"Humph, you are so weak."

Rosalin glanced at several people with arrogant eyes, and finally her eyes stopped on the young poet.

She was given god-like powers by the Ice Queen, and even another god could be frozen for a short period of time, especially the Wind God who did not govern the country or perform his functions at all, and did not have much divine power.

Sure enough, this Foolish Executive showed up.

After all, there are so many stupid agents lurking in Mondstadt, so it won't be too difficult to find Wendy who is wandering around the city all day long.

Li Qiuzhi twitched his frozen feet, but they seemed to be sealed by steel and did not move at all.

Seeing "Ms." walking towards Wendy, he frowned and said to Yura and Ying who were standing aside: "She seems to have some intention towards Wendy. Can you stop her?"

"Damn it, I can't move either!"

Ying guided the wind element to try to break the ice on his legs, but it had no effect.

"I need a moment."

Yora's calves wrapped in over-the-knee black high-heeled boots were also completely frozen, but with her familiarity with the ice elemental power and her strong body strength, she managed to create a crack.

Li Qiuzhi released the evil eye's fire element and condensed it into a small fireball, hitting Youla's frozen legs to speed up the melting of the ice.


Seeing this situation, Rosalin stopped walking leisurely.

Her snow-white calves tightened slightly and exerted force, breaking through the air in an instant and coming to Wendy. In his surprised eyes, her right hand wearing a long black glove sank directly into his abdomen.

And Wendy, just like in the game plot, didn't resist for some reason, because she had clearly warned him a long time ago.

"Ah, the singer!" Paimon couldn't help but exclaimed, covering his mouth.

Li Qiuzhi took out the adventurer's hunting bow, attached the arrow to the fire element, and then quickly aimed at the "lady's" head.

Rosalin noticed Li Qiuzhi's movements, raised the corner of her mouth and sneered, suddenly pulled out her right hand, and at the same time, there was a heart of God like a chess piece in her hand.

Li Qiuzhi released the arrow string, and the attached fire element arrow was instantly launched. Rosalin raised her hand casually to condense an ice shield on the arrow's trajectory.

But what surprised her was that the arrow shot by the young adventurer crossed the ice shield and instantly appeared in front of the black gauze mask on her forehead like a space shift.

A huge push came through the mask's forehead, and the fire element that followed was extinguished by her controlling the ice element, but the blond hair nearby was still a little burnt.

Damn, what a hard mask!

In Li Qiuzhi's golden judgment eyes, there is no doubt that "Ms." is also unable to see clearly the existence of levels, and even hitting the weak point does not seem to have any big effect.


Rosalin never thought that she would be hurt by such a weak ant because of her temporary pride!

The anger seemed to release her essence as a flame witch, and blazing red hellfire butterflies appeared around her, and then disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Huh, the power given by the Ice Queen barely made her calm down. Now is not the time to act willfully. Now that the Heart of God has been obtained, it is time to leave.

Rosalin glared at Li Qiuzhi with a fierce look and said:

"Very good, I remember you!"

[Rosalyn has negative feelings towards you and gains -200 favorability points. The current favorability level is 1 (-200/100)]

Li Qiuzhi looked at the prompt that popped up on the character panel and felt a slight headache. He was being noticed by "Ms." and he would not kill him casually if he met her in the future.

"Hmph, before I have completed my revenge, no one can take action against the object of my 'revenge' in advance!"

The ice on Yura's legs was successfully shattered. She summoned a blue sword with gold rim and rushed in front of Rosalin.

The frost-covered sword blade turned with her graceful figure and struck the enemy in front of her from top to bottom!

Rosalin raised her hand and induced the frost to form an ice elemental shield for herself. Facing the leader of the West Wind Knights, she would not hit him with her head again.

The blade of the sword touched the shield, and a cold breath suddenly broke out in the middle.

Paimeng, who was not far behind, was immediately thrown away. Yingyan quickly caught her with his hands, while Li Qiuzhi slightly blocked his face.


There was a clear cracking sound from the shield. Seeing that the situation was not good, Rosalin stepped on the ground with her black high-heeled feet.

A huge ice spike rose from the ground and pierced Yula's soft lower abdomen covered with translucent black silk. She pulled her sword down to block the sharp top of the ice spike.

At the same time, with the help of this power, Yula spun slightly in mid-air again, and the golden blue sword swung towards the enemy again.

Rosalin frowned, and while raising her hand to condense the triple ice shield, she hurriedly jumped back a few steps.

The blade of the sword touched the ice shield and cut it open instantly. The last remnant fell on the ground, and even the stone slab was cut with a crack that extended all the way to Rosalin's feet.

Yora straightened her waist, and when she looked at Rosalind again, a pure white incomplete sword appeared in her hand.

This is the sword of light condensed by Yula using ice. It can slowly become complete over time, and finally explodes to cause huge physical impact damage to the enemy.

"Hmph, pretty good strength."

Rosalin could see that the white sword floating next to the Zephyr Knight in front of her was dangerous, and she did not want to continue spending time here.

In the end, Rosalin smiled with the corners of her mouth turned up, and her body slowly turned into ice and disappeared.

"Huh, I'll keep this grudge in mind!"

Yora stared at the empty front, dismissed the Light Sword with a wave of her hand, and said with some dissatisfaction.

"Wendy, are you okay?" Paimon looked at the poet who was a little weak and could only barely stand and flew over to help him with some worry.

"...Ahem, it's okay, but my stomach hurts a little."

Wendy said without seeming to care.

Although his stomach was inserted with the hands of the Fool Executives, there was no real wound.

Li Qiuzhi spent some time melting the ice on his and Ying's legs, and quickly approached to help Wendy melt the ice and see if he had any injuries.

He looked a little confused and asked:

"Aren't you the God of Wind? No matter how weak you are, you won't have the strength to resist. Why did you let her attack you? And she seems to have taken something from you?"

There were several others who had the same doubts.

"...Alas, what she took away was my God's Heart, although I don't know why the Queen of Winter ordered the executive of the Fools to take it away.

"But rather than let it sit idle in my hands, give it to her if she needs it, lest those fools continue to cause havoc in Mondstadt just to get it."

Wendy said looking a little uncomfortable, holding her stomach.

Thanks to "Duanmu Ci 10086" for the 139-coin reward!

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