"Hey, fish fry, Keli is going to fry fish!"

On the road in the middle of the Whispering Forest, a small red figure opened his hands and ran quickly towards Xingluo Lake as if embracing the breeze.

"Wait a minute, Xiao Keli, don't run so fast, pay attention to see if there are any monsters around you!"

Noelle, who was wearing maid-style armor, felt a little helpless at this time. Looking at Xiao Keli, she felt even more tired than moving things.

No, no, this is Captain Qin’s test for me, the trainee knight! As long as I do a good job of taking care of Xiao Keli, I will be one step closer to becoming an official knight!

Noelle's legs, wearing over-the-knee white armored boots under her skirt, swung rapidly as she trotted, following closely behind Little Keli.

The boots made a "clicking" sound due to the collision and friction of the movement.

At this time, a strong gust of wind came from ahead and blew off the red hat of little Keli who was running in front, and it happened to fall upside down on Noel's face.


Noelle was suddenly blindfolded and let out a small exclamation. Then he took off his hat and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that little Keli didn't run away.

"Well, Kelly's hat fell off."

Keli covered her head, turned around and looked around, but didn't find her hat.

"Xiao Keli, your hat is here."

A smile appeared on Noelle's fair face. She placed the red hat on Little Keli's head and helped her put it on straightly.

"Okay, I didn't lose my hat!" Kelly jumped happily, then turned to look at the woods in front of her strangely, and said doubtfully, "Why is there such a strong wind all of a sudden?"

"Yes, and it comes from the woods..." Noelle put his hand in his armored gloves against his white chin and said thoughtfully.

"Humph, Keli knows. The one who will blow Keli's hat away must be the big bad guy. Hehe, sister Noelle, let's go teach the big bad guy a lesson together!"

Keli, who was carrying a brown backpack, seemed to have thought of something and ran inside excitedly.

"Hey! Xiao Keli, what if you encounter a dangerous monster!"

Noelle sighed and quickly followed.

Little Keli has too much energy and is curious about everything. She is indeed very similar to her mother, Ms. Alice.


Sugar covered her hat to prevent it from blowing away, and the cloak hanging down her back was fluttering like a flag at this time.

Although Li Qiuzhi was almost unable to open his eyes due to the blow, the blue light ball of the wind chime bird had been broken by this time, which was a good time to counterattack.

While he was thinking, he put back the edgeless sword in his hand and took out the adventurer's hunting bow.

Against the strong wind, he quickly attached a water elemental arrow. The reason he chose it was that he didn't have to spend time attaching to the elemental power and could fight back when it came back to its senses.

As a water-colored arrow shot out, it instantly ignored the short space distance and directly hit its head.

The violent water element bloomed mixed with blood, but perhaps because of the poor performance of the weapon, the arrow could not penetrate its bird head.

It was this blow that injured the wind chime bird, and at the same time, the strong wind stopped, but the demon bird was also angry, and its eyes were stained red as if full of blood.

That innocent expression also became more ferocious.

"Hey, it seems to be angry!" Sugar said slightly nervously.

"Well, don't worry, I will protect you."

Li Qiuzhi nodded and said.

Now that the magic bird was injured, even if it was angry, the threat to him was not as good as before.

When the demon bird is angry, it may attack more violently, but due to the impact of its injuries, its status will quickly decline.

As long as he can withstand it, he can slowly gain the advantage!

After the hurricane, the leaves on the surrounding trees were still falling, and a ray of sunshine happened to shine on Li Qiuzhi's face.

He did not hesitate, and while the magic bird was still brewing, he took out the edgeless sword and attached it to the fire element, then stood on the spot and activated the extraordinary characteristic of "charging momentum" of swordsmanship.

The magic bird just now had the water element attached to it by his elemental arrow.

If it were stabbed by his sword that had been amplified by "charging" and coupled with the "evaporation" reaction, it would be seriously injured even if it didn't die!

The angry wind chime bird also instinctively felt that the human in front of him was preparing some big move. He shook his painful head, flapped his green wings, and cut through with continuous wind blades.

Li Qiuzhi didn't want to force the attack, so the momentum of the Wufengjian was enough.

He swung his body to the left, easily dodging the wind blade, and then stepped on the ground. His whole body was like an arrow, breaking through the air and quickly closing the distance with the magic bird.

The next moment, the sword with the fire element turned around and slashed towards the demon bird's chest.

The ferocious gaze of the wind chime bird narrowed slightly. It was not a monster known for its defense, so it did not dare to attack it forcefully.

With his wings moving, he dodged Li Qiuzhi's horizontal slash and was about to scratch his head with his claws.

But at this time, Li Qiuzhi's body sank, his upper body turned back, and the long sword held in his right hand was pulled back to the ground to strike.

Seeing this situation, the wind chime bird could only withdraw its attack and continued to fly a little higher.

It was almost carried away with anger just now, but it suddenly realized that it could fly.

Why do you have to use your claws to fight with humans on the ground? As long as you keep flying in the sky and fight with them, you will be completely invincible.

Although the wind chime bird is not as intelligent as the abyss mage.

But he is not a complete idiot, and he cannot even discover his own advantages when facing the enemy.

So, the Wind Chime Magic Bird flew up to the tree crown again and shot Li Qiuzhi continuously with its wind blade. He had no choice but to flee in a hurry.

Those wind blades cut cracks in the ground behind him.

"Hi~ What a despicable monster!"

Li Qiuzhi was completely unfazed when he hit him head-on. He didn't expect that this guy suddenly seemed to have an idea and actually used his air superiority.

With such a fierce attack, there was no way he could stop and use his bow and arrow to fight back!

Li Qiuzhi thought about it and realized that being beaten all the time was not an option, so he thought for a moment.

She was about to tell Sugar, who was hiding behind the tree, that she was attracting the magic bird and asked her to run away before he could catch up.


In addition to the sound of raging wind blades cutting the air, there was a sound of "Hey" in the woods.

After that, Li Qiuzhi saw a black spherical object flying towards the magic bird on the canopy of the tree from outside.

The blue chime bird is obviously a little confused about this slow black ball of unknown origin, but the biological instinct makes it wary of things of unknown origin.

One of its wings flapped at the black ball, just when it thought it would flap the ball away.


Just like the beginning of the universe, a new sun was born next to the magic bird.

The burning of the flames and the shock wave of the explosion blew the wind chime bird away, forming an arc and falling to the ground, and rolled twice before stopping.

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