Dadaupa valley, forest path.

Under the ordinary wings of wind, a slight shadow caressed Fischer's snow-white back, and the oncoming airflow also lifted the tail of her purple and black skirt, revealing her buttocks wrapped in a triangular black silk one-piece bottom.

One side of her legs was wearing semi-transparent black stockings, and the other side was an over-the-knee garter stocking that slightly exposed her white thighs.

This slight asymmetry unexpectedly fits Fischer's beautiful appearance and unusual personality.

She maintained her balance, slowly stood on tiptoe with her feet on the dirt, and then retracted the wings of wind on her back, followed closely by Li Qiuzhi who did the same.

Then they looked ahead, where there was a group of black Qiuqiu people blocking them.

"These Qiuqiu people are so troublesome that they actually built a sentry tower in the middle of the road." Li Qiuzhi said a little helplessly.

As an adventurer, if you see this situation, of course you should come over and clean it up if you have the ability.

"Hmph~ Stupid Attendant, isn't this just right? Let me conquer them with you!" A bright light point appeared in Fischer's hand, and finally turned into a long bow.

"Okay, Your Royal Highness."

Li Qiuzhi took out his bladeless sword, and perhaps the reflection of the sword shook the people in Qiuqiu. They were immediately alarmed and discovered the arrival of the two uninvited guests.


In Li Qiuzhi's golden judgment, there were only two Qiuqiu thugs around level 20, and the others were ordinary Qiuqiu people of more than ten levels rushing towards them.

"Idiot servant, you deal with the archers and shamans in front of me. I'm attacking them!"

Fischer raised her arms to be parallel to her shoulders, exposing a completely uncovered piece of snow-white skin under her armpits. She pulled out the bow string and the purple lightning began to attach to the arrows.

"Okay." Li Qiuzhi also had this intention.

Fierce flames wrapped around the sword. He stepped back on the durable adventurer boots. His body instantly broke through the air barrier and flew past the trees on both sides. The reflective sword tip was on the neck of the Qiuqiu thug at the next moment. Crossed.

Blood spurted out immediately, and the Qiuqiu thug who was still running continued to run forward for a few steps under the influence of the remaining power of his body before falling down.

[Defeat powerful enemies and gain 433 experience points. 】

Li Qiuzhi ignored the message that popped up on the character panel and killed the two ordinary Qiuqiu people closest to him, and then pointed the tip of his sword at another Qiuqiu thug.

With his current strength, he can basically instantly kill anyone whose level is lower than his.

After all, he also has various blessings such as weapons, holy relics, character expertise, etc.

Experience points +133

Experience points +153

Experience points +392

After killing three monsters again, Li Qiuzhi looked behind the sentry tower built by the Qiuqiu people in the middle of the road and found that the Qiuqiu people's shooters and shamans had been cleared away by Fischer and Oz.

The corpse's forehead was accurately inserted with an arrow flashing with tiny electric light, including one hidden behind a bush.

"When did you become so accurate in archery?" Li Qiuzhi looked at Fischer in surprise.

Although Fischer's archery level is not bad, based on previous comparisons between him and himself, it was probably between level four or five.

Now from such a long distance, he actually hit the foreheads of so many Qiuqiu people and penetrated the bone mask. This must be at the seventh or eighth level.

You have improved so quickly, are you cheating too? Li Qiuzhi thought a little funny.

"Hmph~ This princess has always been like this!"

Fischer put away his bow and arrow, slightly raised his white chin, showing a proud expression.

"My lady actually practiced the archery skills recorded on the scales of the Wind Demon Dragon last night and learned some useful knowledge."

Oz finished cleaning up the last Chuchuman monster, flapped his night wings and flew back to the blonde girl and said.

"Oz, talk too much!"

Fischer put his hands on his hips and pressed his fingers on his lower abdomen, which was close to the black stockings and slightly revealed the snow-white skin, and said with some dissatisfaction.

"Huh?!" Li Qiuzhi showed a surprised expression, "Can you learn the arcane level of archery so quickly?"

"For the guilty princess of You Ye Pure Land, she only needs to look at anything to understand it."

Fischer's lips formed a soft arc.

"As expected of Her Royal Highness." Li Qiuzhi responded with a smile.

Of course, Fischer couldn't learn it at a glance. Unsurprisingly, the problem should lie in that scale.

Li Qiuzhi destroyed the sentry tower set up by the Qiuqiu people in the middle of the road, and collected the materials they dropped, namely their bone masks. It must be said that the Qiuqiu people looked a bit ugly under their masks.

No wonder even they themselves despise it.

After disposing of their things, the two continued walking forward, and soon they arrived at the shallow lake, or shallow beach, in the center of Daupa Valley.

They saw it from a distance just now when they were flying in the sky using the wings of wind.

At the same time, Li Qiuzhi also asked little Amy to take back the scales of the Wind Demon Dragon and study them for a while, and found that the archery skills recorded on the dragon scales by Wendy were actually memory transmissions.

It was easy to remember in his mind. No wonder Fischer managed to get started in one night and applied the skills in it to his own archery.

"The basic part of this archery is good, but the follow-up is related to the power of the wind element, which is not very suitable for the young lady, so she cannot practice it to a very high level."

Yesterday when Fischer was practicing archery, Oz was watching from the sidelines, so he also knew a little about this "archery of the gods".

Even if there is no way to practice to a very high level, the basic part has benefited Fischer a lot. After all, it is a secret level archery.

Li Qiuzhi had a few basic skills in ordinary archery at full level, and it took him a while to get started with it. He should be much faster than little Amy.

[Comprehended skill: Archery of the Gods·Mystery 1 (1/5000)]

Damn it, when will a skill that starts with 5,000 experience points be upgraded to the full level? With so many experience points, he has raised his level to a very high level.

The two of them walked on the dirt road, and the sides of their shoes were already stained with earthy mud.

While Li Qiuzhi was learning archery, he unknowingly arrived in front of the shallow water beach of Dadaupa Valley. The sword tomb in the middle was sealed by a translucent energy shield.

A woman with half-rimmed glasses and long black hair was pacing around there, looking troubled.

"Why haven't you come yet?"

Dr. Livingstone muttered, placing his curved index finger against his chin.

Until both of them came over, the lady still didn't seem to notice and kept walking on her own.

In desperation, Li Qiuzhi took the lead and asked, "Hello, are you Dr. Livingstone?"

"Huh? Hello, I'm sorry I was a little distracted. I'm Livingstone. Who are you?"

Dr. Livingstone looked at the two young boys and girls approaching, pushed up his glasses and asked with some confusion.

Thanks to "Mojiweichen" for the 100 coin reward!

Thanks to "Duanmu Ci 10086" for the 101 coin reward!

Thanks for the 500-coin reward of "Floating Like Glass"!

Thanks to "Tovelllllo" for the 100 coin reward!

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