"Haha, there are actually reasons why I can't beat the Ice Queen."

Wendy stood with her hands on her hips, looking like nothing was wrong, and said with a smile on her face.

"What! Is that Ice Queen so scary?" Pamon covered his mouth in surprise.

"That's right, otherwise fools wouldn't dare to be so tyrannical in every country."

Wendy nodded.

"...Well, Lord Barbatos, where does the Heart of God come from? Will not having it have any impact on you?"

Youla pressed her hands on the pelvic bones on both sides of the hips wrapped in a tight leather jumpsuit. This position was hollowed out and covered with semi-transparent black silk, and the snow-white skin could be vaguely glimpsed.

Wendy explained:

"The Heart of God is a magical organ similar to the Eye of God, except that it is more advanced and is a symbol of the seven rulers of the world.

"With it, I can control the corresponding elemental power. Without it, it will only make me weaker and will not cause any harm to me."

"Huh -" Pamon heard his words and breathed a sigh of relief, "I thought you wouldn't live long without that thing."

"How is that possible? Generally speaking, as long as he is not killed directly, the demon god basically has no lifespan problem.

"But there will be other inevitable problems. For example, the longer you live, there will be emotional 'wear and tear', and the more 'wear and tear' you have, your life may become something that even you hate. "

Wendy spread her hands and said.

"I see. But I have rarely heard the word 'wear and tear'. What does it specifically mean?"

Ying hugged her chest, with a slight doubt on her fair face.

"Well... as time goes by, or you experience some sad things, over time, your character and cognition will undergo adverse changes that even you are not aware of.

"At that time, I might be like Tevalin and set off a storm to destroy the world, or I might become a demon god who hates humans."

Wendy said with a slight exaggeration.

So, if Tvarin was previously controlled by the Abyss Order and lost his freedom or even died, then it would also become one of Wendy's 'wear and tear'?

Li Qiuzhi thought thoughtfully. After all, with the relationship between Wendy and Tevalin, any accident would definitely make Wendy sad.

"What?! You wanna-be singer wants to destroy the world!" Paimon was so shocked that he quickly shrank behind Ying.

"Haha, it seems that little Paimon is scared. Actually, don't worry. As long as you live freely and happily like me, then 'wear and tear' will be a long process."

The boy in green clothes said with a smile.

"Since 'wear and tear' is bad, is there any way to avoid it?" Li Qiuzhi asked curiously.

"...Well, it stands to reason that as long as you are alive, you will experience 'wear and tear'. If you want to avoid them, then choosing to sleep for a long time is a good way."

Wendy thought for a while and came up with a method that is relatively popular among demons. After all, as long as you sleep, you don't have to go through anything that will cause serious 'wear and tear'.

This leaves the 'wear and tear' caused by the passage of time, which you can basically not care about.

"Uh, what kind of solution is this?"

Paimon was speechless. Isn't sleeping for a long time equivalent to "temporary death"? The time during this period is completely wasted and has no benefit.

It can only be said that the 'wear and tear' time is slightly extended.

"This method is still very useful. For example, in neighboring Liyue, the Rock King Emperor often uses this method to avoid 'wear and tear'.

“Although he manages the country, he only appears at the annual ‘Invitation Ceremony’ to guide the development direction for the next year.

"And he is also recognized as the guy who has lived the longest and knows the most among the gods. Traveler, if you want to know who the god is who captured Brother You, you may have seen the emperor."

Wendy wanted to talk to her about him before, but unexpectedly she was suddenly attacked by the executive of Fools.

"Only appears once a year?! Then when can we see him?"

Paimon said slightly surprised.

"It's about two months away, and it's almost a little over a month before you go, so if you don't want to miss it, you have to leave as soon as possible."

Wendy lowered her head and thought for a moment, then said with a smile.

"Okay, we will prepare as soon as possible." The breeze ruffled Ying's golden hair and she nodded.

Not long after, cavalry captain Kaia hurried over with a team of West Wind Knights.

"I heard from the nun that there was a fierce fighting here. Can you tell us what happened?"

Kaia said with a smile on her dark face.

"Kaia, it's you. That Fool Executive Officer has just run away." Yola explained what had just happened simply and clearly.

"Oh, it turned out to be an attack by the Fool Executives. This is a serious diplomatic issue."

Kaia rarely showed a serious expression.

Because the Abyssal Cult is raging on the continent of Teyvat, the Solstice Kingdom and the other six countries have formed a diplomatic alliance to jointly resist the invasion of those abyssal monsters.

But now there is a bad situation where the Fools and the executives attack Fengshen. This cannot be easily wiped out.

If it is serious, it will cause the alliance to break up, so Mond will face the monsters of the abyss alone and the pressure will increase a lot.

After all, although the Fools are tyrannical, they are not without some effect on Mondstadt, otherwise they would have been expelled long ago.

However, the God of Wind is Mondstadt's belief. No matter what happens, the Knights must make them give an account!

Seeing that the cavalry captain seemed to have some dangerous thoughts, Wendy quickly said persuadingly: "Well, Kaia, there's no need to mess with them. In fact, I don't care."

"Lord Barbatos, it doesn't matter if you don't care. Otherwise, what if everyone thinks that we, the Knights of the West Wind, are timid and afraid of getting into trouble?"

Kaia spread his hands and said helplessly.

In the game plot, the Knights of the West Wind had no reaction to the God of Wind being taken away from the Heart of God. It seemed that they left in a hurry just because the "lady" took the Heart of God away, without being seen by the Knights of the West Wind and leaving no clue.

But now the guerrilla captain of the Knights has personally fought against her, and there are many nuns as witnesses.

Although they didn't know that Wendy was the God of Wind, the battle caused so much damage, and they still had to find the Fools to hold them accountable.

"Okay, but no matter what, we can't let Mondstadt have a war with Solstice Kingdom."

Wendy lowered her hands and nodded.

He understood that the comprehensive combat power of Mondstadt and Solstice Kingdom were quite different. If they started a war, they would probably lose. After all, maintaining peace over the years was not easy.

We can't let everyone fall into the flames of war.

Of course, the gods all know each other, and there is no hatred between countries. Generally speaking, there is a high probability that there will be no major conflicts.

"Understood." Kaiya said that he understood clearly, then looked at Youla, Li Qiuzhi and Ying and said, "The guerrilla captain and two honorary knights, please accompany me to surround the Goethe Hotel."

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