I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 173 Entering the Qiuqiu people’s camp

"Hello, doctor, my name is Li Qiuzhi. These are my companions Fischer and Oz. We are adventurers who have accepted your commission."

With a smile on his face, Li Qiuzhi first introduced himself, then introduced Fischer and Oz, and finally explained.

Livingstone was a little surprised when he heard what he said.

If I remember correctly, one of the two new honorary knights announced by the Knights some time ago is named Li Qiuzhi.

And they look very similar to the ones in the portraits, with faces from Liyue people.

"It turns out it's you, Mr. Honorary Knight. I heard that you participated in defeating the Wind Demon Dragon. You must be very powerful. It seems that I have a chance to successfully break the seal of the Sword Tomb this time."

Livingstone said excitedly.

"Thank you. As for whether I can help you, I can't make a conclusion yet. Let me tell you what you want to do first."

Li Qiuzhi thought about it and said.

The golden sunlight shines on the sparkling water, reflecting the figures of several people like a mirror.

"Yes!" Dr. Livingstone nodded heavily, "This was once an ancient battlefield. The triple seal barrier set up with the power of elements here was to protect the relics in the sword tomb from being tainted by monsters.

"After my day and night research, Livingstone finally found the key nodes to maintain this seal barrier from the flow of elemental power. As long as the element obelisks set up at the three key nodes are lit, the triple seal barrier will disappear!"

The silhouette of the blonde girl was reflected in the water, and her right leg, wrapped in panty-style black silk stockings, seemed to be covered with a "background blur" filter.

Fischer raised her pretty fair face slightly, then parted her lips and said:

"Oh? Isn't it very simple to light up the elemental obelisk? Tell me their location quickly and let's set off now!"

"Not so, Miss Fisher."

Dr. Livingstone fiddled with the ends of his hair that were level with his brow, shook his head and said:

"It is indeed not difficult to light up the elemental obelisks. The difficulty is that they are located in the three nearby Qiuqiu tribes.

“If you want to attack the elemental obelisk, you must not be discovered by the Qiuqiu people in the camp, or you must defeat them all.

"But it's a pity that I, Livingstone, am an adventurer with wisdom as good as the stars and courage to brave the abyss, but I don't have the power to defeat the Qiuqiu people!"

Er, is that why you have to go to the Adventurers Association to issue a commission? According to you, if you are given the strength to defeat them, will you have to fight against the abyss alone in the future?

Li Qiuzhi complained silently in his heart.

"I have tried to sneak into the camps of those Qiuqiu people several times, but unfortunately I have been discovered. Fortunately, I am also an adventurer and my ability to escape is also good.

"Those elemental obelisks are in the arena of the 'Good Meat Clan' in the north, in the pool of the 'Good Sleep Clan' in the south, and in the center of the camp of the Black Sun Clan in the east. I'll leave them to you two."

Livingstone described the information he had discovered in detail.

Fischer folded his hands and hugged his chest, and said in a confident tone: "Of course there is no problem, leave these matters to the princess!"

"Well, given the weather conditions now, you should go to the nearest sleeper group in the south first.

"As soon as it falls at night, they will fall asleep, and even the Qiuqiu people who watch the night will doze off. The difficulty of touching them will be greatly reduced."

Livingstone said suggestively.

"That makes sense." Li Qiuzhi nodded.

A Qiuqiu tribe has at least dozens or hundreds of monsters, many of which are quite powerful, so a frontal attack is definitely not possible.

As night falls, the Milky Way, where the stars gather, arrives as expected.

The three of them lit a bonfire with the wood they collected on the flat ground outside the energy shield sealed by the sword tomb, and hung an iron pot on it with a triangular wooden frame.

The aroma of mushrooms and wild forest pork wafts from the pot.

Fischer sat on a log lying on the ground with her knees slightly bent and her legs together. Her soft buttocks wrapped in a triangle one-piece bottom under her skirt was just blocked by her calves that were tightly attached to black stockings.

She held a bowl of hot broth noodles and blew air on its surface one bite at a time.

Li Qiuzhi sat next to her, put down the dishes and chopsticks that he had finished eating, and looked up at the stars:

"By the way, at this point in time, are those Qiuqiu people who are the 'good sleepers' sleeping? Can they touch them?"

He uses the "Form Concealment" skill, so he can touch it at any time.

However, when you light up the elemental obelisk, you may be disturbed by the elemental force and lose your invisibility. In this case, you will be discovered when you retreat.

So it is more appropriate to use it when you save it.

"The sky is no longer bright. It's almost time to go now, but just to be on the safe side, wait a little longer."

Livingstone also looked up at the sky.

"Well, I've just finished dinner anyway, so it's good to take a little rest." Li Qiuzhi nodded and said.

Everyone ate, drank, and rested for a while. Dr. Livingstone stayed here to guard the camp, while Li Qiuzhi and Fischer went to the "Good Sleepers" side first.

Soon after.

The two of them hid outside the wooden fence of the "Sleeping Clan" camp. Then they took a closer look at the nearby sentry tower and found that the Qiuqiu people were indeed dozing off.

Some even fell asleep directly on the guard tower! As expected, the name of their tribe was not embarrassed.

“Every Qiuqiu man in the entire camp seemed to be sleeping, and Oz also saw the thunder element obelisk on the other side of the pool.

"The stupid servant, this princess, thinks we can go directly to the Black Sun tribe in the east and let Oz light up this place."

Fischer takes in the entire camp through a shared view with Oz.

"It turns out to be the thunder element obelisk, then we really don't need to take action." Li Qiuzhi nodded slightly and said.

Since the obelisk mechanism on the "Sleeping Tribe" side is of thunder element, Oz can just light it up when they move further away.

In this way, even if the Qiuqiu people are awakened, they will not be able to fly to high altitudes to attack Oz.

It just so happens that the Black Sun tribe in the east is not too far from here. All they have to do is climb up the mountain wall on their left and walk a while. If they can light up two element obelisks tonight.

Then we only need to go to the "Good Meat Clan" tomorrow, which will be much more efficient.

Although the Qiuqiu people of the "Black Sun Clan" are much more vigilant at night than the Qiuqiu people of the "Sleeping Clan", Lisa cleaned them up on a large scale the last time they came to get the "Wind Dragon Teardrops" Go through it.

It hasn't been long now, so he must not have regained his strength so quickly. The one who needs to be careful is the Ice Abyss mage who escaped last time.

I don't know if it came back.

If it were there, with its strength, if Li Qiuzhi and the others got close to the "Black Sun Clan" camp, they would be discovered soon, which would be very dangerous.

Li Qiuzhi thought for a moment and said:

"We can go to the Black Sun Clan first, but don't get too close. Last time I met a relatively powerful Abyss Mage there. Just in case, let Oz see it later. Not here."

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