to avoid exposing any flaws.

A large transverse gash was cut on the lower abdomen of her backless dress.

You can vaguely see the snow-white skin and belly button inside.

The two were of equal strength, and it was not easy to fight. Ying's edgeless sword suddenly rolled up a hurricane, rolling up the soil under the grass to pieces, and swept it towards the beastland hound.

Taking advantage of the moment when the monsters in the beast realm averted their eyes, she quickly retreated to Li Qiuzhi and Fischer.

Bennett's encounter here was more dangerous. Not only did he have a Beast Realm cub hanging on each of his feet, but he also had one on his left shoulder, which was still biting.

Holding the dark stainless steel sword that has not yet been repaired in his right hand, he still has to deal with the Beast Realm cub in front of him.

Near the entire camp, there are several beast-land hounds hiding in the deep space, and they will pop up to attack at any time. Why do they feel that they are more cunning than the wise abyss mages!

Seeing Bennett's situation, Li Qiuzhi quickly took out the adventurer's hunting bow and continuously shot arrows with fire elements at the Beast Realm cub biting him.

Due to the "silent and shadowless" characteristic, the arrows seemed to ignore the distance and accurately drove into their foreheads the next moment.

Experience points +426

Experience points +399

Experience points +501

After getting out of trouble, Bennett activated the elemental combat skill "Enthusiasm Overload" to penetrate the Beast Realm cub in front of him, and quickly ran over to reunite with everyone.

At this time, among the monsters in the beast realm, the three-headed hounds were still there. They also resurfaced and appeared in the deep space, staring at several people with their ferocious eyes.

The rest of the beast realm cubs have been killed by several people, and only four or five are left.

Overall, their numerical advantage is not that great anymore.

"Bennet, you look a little badly injured!"

Ying looked at Bennett's injuries and said worriedly.

"Haha, it's okay, I'm used to it." Bennett rubbed the back of his head and said with a smile, "But it's time for us to fight back!"

“Frustrations, adversities, wounds, all part of the ‘wonderful journey’ of becoming a great adventurer!”

He jumped up on the spot with high morale, and then punched the ground. The fiery red light instantly spread out on the green grass, eventually forming an encouraging field with a "thumbs up" gesture pattern.

Thanks to "Duanmu Ci 10086" for the 166-coin reward!

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